Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 646: Return to the stars

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Outside the Longwu mainland.

Among the stars that gathered a lot of empty monsters, Jiang Shenwu returned with two women.

It’s been more than half a month since they came over last time.

From the final deadline of this experience, there is only the last five days.

Jiang Shenwu is not in a hurry. Anyway, they are fully prepared. There are still two chances. There are five days to fully defeat the fifth and sixth heavy middle spirits.

When they arrived, many of the students around Longwu College concentrated their attention on them.

The void in this piece of guardian barrier is the place where the vanity of the void is imprisoned. The number of dragon warriors is here, and the number seems to be absorbed.

However, Jiang Shenwu came over this time and found that the Longwu practitioners here are much more than the last time they came over.

Even he has seen many familiar faces.

For example, Yu Tianshang and Qin Tianzi of Donghuang Longwu College!

These two are the students of the core Tianshu District of the Eastern Emperor Longwu Academy. Their combat power is the peak of the students. A while ago, they basically fight against the void monsters near the void crack.

But on the last seven days, these top students have come to this place.

As the students of Longwu College, they naturally need to practice points to cultivate. They have hunted a lot of empty monsters in the vicinity of the void cracks, earning the points of not killing.

But it is life-threatening. If you are not careful, you may die near the crack of the void and never return...

They earn a lot of experience points, but that is also available through blood and fire.

In the experience of the place where the experience is specially arranged, the rewards are also valid for the Tianshu District students. They naturally want to come back and earn a sum in the last few days.

There are three students in Tianshu District, each of which has a total of twelve.

When Jiang Shenwu arrived, the twelve people were almost all together.

Their goal is to hunt those median magicians, even the upper devils, the stronger the opponents that can be killed, the more experience points they can earn.

Although this harvest is not as good as the actual scores they have gained in the vicinity of the Void Crack, hunting the Nether Monsters, but it is also quite a lot, which is a good income.

This kind of opportunity to earn extra money, they will not let go, for them, every minute of cultivation resources must be cherished, can not be wasted, it means how long they need to break through to a higher level, become a dragon Emperor.

In addition to Yu Tianshang and Qin Tianzi, Jiang Shenwu also saw the strongest student of the Emperor Longwu Academy, Feng Lige.

This is a heroic woman. At this moment, it seems to be healing at one side and closing her eyes.

"It is said that Feng Lie’s song is near the crack of the void, and he has hunted a superior magical man. He was injured and is now healing."

Jiang Shenwu heard someone explaining something nearby.

He nodded.

Now he and the laughing flowers, the white skirt girl, can be regarded as the man of the four Longwu Academy, so naturally someone would want to make them.

Soon they arrived at the scene.

The challenge experience is coming to an end, and it is nearing the deadline. Therefore, the number of students who have challenged has become much more than before. Basically, the students in the experience are challenged every moment.

“How have you cultivated in the last two weeks?”

Suddenly a voice was introduced into the ears of Jiang Shenwu, and a beautiful woman in a red dress appeared in front of them. It was the dragon emperor who was responsible for the experience of the Emperor Longwu Academy.

"The progress is not small, thank you for your tutor."

Jiang Shenwu immediately respected the salute.

Laughing flowers and white skirt girls are the same, although they know that the reward points earned this time are actually given by the college, but this beautiful tutor has given them a lot of care. This is a fact.

"In the past two months, have other Yuheng District students challenge and defeat the middle spirit?"

Jiang Shenwu asked a little bit about it.

"There are some, there is Chu Chuyun, he broke through to the first round of reincarnation, this is the blood of the East Emperor Longwu College is training him."

The beautiful dragon emperor chuckled and said: "Maybe the college does not allow this Chu Qingyun, lose to you from the East Emperor Longwu College."

This mentality is understandable.

So how many cultivation resources did Chu Qingyun get?

too terrifying!

Breaking into the first round of reincarnation in a short period of time, this is not something that can be done with a little cultivation resources.

The white-skirt girl has been accumulating, and she is preparing for this day on weekdays. It can be said that it is thick and thin, so it just broke through to the reincarnation.

But this Chu Qingyun... How long does the front foot break?

If you want to break through to the reincarnation, you need more than just cultivation resources!

If you don't have enough talent, you want to forcibly break through, and you need at least ten times more cultivation resources than usual!

Ten times the resources are on the top of Chu Qingyun, so that he has such an improvement is also excusable. If this can't be done ~www.novelmtl.com~ Chu Qingyun is better than dead, how to say it is Donghuanglong The students of Yuheng District of Wu College, this talent is still there.

This Chu Qingyun, in fact, is not so unbearable, but compared with the top talents such as Yu Tianshang and Jiang Shenwu, it seems to be slightly weaker.

"Chu Qingyun led the team and killed the fifth-class mid-level demon in the reincarnation."

The beauty instructor continued: "But they have run out of three chances. Finally, the fifth-order mid-level demon is lucky enough to encounter a defensive type of vanity, so that they can barely kill each other."

"In addition to the Chu Qingyun team, the strongest team of the Southern Emperor Longwu Academy and the Northern Desolation Longwu Academy have already killed the fourth-class mid-level demon of the reincarnation and the results are not bad."

"Of course, I believe that among the four colleges, the team of the three of you is the best and the strongest. You can get back on this time, at least not to the team of Chu Qingyun."

"How, are you confident?"

The beauty tutor asked with a squint.

"Of course, of course, I can't lose to Chu Qingyun anyway?"

Jiang Shenwu mouth corner slightly warped: "I just got a little familiar with his big desperate sword that I won. If I lost to Chu Qingyun, this big desert sword is also awkward."

"So, I won't let this happen."

If it was before, Jiang Shenwu might be worried about encountering the defensive type of the Nether Monster, but now he can use the power of the great savage sword. This is a purely attacking type of dragon soldier, and the power of the dragon martial arts of Jiang Shenwu is improved. Too much!

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