Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 579: Anomaly of Yanlong City

The beautiful dean of the red dress, with Jiang Shenwu and Ran, went straight to the demarcation of the forest.

Then she spent three hours outside the decomposition of the forest to build a one-off time and space array, this time and space array, can directly lead to the Yanlong Dynasty that Jiang Shenwu is going.

"I will go back with you. After you have finished the matter, I will bring you back."

The dean of the beautiful woman licked her mouth and arranged for Jiang Shenwu.

Jiang Shenwu certainly will not refuse, the other side is helping him, but also worried about him, afraid of the danger of his left-handed arrangement in the Yanlong Dynasty.

If it is not necessary, Jiang Shenwu really will not be so troublesome.

Unfortunately, due to the existence of Black Dragon consciousness, and last time he also swallowed too much of the flesh and blood essence of life, leading to his coma... This matter made him more and more jealous of the black dragon consciousness.

It seems that as he becomes stronger and stronger, the black dragon consciousness is more and more easy to wake up.

In any case, Jiang Shenwu can't give up and become stronger.

If you want to solve the black dragon consciousness, you can only touch the higher level after you improve your strength, and see if the seniors have any solution.

For example, if you see the **** dragon, the other party may know some of the origins of this black dragon consciousness.

Anyway, now Jiang Shenwu does not intend to tell the dean of the Dragon Women’s Academy of Fine Arts, he feels that the existence of the Black Dragon consciousness is beyond the level of the US Women’s Dean, telling her that it is useless, and it is likely to expose some dangers. signal of.

Then, Jiang Shenwu and the natural beauty dean, together with the time and space, returned to the Yanlong Dynasty.

Yanlong Dynasty, has not returned for a long time!

When Jiang Shenwu blinked, he found himself in the capital city of Yanlong Dynasty, Yanlong City.

Compared with some of the capitals of the Dragon Emperor Kingdom that he has been in during this time, Yanlong City is really not magnificent, but Jiang Shenwu came here, but he felt a bit affectionate.

After all, it was in the Yanlong Tower of the Dragon City that he was able to get Donghuangyin and qualified to join Donghuang Longwu College.

Now, although he is already a student of the Emperor Longwu Academy, he still misses the Yanlong Dynasty.

Here, there are his people.

Here, there are his friends.

And his elders!

Yan Longhuang, Twelve Yanlong makes ... their strength, now in Jiang Shenwu's view, is not so strong, but in Jiang Shenwu's eyes, they are always his elders.

The Dragon King, the Dragon King... and so on, the twelve dragon kings, Jiang Shenwu has not yet defeated their strength.

They are all high-level reincarnation levels!

"I don't know if Zuo Xiaofeng sent someone to the Yanlong Dynasty..."

Jiang Shenwu thought, some worried, after all, the Yanlong Dynasty is his most cherished place.

"Want to do something, do it now, remember, don't be too high-profile, I will protect you in the dark and complete it as soon as possible."

After the beauty woman president brought them to the Dragon City, the figure disappeared into the void without warning.

Only Jiang Shenwu and Ran are left, standing outside the walls of Yanlong City, looking up at the towering walls of Yanlong City...

"Let's go, take a look at it."

Jiang Shenwu does not know that Yan Longhuang is absent. If he comes back this time, if he has the chance, he will still have to meet with the elders.

They are quite low-key, and even the ink beasts hide their breath in the dark, so that their sense of existence is reduced to a minimum.

The darkness of the atmosphere obscures their faces and makes their faces looming. Even those who are familiar with them now may not recognize them.

When they went to the entrance of the city of Yanlongcheng, they found that the number of guarded dragon warriors at the gate of the city seemed to have increased.

"what happened?"

Jiang Shenwu was keenly aware of the wrong thing.

Along the way, many people walked up the official road with them and then headed for the city gate of Yanlongcheng.

On the way, he heard the caravans in the vicinity of them and seemed to be talking about something. It seems that what happened to Yan Longhuang was taken away...

"Yan Longhuang, was taken away?"

Jiang Shenwu’s heart sinks.


He can't wait to know what's going on.

However, on the surface, he did not show it. He and two of them were pretending to be two young dragon warriors. They went to Yanlong City with the caravan. When passing through the gate, the guards checked it and released it.

This check is stricter than usual, but Jiang Shenwu does not know what is being checked.

Until he entered the Yanlong City, walking on the main street, he saw the building walls along the way, even with a wanted order!

"The wanted order: Jiang Shenwu!"

This turned out to be his command!

It seems that there is such a wanted order inside and outside Yanlong City, but there is only one for him, and there is no such thing.

"No wonder it’s so strict. I think I will come back and make arrangements in advance?"

If Jiang Shenwu comes back with his own hands, there is no need to say how much difficulty he will experience along the way.

Even if it came to the Yanlong Dynasty, I am afraid that it is impossible to break through the sixth place of Nirvana’s robbery. Now, the situation of the Yanlong Dynasty is probably not good, even... He is still worried about the Jiang’s tribe and the prisoner’s residence. Case!

"Look at this Yanlong City first, how is the situation now!"

"If Yan Longhuang is really taken away, then Yanlongcheng, who is now in charge?"

"Is it a 12-year-old dragon? It shouldn't be, they can't post so many wanted orders to pass me..."

Jiang Shenwu still has considerable trust in Yanlong. ~www.novelmtl.com~ Unless they are forced, otherwise it is impossible to do so.

The most likely is that now Yanlongcheng has been controlled by other people, the entire Yanlong Dynasty, it is likely to have fallen into the hands of others!

This person, at least the strongest of the Dragon Emperor level, is the one sent by Zuo Xiaofeng.

Jiang Shenwu does not know who he is, he must go into the Yanlong City to explore.

"If it weren't for the ink-smelling beast to cover up my appearance, I am afraid that it would be difficult for me to enter the city, and it would be exposed at the gate of the city."

Jiang Shenwu was somewhat pleased, and the ink stalker followed him all the way. Although he rarely appeared, it really helped him too much.

To be honest, Jiang Shenwu felt that he had not done anything to help the ink beast. This little guy helped him so much that he was too unwilling to go. At that time, he did not intentionally rescue the ink beast.

However, it was a coincidence that several of the wandering dragon warriors who had chased the ink beasts had been killed. Now it seems that the actions at that time helped the Jiang Shenwu much.

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