Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 577: Seal of the Emperor

The burial of the waste dragon sand is the power of the deputy city owner of the more dangerous city. This is familiar to him.

At this moment, under his serious injury, he was really unable to withstand this force.

Mainly when all of them poured down together, his thick earth shield could not be absorbed. Even if he wanted to turn around and escape, he could not do it. The power of the burial of the desolation sand entangled him and made him unable to break through!

This situation, let the Phoenix demon king who quickly rushed over shine.

This Phoenix demon king is also a sly character, there is no hesitation at all, and the violent demon magic technique of the sky is moving toward the more dangerous city deputy city owner.

The flaming colors of the sky rushed toward the surrounding area.

The power of the horrible flame attribute shrouded the entire dragon's body in an instant.

The body of the earthy dragon is looming in this lush flame, and in the endless burning, it becomes more and more burnt, and the screams of the fat deputy city lord continue to spread.

He was trapped by his own strength and could not escape, and then he caught up with his seriously injured Phoenix demon king and launched a hit on him!

Almost without a long time, the vice-city owner of the more dangerous city has been unable to continue.

He wanted to struggle to escape the burning of the flames of the sky, but unfortunately he just came up with a head, and there was a sudden wind and a dragon, and he was rolled back.

At this time, he has been seriously injured and the wind and the dragon are unable to resist.

In this way, it is burned in the flames until it is dead!

In the process, the Xianlin Longguo Dragon Emperor who was rushing in the distance was simply stunned. He did not think that the Phoenix demon king and two seemingly weak dragon warriors dared to face him. , killing the city of the more dangerous city?

He could not imagine that this kind of thing would happen to him.

But this happened indeed, and Jiang Shenwu and the Phoenix demon king still had three of them. After killing the sub-City of the more dangerous city, they all turned and planned to escape.

The dragon king of Xianlin Longguo is simply mad.

He was far away, but he did not see clearly. The deputy city owner of the more dangerous city was killed, but he felt that it was definitely the reason for the Phoenix demon king.

However, he is not interested in the Phoenix demon king... but instead goes directly to Jiang Shenwu!

Of course, he also wants to take orders from the top, and wants to catch Jiang Shenwu and his life. With his strength, as long as he can get close to the scope of Jiang Shenwu, it is a breeze to want to catch Jiang Shenwu.

So he watched Jiang Shenwu want to escape, suddenly sneered, the whole dragon emperor's body, brought a black stream of light, chasing the direction of Jiang Shenwu escape!


After killing the deputy city lord of the more dangerous city, seeing the black bones and losing the life of the bones falling down the jungle, Jiang Shenwu turned and ran.

Of course, the Phoenix demon king also turned and ran, but the direction of the two sides fled is not the same.

The direction of the Phoenix demon king's escape is the direction of the demon king who is in the demarcation of the realm. Just when it decided to chase the more dangerous city deputy city owner, it has already notified the nearest demon strongman.

So it is now rushed over and should be able to meet with each other in time.

But what it didn't think was that the dragon emperor of Xianlin Longguo didn't chase it, but chased Jiang Shenwu and it was not in the eyes!

These two dragon warriors seem to have been chased back to the demarcation of the forest...

Some of the Phoenix demon kings do not understand, it feels that they have killed the sub-City of the more dangerous city, the other side of the backing must definitely chase themselves?

At this moment, the Dragon King did not chase him, but went to chase the two little dragons who did not threaten?

Of course, the Phoenix demon king is also amazed by the strength of Jiang Shenwu, but with this strength, there is no need to let the Dragon Emperor pay so much attention to it... Is it true that these two little dragon warriors have something special? Identity?

This has nothing to do with the Phoenix demon king, it quickly left, lest the Dragon Emperor just pretend to chase the Dragon Warrior, suddenly turned to chase it, then it will be finished.

"Catch up!"

Jiang Shenwu and Ran actually turned and flew, while observing the dragon and the dragon of the Xianlin Longguo, found that the other party actually chased himself.

“The wind is breaking!”

However, it is unfortunate that this is the source of dragon martial arts, but unfortunately her first cultivation is too low, and the dragon and blood grades are only the dragon king. Second, she has not practiced this dragon martial arts for a long time, and the effect is not good.

No matter how hard she tried, the eruption of the wind and the dragon would not be able to stop the dragon king of Xianlin Longguo.

The distance between them is rapidly approaching!

"Come on!"

Jiang Shenwu was somewhat shocked by the speed of this dragon emperor. It is reasonable to say that the Yanlong Emperor did not have such a terrible speed.

However, this is different from the type of dragon blood that each dragon warrior awakens. Some dragons are strong defenses, some dragons are strong attacks, and some are fast...

Jiang Shenwu did not know that the Dragon King of this Xianlin Longguo attack was strong and strong, and the defense was not strong.

But he knows that this guy is definitely the fastest!

Even if Jiang Shenwu cooperated with the wind and the dragon, the speed of the other party is more than doubled faster than them!

Originally far away from the horizon, it soon turned into a black streamer and came to Jiang Shenwu's field of vision. What he saw was a gray dragon with a long body, and his body was long and sturdy!

Its momentum is vast, and there is a touch of indifference and violentness in the pupil of the dragon.

He wants to catch Jiang Shenwu and live!

"No, it's too fast, it's too strong!"

"This way... we will definitely be caught up!"

Jiang Shenwu’s face sank.

Now he is at the same time with them. Both of them are students of the Emperor Longwu Academy, so they still have cards.

It seems that it is time for them to sacrifice their cards now...

"Of course it is still weak~www.novelmtl.com~ If you are in danger, you can only rely on you to save your life."

"So, this time I must come!"

Jiang Shenwu’s face showed a smile.

I couldn’t think of the beauty woman’s dean of the Emperor Longwu College. I’m going to see each other again now, and I’m still asking for help and letting the other party solve the problem.

If it is not a no-brainer, Jiang Shenwu will never bother others, but now... the dragon warrior of Xianlin Longguo will soon catch up!

"Since it is the level of Zuo Xiaofeng who wants to catch me, then if you run these errands, you should be prepared to confront the strong players at the level of the left laughter!"

Jiang Shenwu with such a state of mind, sneered a sigh, the smashing of the wrist on the wrist, directly lit up!

Then, a burst of white light shone from the void next to him, a graceful red figure, from the void, and slowly walked out.

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