Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 671: plan

The concentration of this dragon mark energy really surged five times over the night.

Undoubtedly, there is the existence of the level of Supreme Dragon, which has attracted so many dragon marks energy from elsewhere.

Originally, Supreme Shenlong had the ability to increase the dragon mark energy of Longwu College, but it was not necessary. It is probably because the four Longwu colleges on Longwu mainland are not too powerful and not worth investing. too much.

But now, the void crack appears in the Longwu mainland, and if the Shenlong dragon does not gather more dragon mark energy, it is likely that the Longwu continent will be destroyed.

Since the Supreme Dragons created the Longwu Continent, they naturally wouldn’t sit back and watch it be destroyed. Therefore, there will be such a rapid increase in the energy of the dragon mark.

Although the dragon mark energy has skyrocketed five times, but for the students of the major Longwu College, the improvement of the dragon's blood quality has not accelerated too much.

Mainly the number of places in the major practice areas of Longwu College has tripled, reaching three times the previous level.

So in fact, the energy of the dragon mark that each student can get is basically only 60% higher than before, but this is already a bad improvement.

If it turns out that the ordinary students who practiced in Yuheng District, the speed of absorbing the energy of the dragon mark is one, then the Jiang Shenwu, who was originally cultivated in Yuheng District, absorbed the energy of the dragon mark.

Now, Jiang Shenwu has been upgraded to the Tianzhu District to cultivate, the overall dragon mark energy concentration has increased, and he absorbs the speed of the dragon mark energy, it can be said to reach twenty-five!

This is almost two and a half times the original, and the effect is still very obvious.

If Jiang Shenwu can reach Tianshu District, then the speed of absorbing the energy of the dragon mark may be about 50 times that of the original period in Yuheng District, and it will be turned over now.

It is a pity that in Tianshu District, he had to go to the void cracks most of the time. He did not have the freedom to stay in Longwu College for cultivation.

Of course, Longwu College will not let the students in Tianshu District and Tianzhu District continue to practice in the vicinity of the Void Crack. After killing enough Void Monsters, each student can take time off to return to Longwu College and conduct their own. Cultivation is mainly to absorb the energy of dragon marks.

Moreover, it is said that the students in Tianshu District and Tianzhu District will have a certain increase in absorption rate when they return to the college to absorb the energy of the dragon mark.

This is mainly the reward they can get when they are practicing in the void cracks. They can hunt the void monsters and get the hunter points. With the hunter points, you can redeem some treasures that can't be exchanged at Longwu College.

It is a pity that Jiang Shenwu is not going to hunt the Nether Monster for the time being. It is still a bit too high for him, or he will go to the Beast and practice his strength to make his strength stronger.

"It will take about a year!"

“After a year, I can participate in the college and strive to step into the Tianshu District!”

One year later, Jiang Shenwu’s goal is the most central Tianshu District. If you say it, it’s hard to believe that even someone will laugh at him.

A year from the Tianzhu District to the Tianshu District, it is almost an idiot to dream, to know the original phoenix, Yu Tianshang and other top genius, from Tianzhu District to Tianzhu District, Tianzhu District to Tianshu The district has been spent for several years.

It is almost impossible to complete such a leap in just one year.

However, Jiang Shenwu may not be able to complete things that others cannot do.

After all, Jiang Shenwu has the power to devour talent, and then he can lead the team to monopolize the beast, and it is relatively easy to experience the points. It is not necessary to reach the strength of Tianshu District within one year.

Of course, Jiang Shenwu is not 100% sure to achieve.

At present, there are nine places in Tianshu District, three times more than before, but each of the practitioners in Tianshu District is the leader among the trainees, basically the dragon and dragon level, and is the reincarnation. More than five!

The dragon's blood may also be the third or even the fourth.

It is still difficult for Jiang Shenwu to catch up with them.

"Now to the Tianzhu District, you can spend half a year to absorb the dragon mark energy!"

Jiang Shenwu thought about this.

His current dragon and blood quality grade is the sixth layer of the Dragon King. He wants to reach the dragon and dragon level of the dragon and blood, and needs to be upgraded four times.

These four upgrades, in the past, may take him two or three years.

But now, it only takes less than a year to be enough.

Of course, the premise is that he will not encounter the bottleneck of breakthrough blood.

With the talent of Jiang Shenwu, the possibility of encountering a bottleneck is not great, and Jiang Shenwu may not always practice at Longwu College, absorb the energy of the dragon mark, he must lead the team to the beast, and exercise himself from time to time.

After all, his current dragons and scorpions and slaps of the shadows must be upgraded in actual combat.

Among them, the glimpse of the shadows, of course, is faster in the actual combat.

The dragon and the tyrannical body are going through various attacks, so that the dragon's body will continue to withstand the destruction of the full attribute, and finally it will be able to smash the body parts of the savage beast and absorb its power to make a breakthrough.

Therefore, staying at Longwu College, Jiang Shenwu's advanced source dragon martial arts is definitely difficult to upgrade. If you have been building a closed door, I am afraid that it will take one or two years to upgrade these two dragon martial arts to the level of the prefecture.

That is too slow for Jiang Shenwu.

Therefore, going out to fight the battle is a must, not to mention Jiang Shenwu still wants some experience points, redeem some treasures that let the dragon mark energy absorb faster.

For example, some oral medicinal herbs allow the dragon's body to absorb the dragon's mark energy more quickly.

For example, some Tianmu Dibao itself contains dragon mark energy. If it is swallowed and absorbed, it can also speed up the progress of Jiang Shenwu Shenlong's blood level.

The average student rarely exchanges the treasures of the dragons with the dragon's energy, because they are too slow to get the points.

And Jiang Shenwu's speed of earning points is definitely several times faster than the average student!

This makes him go to the beast, as long as the luck is not too bad, with everyone will get a lot of experience points ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ converted into a dragon mark energy treasure, not a waste of his time, but will shorten his The time of the dragon's blood quality upgrade.

"Cultivate for a period of time and break through the Dragon King's blood to the seventh floor!"

Jiang Shenwu made the decision.

Next, he let, of course, Liang Shuo, laughter flowers and white skirt girls, all stay in the college to absorb some dragon mark energy, let the dragon king blood grade first upgrade a layer... Of course, they absorb the speed of the dragon mark energy, certainly Without Jiang Shenwu to come fast, I can only say that as soon as possible.

The Longwu people know that if they all rely on the dragon's energy and the heavenly treasures to upgrade the dragon's blood quality, the dragon's blood will not be so pure, even if it breaks into the dragon king in the future, the power will be better than other dragons. The warrior is lower.

In general, relying on the dragon mark energy absorbed by Tiandi Dibao, it is best not to exceed half of the breakthrough Shenlong essence blood grade, otherwise there will be an impact on strength.

Less than half, it has no effect.

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu suggested that everyone should first absorb some of the dragon mark energy in the college, and then go to the beast to see the situation and try their luck.

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