Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 573: 1 flashing shadow

The fear of these monsters is not unreasonable.

We must know that Jiang Shenwu is strong, but after all, it is only the Dragon King level of the dragon and blood, the demarcation of the forest, is unable to let the existence of the demon level.

Once the demon wars, there will be powerful dragon warriors coming over to sanction their monsters!

Therefore, only the demon king can deal with Jiang Shenwu... and among the demon kings, there are also regulations. You can’t bully and bully, and you can only bully the old ones. At most, you can only go beyond the other side in a great situation.

Now, in this case, the demon king of the fifth-level level of reincarnation is allowed to play at most, and Jiang Shenwu is dealt with.

However, under such restrictions, the combat power exhibited by Jiang Shenwu at this moment is quite close to the demon king who is the fifth most important in the reincarnation.

You must know that Jiang Shenwu now has two reincarnations, the sixth-strongest Shenglong strongman, who directly swallowed each other’s attacks and turned them into their own use!

Can you imagine how strong the limit of Jiang Shenwu is?

The monsters can hardly imagine that if there is one in the monster group, they can kill the powerful monsters of the reincarnation in the fifth stage of Nirvana, and their monsters will be ecstatic.

Unfortunately, this existence has never happened in thousands of years.

At this moment, Jiang Shenwu killed another dragon warrior!

At this point, the four dragons who first besieged Jiang Shenwu, without exception, all died... No matter who is in the hands of death, now the dragons of these four dragon warriors are probably left with only one skeleton.

At this time, in the distance, a total of six Dragon Warriors finally caught up and surrounded Jiang Shenwu and Ran.

There are two Shenglong strongmen, and the other four are Qianlong-level strongmen, each of which is at least the sixth in the reincarnation!

In this case, let Jiang Shenwu blink his eyes.

The dark dragon that he had made, suspended in midair, did not act rashly. It is obvious that the four Tianlong, even if they joined forces to attack Jiang Shenwu, Jiang Shenwu did not need to be afraid.

But what he was afraid of was that the two holy dragons besieged him, and the remaining four dragons were besieged.

Now, they have been surrounded by the other six strong players, and it is not so easy to get out of the encirclement.

Obviously, the other side is an experienced hunter. In the face of Jiang Shenwu and Ranran, although some accidents were caused by Jiang Shenwu, they obviously found their weaknesses.

As long as two people dragged Jiang Shenwu, and then took the opportunity to kill, or capture, then everything will go well!

Their ideas are best suited to the current situation, and Jiang Shenwu is most afraid of this situation...

After the other party surrounded them, there was no hesitation. The two strong dragons of the holy dragon level each shot, and the two different forces of light attribute and dark attribute were actually combined to jointly display a trick to control the dragon. Martial arts!

This Zhaolong martial arts is the original dragon martial arts, and they are jointly working together.

These two people, the body of the dragon, black and white, is a pair of long-standing couples, the relationship between them is extremely close.

They husband and wife jointly cultivated this tactical dragon martial arts to the peak of the heavens. They used to pick up some criminals and used them now, and they are now used in Jiang Shenwu.

This cultivation to the peak of the source of the control of the dragon martial arts burst, suddenly formed a black and white giant network, the Jiang Shenwu all four or five hundred feet long black dragon body envelope!

The control of terror, even the Jiang Shenwu, which was affected, was weakened by at least half.

Moreover, Jiang Shenwu feels that his body's power of engulfing has been subject to certain restrictions, and the power is not as strong as before.

Undoubtedly, the other party is the strongest person in the reincarnation of the robbery. The original dragon martial arts displayed by the other side definitely has its strong points. Jiang Shenwu was temporarily restricted.

At the same time, the other four Tianlong strong people around, as if they had agreed in advance, launched a raid!

According to the other party's strategy and tactical execution, it is no problem to want to seize it.


What they didn't think of at all was that Jiang Shenwu and Ran, now not two people are fighting at all!

The ink scorpion beasts have always been hidden around. If it weren't for the ink scorpion, it would not be possible for the sacred gods to hide in the jungle for so long.

At this moment, when the four Tianlong strongmen targeted it and wanted to launch an offensive, a shadow suddenly smashed out of the void!

A burst of black smoke, without any signs appearing around the four Tianlong strong people, drilling into their bodies, only instantly eroded into their dragons!

In this case, everyone around me is bowed. What is the situation?

What are those black smoke?

But very soon, one of the fire attributes of the dragon was horrified and screamed: "This is the poison of the ink beast! They have a sinister beast!"

"Is it a beast?"

"No wonder how you can't find them just now!"

Where are the four Tianlong still looking for a siege?

Once you have the poison of the ink beast, if you can't detoxify with the blood of the ink beast, then there is only one dead road!

Unless it is the level of the dragon and the blood can reach the level of the dragon king, it can be immune to death, which is almost iron law.

For the wandering dragon warrior, what is the strong, what the demon, is not a threat, after all, once these existences, they can avoid far and escape in advance.

But this kind of thing like the ink beast is completely preventable!

At this moment, not only the four Tianlong strong people were a little panicked, even the two Shenglong-level couples and strongmen were cautious and always alert to the void around them.

Even if the strong dragon of the St. Dragon is in the poison of the ink beast, the combat power is greatly weakened, and life is hard to keep.

"First find out the ink beast to get rid of it!"

The white dragon of the light attribute violently screams ~www.novelmtl.com~ This is the voice of a woman, the wife of the couple.

Her voice fell, and a total of six Dragon Warriors shot together, expelling various horrible forces in the surrounding void.

Just after a black shadow flashed through the void, they caught a little trace of the ink beast, so they followed the traces of the shadow and bombarded the surrounding void.

Their offensive is extremely fierce.

The ink scorpion has indeed not left the area. Although the hidden means are very strong, no one can find it, but the moment it poisons, it will expose the form.

This will let the other party seize the opportunity!

As long as the response is fast, it is very likely that the ink beast will be caught and detoxified with its blood.

At this moment, the six dragon warriors quickly responded and directly attacked the area where the ink scorpion appeared, such as light, darkness, fire, thunder... the power of different attributes. Directly cover the whole piece of void!

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