Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 622: Abstain

Her injury resumed, and many people outside were shocked.

However, before she was completely recovered, the next demon soldier immediately launched an offensive to her again!

This time, Liang Shu and the four of them simply did not react. The speed of the next demon is really too fast!

Although the power of this move is relatively small, the next devil's offensive with this high speed is to make people react, but even if the power is almost indifferent.

The next devil is directly attacking!

It is probably the biggest opponent of it, so I want to solve it first and then deal with the other four...

It is a pity that it has long been prepared for this sudden sneak attack.

When the next demon sneaked into the sneak attack, there was a storm tornado around the body of the dragon, and the wind was breaking!

When this storm tornado appeared, the whole dragon's body glided away from the situation, and for the next demon, the wind and the dragon broke into the power to block its advancement.

A storm tornado took the next dwarf into it and directly pushed it away!

Even if the strength of the next demon **** is tyrannical, the figure is also affected for a time, and the dark storm wrapped around it is slowed down half a beat.

However, the body of the dragon, suddenly dangerous and dangerous, gliding to the distance with the dark storm, the storm tornado was completely crushed by the dark storm!

"Three strokes!"

Almost just in an instant, the next devil has already attacked three strokes, but none of the three moves has any effect.

In this case, the students and mentors who had planned to ridicule the Emperor Longwu Academy had been dumbly for a while, so it was so easy to take the attack of the next three strokes. This strength is already very extreme. Strong!

The Yaoguang District students from other colleges teamed up and basically teamed up to be able to block the attack of the next.

Even if it is a team of six or even seven, it is impossible to rely on one of them to do this.

Of course, those teams of six or seven are better at playing, but the final score will be reduced. Under the same challenge evaluation, everyone will get fewer points.

Therefore, the five-person team is the most standard and the most team.

But when it comes to team formation, who is not relying on team strength to deal with the next devil?

but now……

However, it seems to be killing with the next person with the power of oneself!

Of course, she is completely dodging, but there is still a lot of effort between dodge, it is very shocking.

The wind and the dragon are broken, and she is now cultivating to the prefecture level. It is not too strong, but the key is that her talent, the power of black jade, has too much destructive power.

Even the dark storm of the next level of the demon can destroy some of her power, which is something that no one else can do.

Then, the next devil seems to be completely angry.

It does not care about the five people of Liang Shu, but it is swept away by the place where it is!


This next devil is surrounded by dark magic, this magical degree, like the more than doubled!

With such a strong breath, let's be prepared for vigilance.

When the next demons turned into a black gas, they suddenly rushed toward it, and the figure seemed to be broken, but it was reflected in the first time.

“The wind is breaking!”

A tornado storm erupted toward the surrounding area, welcoming directly toward the black gas formed by the next demons.

Explosive forces are on the scene.

At the same time, although the whole dragon's body was affected, the latter half of the dragon's body was almost completely involved in the dark magic power, and the dragon's blood splashed out!

The speed of the next demon is too fast, even if it is dodging at the fastest speed, still can not all escape, half of the dragon's body was involved, and instantly suffered heavy damage!

After this move, even if it recovers quickly, it is impossible to resist the next offensive of the next devil.

However, when the next devil was launching the next move, and wanted to kill the second, Liang Shuo stood up. They prepared for so long, and their strongest defenses broke out!

Because the next magical fire broke out at the fastest speed and wanted to kill, it was not too strong.

This time, the strength of the four beams of Liang Shuo condensed into a thick guardian barrier, and the body of the four dragons came close to the side of the body, surrounded her in the middle.

The condensed guardian's condensate trembled and was bombarded by the dark storm of the next sorcerer, breaking down layer by layer. However, a layer of blood-red guardian barrier completely resisted the attack of the next savage.

"The Dragon King of the 9-Day Bloodstorm!"

Liang Shuming’s strongest defense, at this time, resisted the final offensive of the next demon, and saved it.

At the same time, it is also the fifth measure to resist the next devil!

They came directly to the highest record of the previous Yaoguang District students. It can be said that Liang Shuo is very excited inside, but they still want to break through!

If you can take the seventh stroke of this next devil, then they will be able to get the highest reward for Yaoguang District students...

Unfortunately, ~www.novelmtl.com~ the next devil will not give them any chance.

Then there was another black storm, which instantly plunged and smashed his remaining fragile defense.

Their defensive dragon martial arts have just been displayed, and far from being able to display the next dragon martial arts. At this moment, if they are facing the impact of the next devil, they must have only one dead road, and even one can be killed four times!

They did not practice the chaotic dragon body like that... Although it is only a human-level chaotic dragon, the effect is quite remarkable.

Under the circumstances that the ordinary dragon warriors can't come to defend their dragon martial arts, even if they face opponents who are lower than themselves, they are likely to suffer directly, not to mention that the next one is much stronger than Liang Shu.

"We abstain!"

Liang Shuo instantly judged the situation, and a pair of dragons and squats tightened, and they all seemed to have cold sweat.

When a student abstained, the Emperor Huang’s mentor immediately rescued.

A layer of snow-white guardian barrier appeared in front of Liang Shu, and the dark storm of the next demons was resisted!

"Resist the five strokes, the results are good, keep up the good work."

A dragon emperor dressed in white did not even turn into a dragon form. With this state alone, the offensive of the next demons would be blocked, and the white barrier would not move!

This shows the strength of this dragon emperor.

Jiang Shenwu outside can't even feel how strong he is!

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