Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 659: College pattern

Five months later.

Jiang Shenwu returned from the Yanlong Dynasty and returned to the Emperor Longwu College.

For these five months, for him, it was a great change for five months.

He spent three months to cultivate the dragon and the body, and then spent two months to cultivate the shadow of the shadow, the two strokes of the high-end dragon martial arts were cultivated to the human level, it took him nearly half a year .

However, even if these two dragon martial arts are only cultivated to the human level, they will make his fighting power soar!

First of all, the strength of his dragon's body has doubled directly. The success of the dragon's hegemony has made his dragon's body defense reach a new height. On the scales, he has attached the power of the hegemony. Allow him to resist the opponent's attack with the power of the hegemony.

At the same time, he has been able to switch between the three postures, namely the strong attack posture, the guard posture and the dexterity posture.

Although only the human-level dragons and tyrants, the benefits of switching between the three gestures are not too high, but they have been able to more than double their explosive power, defense ability and speed.

The high-level original dragon martial arts, each trick is the heart and wisdom of the ancestors of countless dragon warriors.

If the phoenix dance of the scent of flowers is burned for nine days, the resistance of the opponent's flame attributes can be weakened, and it can show extremely horrible effects in a protracted war.

To be honest, in the end, the three gods of Jiang Shenwu can kill the obese sixth-class middle-class demon in the experience, and the phoenix dance of the laughter spent nine days.

Now, Jiang Shenwu’s dragon and tyrants have been successfully cultivated. Although they are only human, they have more than doubled their combat power.

At the same time, the success of the singer's swaying flash, let him first glimpse the path of the void, can feel the power of the void, short distance, short time shuttle in the void.

Now Jiang Shenwu can stay in the void for the most time, and can shuttle the distance of one foot at a time, which is almost equivalent to the length of the dragon of the ten dragons.

This distance is enough to break away from the attack distance of the opponent he will encounter at this stage.

But this is not enough, because if he goes to deal with the void monster near the crack of the void, he is likely to encounter those far beyond his existence.

If he wants to escape, he must practice the glimpse of the shadows to a higher level.

Of course, this is not anxious, although the magic of the crack in the void is a matter of time, but it is still too early for the students in Yuheng District.

In the past five months, there have been some news inside the Emperor Longwu College.

In this college ratio, the original student division will indeed change, and ... not originally spread, the number of people in each region has doubled.

It is three times the original!

There were three students in the original Tianshu District, and now they are nine!

Originally there were seven students in Tianzhu District, and now there are twenty-one places!

The next Tianzhu District and Tianquan District were originally nine and fifteen, but now they are twenty-seven and forty-five.

Including Yuheng District and Kaiyang District, the number of people will be changed from fifteen to forty-five.

In this way, if the first six areas are all added together, there will be nearly two hundred places... This is already more than the number of students in the entire Longhuangwu Academy!

So if this is the case, then all the students of the Emperor Longwu Academy can leave the Yaoguang District!

"How much dragon mark energy is this sent?"

Jiang Shenwu has some emotions.

The reason why the original partition is because the dragon mark energy is too small.

But now this change is definitely because the Supreme Dragon brings more dragon mark energy, so that everyone can enjoy more dragon mark energy.

In addition, I heard that the four Longwu Institutes are about to open to the public.

The requirements and thresholds for joining Longwu College have been reduced, but the age requirement is the same as before. As long as you are over 30 years old, you cannot join Longwu College.

These sayings, although Jiang Shenwu has been closing the door to practice dragon martial arts, but it is also heard.

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu began to consider what level he could reach.

It turned out that he is confident that he can join the Tianquan District and become a student in the Tianquan District.

Then his combat power is at least the top 34 of the Emperor Longwu College.

Now Tianqiao District and Tianzhu District add up to just 30 places.

"If I work harder, maybe I can join the Tianzhu District directly!"

"However, I heard that the students in Tianshu District and Tianzhu District must leave the Longwu Continent and go to the Void Camp to fight against the Nether Monster!"

"Now, I am not suitable to go straight to the void monster... so you can stabilize the Tianzhu District first."

"In the Tianzhu District, the speed at which I devour the energy of the Dragon Mark will be at least twice as fast as the current Yuheng District, and then... sprint the Dragon King!"

This is the intention of Jiang Shenwu.

Compared with other people, Jiang Shenwu has a very clear goal, he will wait until he becomes stronger and will go to adventure.

Before reaching the Tianzhu District, he can also go to the beast to earn a large amount of experience points.

Nowadays, the students in Tianshu District and Tianzhu District have been forcibly sent to the Void Camp. Then the students of the Beast City are less, and Jiang Shenwu enters it, which is definitely the strongest existence.

"The original Wu Mochen and other students are considered to be relatively strong in the beast."

"But now... Wu Mochen can definitely step into the Tianzhu District, even Tianshu District!"

"So the strongest beast is the students in the Tianzhu District. When I reach the level of the Dragon Emperor, I can easily dominate the entire beast."

At that time, Jiang Shenwu got the experience points and it was easy to get ~www.novelmtl.com~ The void monster from the void crack can be said to be the cause of Longwu mainland, but from the change, Jiang Shenwu can also find the most suitable The road to development.

When he spent five months refining the two dragon martial arts successfully, he returned to the Yanlong dynasty. This is of course the demon of the demarcation of the demon. Although it is slightly rounded, it is also ginger. Shenwu saved a lot of time.

He couldn't call Dean Yu Yaji every time to go back and help.

He went back this time and successfully broke through to the seventh place in the Nirvana robbery, and once again condensed the power of Nirvana!

Now his combat power can be said to have skyrocketed at least two or three times compared with the previous experience in the void. If there is any previous experience, he dares to challenge the reign of the reincarnation.

It is a pity that there is only one experience, so that they can quickly improve these students.

“However, the Scorpio area is not too weak.”

"It is not so easy to step into the Tianzhu District. I have made great progress this time. Others have made great progress. It is not so easy to enter the top 30 of the Emperor Longwu College. After all, I even have the dragon. The blood has not reached the level of the Dragon King..."

Jiang Shenwu did not think too much.

After his breakthrough, he returned to the Emperor Longwu College and planned to prepare for the next college.

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