Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 586: This is the rule

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Regardless of what Xue’s heart thinks, Jiang Shenwu does not need to fear him.

Then he took out a blood red dragon scale and shouted it directly.

Qi Tian Yao Long, is the demon of the Yanlong dynasty, has helped Jiang Shen Wu Ting many times before, including several large dragon kings before the invasion of the Yanlong Dynasty, he also appeared.

This time, Jiang Shenwu once again used the blood red dragon scales, and the Kaitian demon dragon came directly.

Of course, he does not know who Jiang Shenwu got to this time.

In the view of Qitian Yaolong, Jiang Shenwu is still a student of Donghuang Longwu College. Now that Jiang Shenwu has difficulty in needing him, then he will be dedicated.

Qi Tian Yaolong appeared in Yanlong City, and suddenly the surrounding dragons were shocked.

Before they only heard that when the Yanlong Dynasty was invaded, it seems that Qitian Yaolong had helped. I didn’t expect it to appear in Yanlong City...

Looking at the relationship between Jiang Shenwu and Qitian Yaolong, it seems that this Qitian demon dragon was called by Jiang Shenwu?

This Jiang Shenwu actually has these helpers!

Qi Tian Yao Long, is a strong Heng Wang, and the strength of the Dragon Dragon is similar.

Even if the North Han Dragon King arrives, it is impossible to beat the Kaitian Dragon!

There is Qi Tian Yao Long, Jiang Shenwu does have the capital against the North Cold Dragon!

But what everyone in Yanlong City is worried about is that the opponents that Jiang Shenwu provoked this time are not so simple as the North Hanlong Kingdom... The most important thing is that the black robes that stunned the Dragon King Musha!

If the light is the North Hanlong country, Jiang Shenwu has already let the mentor Chu Yuesong shot, and taught them to let them not dare to invade the Yanlong Dynasty.

But the North Hanlong country is so arrogant now, naturally it has its own.

Even some people think that Jiang Shenwu’s offended man is not even afraid of Donghuang Longwu College!

"You are waiting here for a while, if you have a strong person, you still need to shoot."

Jiang Shenwu said to Qitian Yaolong.

Qi Tian Yao Long Haha said: "Do not worry, there is the emperor, no matter who comes, don't want to hurt you, I don't think there are people who dare to come to the Yanlong Dynasty to be chaotic, really ridiculous!"

"However, if the other party takes the Dragon King as a hostage, you still have to think about the countermeasures. If the other party is threatened by the life of the Dragon King, how do you deal with it?"

This problem is also the most uncomfortable place for Jiang Shenwu.

Obviously, now that the Emperor Dragon is taken away by the other side, it is his fatal weakness. It is very likely that the Emperor Dragon is in the hands of Zuo Xiaofeng... and the only one who can deal with Zuo Xiaofeng is the Mei Women’s Hospital Long.

I don't know, is there any way for her?

Just when Jiang Shenwu was worried, he heard a clear and nice voice in his ear. The sound was mature and beautiful. It was the dean of the beautiful woman at the Longwu Academy!

Just listen to this voice: "Do not worry, this person does not dare to kill innocent people, especially the characters of the Dragon Emperor level. If he dares to kill the Emperor Yanlong, I will immediately report it to the top, this left laughter will directly Being punished, this is the rule."

"So, no matter what opponent you come in, even if you let go, if you can't solve it, I will shoot again. Of course, it is better to wait until the left laughter comes out personally, let me out again... Otherwise, That guy must not show up."

"Only when he comes out, the Dean can teach him a little! I heard that this left laughter is still playing the idea of ​​Yu Tianshang, I really don't know how!"

In these words, Jiang Shenwu said that he was quite relieved.

That is to say, that left laughter does not dare to kill the Dragon King. Once he kills the character of the Dragon King, he will not spare him.

After all, letting Zuo Xiaofeng down as the dean of Donghuang Longwu College is not to let him bully other ordinary dragon warriors. If things are too big, they will not be of any benefit to him, and even make him seriously punishment.

In this case, Jiang Shenwu is also relieved.

Zuo Xiaofeng was handed over to the Dean of Longwu Academy.

Jiang Shenwu only needs to take the left laughter out of it... Of course, the other party may not appear in person.

This means that Jiang Shenwu wants to find a way to defeat the opponent's people.

Regardless of who the other party comes, Jiang Shenwu must defeat his opponent. Otherwise, according to the dean of the Emperor Longwu Academy, most of the left laughter will not appear in person, then this matter will not be resolved.

"It seems that the left laughter is very jealous of the dean of the emperor, as if the dean of the emperor is much better than him, and his status is higher..."

Jiang Shenwu is not clear about the situation at the top, and can only speculate on the news that is now available.

The four Longwu colleges in Longwu mainland are equal to each other, but each dean seems to have different generations and strengths.

Jiang Shenwu still does not know the strength of the beauty woman dean of the Longwu Academy.

It’s the left laughter, it doesn’t seem to be too strong... Although it can crush the level of Jiang Shenwu, the pressure on Jiang Shenwu is still a lot worse than that of the US Women’s Dean.

"In this case, you have to think about it in the future, how to deal with the opponents that will appear next."

Jiang Shenwu thought in his heart.

Before the emergence of the left laughter, the North Han Dragon King will definitely return.

If you are in the North Hanlong Emperor's words, you can let Kaitian Demon Dragon deal with it. The two sides are on the same strength line. Jiang Shenwu is not worried that Kaitian Dragon will lose, unless there are other dragon emperors in the North Hanlong Emperor.

This is basically impossible. After all, this thing has just happened soon~www.novelmtl.com~The North Han Dragon King now thinks that it is the monopoly of the dragon, it is impossible to pass things out to other nearby neighbors. The Dragon King knows.

Therefore, the Dragon King, only one of the North Han Dragon.

But Jiang Shenwu is not worried about him, but the black dragon warrior... As you can imagine, when the news of the North Han Prince was killed, the news of Jiang Shenwu’s appearance spread, the name took away the Yanlong Emperor. The black dragons will definitely appear in person.

If you can't solve this black dragon warrior, then the left laughter will definitely not appear.

As a result, this matter is more difficult to solve.

However, the strength of the black dragon warrior is definitely much stronger than Jiang Shenwu!

Even more powerful than Kai Tian Yao Long, is able to crush the existence of Qi Tian Yao Long, in this case, do not rely on the Dean of the Emperor, Jiang Shenwu has any way to beat the opponent?

"In any case, let’s take a look at the Chiang tribe and the Xi’s tribe in the Dragon City.”

Jiang Shenwu thought about it, but decided to look at the situation elsewhere.

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