Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 611: Void monster

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"What are you talking about?"

The girl in the white skirt was cold and sneaked to the door, and she saw a joke that was just a joke.

"Okay, don't open your jokes."

The laughter is wearing a red dress, and the whole person gives a bright and touching feeling. Her style has always been so beautiful and enjoyable.

She watched Jiang Shenwu coming out of the palace, and suddenly she was bright, because she could clearly feel that Jiang Shenwu became stronger.

As for how strong she is, she is not sure, but overall, it will not be smaller than her promotion.

This time she broke into the ninth peak of the Nirvana, the strength of the smashing, the strength has increased a bit more than before, but see Jiang Shenwu now, it seems that the promotion is bigger than her...

She did not entangle her, and said the right thing directly: "The last war experience was over, and the Frost Dragon dynasty repelled the invaders of the Thunder Dragon Kingdom. It is said that we are the strongest students of the Emperor Longwu Academy. And directly hit the two Dragon Kings of the Thunder Dragon Kingdom."

"With one enemy and two, but also the other party, this strength is too strong. When he shot, the Thunder Dragons retired directly and announced that they would never invade the Frost Dragon Empire."

"The matter is over, so as a participant, we can get some rewards. Jiang Shenwu, Xiaobai, the three of us are not strong, but this time the battle is not small."

"Because the patrol leader killed by Jiang Shenwu is the most important source of intelligence for the Thunder Dragon Kingdom. After the death of the guy, the overall situation of the Thunder Dragon Kingdom turned sharply and was crushed by the Frost Dragon Empire."

"So, we have a lot of experience points. Of course, this is not the main purpose of my coming to you today, mainly because there is a special experience task on the stone tablet today. As long as it is a student of Longwu College, you can participate. ""

The laughter said: "It is said that there is a void in the Longwu mainland. From this void, there are a lot of monsters. These monsters are very strong and are currently blocked in Longwu. Outside the mainland, but..."

"All in all, let us kill these monsters. I looked at them and the reward points are very rich."

Void cracks!

Emerging monsters!

Jiang Shenwu listened to this, his face did not change, but he frowned slightly and asked: "Do you know the general strength of these monsters? Moreover, I feel that there are a lot of magical objects that come out like this... Let’s rely on these Longwu colleges. I am afraid I will not be able to deal with the students."

"Of course we are not the main force to deal with the magic."

The laughter smiled and said: "I heard that we are the dean, there are a lot of dragon emperors, and Feng Lige, they have gone. However, they are really killing the monsters... As for those who have not reached the dragon The emperor, or the students under the Tianquan District, are only involved in the experience."

"The dean may not be able to catch some of the less powerful monsters, let us try to hunt. After all, these monsters are different from the dragon warriors and the monsters. It will be difficult and unsuitable to hunt them."

"We can challenge the difficulty. The more magic monsters are killed, the more rewarding the reward points are. I think this is our chance. Anyway, our opponents are not directly facing the magical swells of the void, but go Fight with the demon who captured the magical creatures."

This news is to make Jiang Shenwu quite interested.

This challenging task is not too dangerous. It is just right for him. Anyway, he is now very competitive. I believe that the result of the challenge will not be disappointing.

The white skirt girl is also very interested in this matter.

Later, the three went to the stone monument and found that there were more than a dozen people gathered in the vicinity of the stone monument. There were many discussions in the three and three, and each was discussing something.

Jiang Shenwu listened a little, probably related to the magical thing that emerged from the crevice in this void. This thing did not lie with the students. Almost all the students can know as long as they come to the vicinity of the stone.

Compared with the beast, the invasion of the Void Velcro is closer to the average student. After all, most of the Longwu Academy are below the Yuheng District.

"My aunt's aunt is the mentor of the Emperor Longwu Academy. It seems that there is news that our four Longwu Academy must increase their investment."

"It is mainly the investment in the energy of the dragon mark. It seems to say that it is to increase the number of people in each cultivation area. Only three people in the original Tianshu District can enter, and it seems that they can reach seven people after the increase!"

“Is it more than doubled?”

“Yes, and not just Tianshu District, such as Tianzhu District, Tianzhu District and Tianquan District will increase the number of people.”

“What about Kaiyang District? I only care if I can leave Yaoguang District and have been in Yaoguang District for ten years...”

"The same will expand the number!"

These conversations were all heard by Jiang Shenwu. The key players did not avoid anyone when chatting, and they did not care to be heard by others.

This is to make Jiang Shenwu somewhat surprised.

The scale of the Dragon Mark energy of the four Longwu Academy should be fixed. Now, including the number of people in the major cultivation areas, can it be said that more dragon mark energy will be provided?

In this case, the Dragon Warrior students will increase the speed of the Dragon Blood, and there will be a large-scale speed increase!

Of course, even if there are enough dragons to provide energy, many students will not be able to break through the Dragon King and reach the level of Super Dragon. But even if they let them break through to the higher level in the Dragon King stage, the combat power will increase a lot.

“Why is there such a sudden change?”

"It can be seen that the above is to let the students of Longwu Academy improve rapidly, but what is the purpose of this... Is it necessary to have more middle-level forces ~www.novelmtl.com~ to help them do things? ”

"Still, is there any powerful foreign enemy invasion, and there is an urgent need for more middle-level combat power?"

This kind of top-level combat strength is not much, but the backbone, but it will enrich a large number.

It was originally the strongest of the colleges such as Yu Tianshang of the East Emperor Longwu Academy, and the Fengge songs of the Emperor Longwu Academy. They really won't get much benefit, but for other students, almost everyone will benefit from it. The speed of upgrading the blood quality of Shenlong will speed up a lot.

Of course, the current level of Jiang Shenwu is still too low, and I can't figure out what it means.

The most important thing for him is to become 202. The invasion of the monster in the void is a chance for him... a powerful monster, he is not an opponent, but as long as he can hunt some magical captives, he can get experience. Wherein, this is too easy.

"This experience can be single or team, but the instructor suggests that we better team up."

:. :(龙血战神..6464116)--(龙血战神)

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