Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 602: Minghai Ancient Road

After Jiang Shenwu was ready, after a lapse of more than a month, he went to the beast again.

Every time the Longwu College students enter the beast, they arrive at different locations.

Last time, Jiang Shenwu was in the towering ancient forest.

This time, he entered the beast by the squad, and it appeared to be a beach in front of him!

"It is the ancient road of the sea!"

Jiang Shenwu’s face changed.

After becoming a student in Yuheng District and knowing the things of the beast, he specifically consulted some materials.

These materials are only eligible to know if they have the authority to reach Yuheng District. From these materials, he probably knows some common regional divisions among the beasts.

The first is the towering ancient forest, which is an ancient jungle in the eastern part of the Beast, with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles. It is as wide as a dragon kingdom.

In the northern part of the whole beast, it is the ancient road of the sea.

The ancient sea road, this is an ancient commercial road close to the sea. At this moment, the place where Jiang Shenwu appears is the ancient road of the sea.

On the ancient road of the sea, there is no danger.

But on both sides of the ancient sea road, it is the most terrifying place in the whole beast.

To the north of the ancient road of the Minghai, it is a vast ocean. It is also the only side of the beast that faces the ocean. The other three directions are said to be blocked by the enchantment and cannot go out.

Only this ocean direction, there is no enchantment, but in this sea of ​​the sea, there are countless marine monsters, the strength of these marine monsters can be stronger than many monsters on land. !

Moreover, he is good at combat in the water. If the dragon warrior of the fire attribute is dragged into the sea of ​​the sea, it is basically a dead end.

Although the Dragon Warriors are not afraid of water, the power of the fire attribute is definitely weakened in the water.

In the direction of the sea, there is no margin. Once there was a strong dragon emperor who flew towards the north, but he could not find the boundary. He finally fought a deep sea demon, and the wolf escaped to Longwu College.

If it is not for the Dragon Warrior students who can go back to Longwu College at any time in the beast, then the extremely strong Dragon King students will probably die in the sea.

This shows the terrible of the sea.

On the south side of the ancient road, there is a desert.

In other words, the ancient road of the sea is completely located in the ocean and the desert, which is extremely rare in the outside world.

“I don’t know the ocean and the desert, which side is not the natural terrain?”

"Still, neither of the two terrains is formed naturally, but by some kind of power?"

Jiang Shenwu thought about this problem at the time.

I did not expect that I entered the beast of the beast for the second time, and I was assigned to the ancient road of the sea.

Above the ancient road of the sea, it is covered with gravel. Below the gravel is a hard rock formation. Once the students dig down and want to make traps, they find that they cannot destroy the hard rock formations.

Jiang Shenwu looked up and could not see the boundary between the ancient road and the desert.

However, the dividing line between the Minghai and the ancient roads is very obvious. The tides of the sea are constantly coming ashore, and the hard rock formations of the ancient roads of the Minghai are beaten like a music, and the sound of “啪嗒啪嗒” is heard.

It is clearly at noon, the desert direction of the ancient road of the sea, the light of the sun shining, a bright scene.

In the sky in the direction of the sea, it is a gloomy sky, with dark clouds and layers superimposed. Countless dark ray shines in the dark clouds with gloomy electric light, through the layers of dark clouds, transmitted to the sea. On, giving people a feeling of endless repression.

"In the direction of the sea, only the deep sea has a monster, but the monster is very strong... I can't go to the sea to try my luck."

Jiang Shenwu knows that he has a few pounds or two. If you go to the direction of the sea, it is almost impossible to get any benefit. Even 90% of you may die in the sea.

He turned back and looked at the desert under the scorching sun.

In the ancient sea of ​​the sea, the north is the sea of ​​the sea, and the south is the "severe desert". In this desert, it can be said that there is no water at all. The water property dragon warrior is not too strong in this desert. The strength comes, and the recovery speed is very slow.

In the desert, all kinds of monsters have, and are the kind of powerful monster blood that survives in extreme environments.

There are those who survive under the gravel, those who live on the desert, and those who form the oasis, whoever has to run.

"It is said that there will not be too few Dragon Warrior students who will be transferred to the ancient road of Minghai."

"However, the dragons of the water and fire properties will not be transmitted to this place. It seems that the major Longwu colleges are also selective when they send the students to the beast."

Jiang Shenwu thought about it.

When he thought about it, he planned to move in the direction of the desert.

The feet of the hard-clothed shoes fell on the gravel, and there was a feeling of hotness. Under the scorching sun, even a grain of sand in the desert could burn the soles.

On the way, the sights in the field of vision are somewhat vague and unrealistic. It is the extreme heat that distorts the air.

"This kind of terrain is not good for me, but it is not impossible."

Jiang Shenwu is very clear about the situation he is facing now.

In the desert, although there are ups and downs, if you look down from the sky, all the scenes are clear at a glance.

He wants to hide, secretly cheap, simply impossible, unless he can hide under the desert gravel.

These gravel are hot. For the dragon warriors of the ordinary dragon king level, it is extremely difficult to hide them. They must always keep the defensive dragon martial arts around them, or they will be burned.

However, Jiang Shenwu does not matter.

He is thick and fleshy, and he has cultivated the dragon martial arts of the refining body, so that some heat will not reach the extent of hurting him.

Just ~www.novelmtl.com~ It is said that there are many tyrannical monsters living under the desert. If you accidentally encounter the demon in the desert... then Jiang Shenwu will be very uncomfortable, and you will not necessarily run away.

However, if you act on the ground, it is too conspicuous.

After a little consideration, Jiang Shenwu decided to hide under the gravel of the desert and march toward the depths of the fierce desert.

After all, there are a lot of dragons who have been sent to this ancient road in the sea. He can always encounter some things and find ways to get cheap from them.

He thought of doing it, and after immersing himself in the darkness of the dragon, he sneaked into the desert.

Below the gravel of the ancient sea road, it is an extremely hard rock formation.

But after leaving the ancient road of the Minghai, after the fierce desert, the thick layer below is a hot and cold desert gravel. Jiang Shenwu goes deep into it, and the hot heat almost drowns him in an instant!

On the surface of his black dragon's body, he immediately gave a sound like a barbecue, but he practiced a lot of refining dragon martial arts, which can directly resist such high temperatures.

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