Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 615: Magic soldier

The direction in the sky is where the students are.

As for the battlefields of the mentor, it is in the distance of the stars, from the void cracks thousands of miles away.

Jiang Shenwu looked at the direction pointed by the instructor and saw that there were some obvious light coming from there. It should be that the students of the four Longwu Academy gathered and practiced there.

In the opposite direction, far away from the starry sky, there is a dark crack that crosses the starry sky!

Even when the light passed through this dark crack, it was swallowed in ruthlessly.

A chill, from the direction of the black crack, passed through thousands of miles, so that the students in the field were a little tremble.

"The void crack is the battlefield of my generation..."

The Emperor of the Dragon Emperor said: "But all the students who stepped into the Tianzhu District are now fighting near the cracks. If they don't care, they will be torn into pieces by the Nether Monsters, but they will not hesitate to participate in the battle against the monsters. ""

"As for you, you must first participate in the experience! Your strength is not enough. On the frontal battlefield, there is only one dead end... So, when you go through the experience, pay attention to it. These monsters have extraordinary strength, but the monsters have something in common. You need to dig yourself and discover."

"You will become as strong as possible. In the future, you can go to the front to fight against the monsters. You can mention that although it is dangerous to fight against the monsters in front of the cracks, as long as you can gain something, your income will be much higher than the beast. ”

"Beast is a relatively safe place after all, but near the crack... It is likely that your mentor will be killed by the monster, so you may not be rescued at a critical moment."

"The land of experience, go on your own."

After the Dragon Emperor finished speaking, he disappeared from the crowd and rushed toward the big crack in the sky.

Dragon Emperor, they have heavy tasks!

Come back to pick up, but just by the way.

This is only Liang Shu, but the five of them, plus Jiang Shenwu himself is six people in the void, and some time is a bit blank.

They were originally only the trainees of Longwu Academy. The experience missions that have been carried out for decades have been like the things of the surrounding dragon kingdom. They are not chasing the monsters or the betrayal of the dragon warriors.

But suddenly, there will be a void crack above the Longwu mainland, there is a so-called magic object to invade Longwu mainland...

This matter has made many Longwu Academy students more aggressive.

However, the Dragon Emperors of Longwu Academy seem to have prepared for this, and they have a kind of blood for their opposition to foreign enemies.

"Let's go to the place of experience."

Jiang Shenwu finally shook his head. He finally glanced at the crack in the void, knowing that it was not the place where he could participate now.

The Emperor of the Dragon Emperor and the dean of the college, the powerful students, are all there to kill with the monsters, guard the cracks, and not let the magic in the crack break through the defense.

And they have to deal with only the ancestors of the strong, arrested some of the magical creatures captured, specifically used to give them experience.

This may be just a reason, a reason for giving students the experience points, but also to let the students familiar with these magic objects from the void.

Jiang Shenwu took it with him and Liang Shuming. After the dragon, he crossed the void and was getting closer and closer to the area where the light came from the sky.

Soon, they found that it was a spherical space, and the entire spherical space was surrounded by a layer of shimmering guardian barrier. The guardian barrier looked very gentle, but Jiang Shenwu was keenly aware that this layer of guardian barrier There is a huge surge of power.

This is the place where the students of the four major colleges are experienced. It is natural to protect them. Otherwise, once the magical creatures break through the blockade, all the experienced students will die, and the situation of the entire Longwu mainland will be extremely bad.

It is necessary to know the students of these Longwu Academy, but the most talented dragon warriors in Longwu mainland!

Jiang Shenwu, the arrival of six of them, above the guardian barrier of the spherical space, there was a vacancy. It seems that some people feel the arrival of the dragon warriors and open a door for them.

Jiang Shenwu flew into the spherical space with five people, and felt that in this space, there are many powerful dragon warriors, many familiar atmospheres, and more strange atmosphere.

The most important thing is that an extremely dark and cold atmosphere is scattered throughout the spherical space... These, the dark and cold, the breath of the air, is from the void monster!

The void monsters captured by the strongest of the college are everywhere in this spherical space, and they are all held in closed cages.

If there is a group of students or individuals who want to challenge, they can enter the cage and fight fiercely with those monsters.

Jiang Shenwu came to the place with five people, and the one that caught his eye was a star-blue mask, in which a monster was held... The monster was dark and seemed to be a crawling creature. It was more than a hundred feet long and looked like a head. Type monster.

This monster has no eyes. There is only one big mouth on the head. There are six arms, or six feet, on the bottom of the body. It is a creature crawling on the ground.

It's dark, the scales look extremely tough, it's extremely defensive, and the most important thing is that it's wrapped around a black chain. These chains entangle and slide on the monster, which looks like a weapon of these monsters. .

"This is the void monster!"

Jiang Shenwu’s face sinks: “This empty monster doesn’t look very strong, but it’s extremely dangerous for you.”

Longwu College's students ~www.novelmtl.com~ are basically the inheritance of the Tianlong class. Each dragon is four or five hundred feet long.

In contrast, this empty monster in front of the eyes looks more than a hundred feet, it seems more type, but ... Jiang Shenwu feels that the repair of this magic is the realm, at least the seventh round of reincarnation!

The reincarnation of the robbery is the seventh most important, equivalent to the dragon and dragon blood.

This kind of existence is definitely not something that Yaoguang District students can deal with. Even if they form a five-member team, they will be easily torn and shattered by the other side!

"This is a superior magic soldier."

At this time, a crisp voice passed from the side.

Jiang Shenwu looked sideways and saw the laughing flowers and the white skirt girl coming towards this side, while looking at the magic object in front of them, he said: "Magic, magic, magic... in the void They have a strict hierarchy."

"Magic soldiers are the weakest ones! They have powerful powers similar to our sacred blood level, and at least they are the realm of reincarnation!"

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