Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 563: White scorpion

Looking at Liang Shu’s face, "I didn't steal, I didn't make a thief," Jiang Shenwu and the two girls were all black.

This guy is really stealing it!

Jiang Shenwu glanced at him and saw that the guy was seriously injured and didn't know what he had experienced. In short, it seemed that Liang Shuo was desperate when he was out of power.

I heard that it was aroused by the stimuli... However, this gimmick, the original combat power is not weak, and now I am desperately completing the experience task, to obtain the improvement of the experience points, so that Liang Shuming is not to be outdone.

If this year's college is bigger than the above, Liang Shu is actually suppressed, he should have no face?

Therefore, this Liang Shuo is also crazy to improve himself, for fear of falling behind half a step.

Watching him work so hard, Jiang Shenwu did not dismantle him, just replied casually: "The dragon king is weaker, that repair is a bit hydrated, or else I can't kill him."

"Is the Shadow Meteor Dragon still weak?"

Liang Shuo looked at Jiang Shenwu like a monster: "You don't know, before you, the white scorpion in Tianquan District encountered a phantom meteor dragon, and the result was almost killed. It was hard to escape, in Gong Yu. The tutor spent a lot of experience points to heal the injury."

"Jiang Shenwu, I tell you, you can be careful in the future. This white scorpion is said to be very careful. Let her eat a big loss of the meteor dragon, and it was killed by a new student. I feel that she is very likely. Looking for your troubles."

"White scorpion?"

Jiang Shenwu heard this, some strange.

"The name of the white scorpion is Qian Bing, a student in Tianquan District."

The laughter flower said a little on the side: "She is more arrogant, and her mind is relatively small, there is no tolerance. Some people have provoked her, she can always play with you, kill you... In short, you are careful, meet her most Don't be hard, she has a backstage."

Jiang Shenwu does not know what the backstage of the white scorpion Qian Bing has. In short, it has been avoided.

Since the laughter has said this, then the fool is hard to beat the other side... Of course, if the so-called white scorpion deceives too much, Jiang Shenwu can't swallow.

I have to fight, but let her know why the flowers are so red.

Soon, the four of them came to the palace to redeem the experience points, and found the dragon emperor who took charge of the experience points.

"Give me a dragon and grass."

It’s a sentence to laugh into the door.

The Dragon Emperor Grass is a treasure of heaven and earth, containing a rich atmosphere of heaven and earth, and it has an excellent effect on the improvement of the Dragon Warrior.

There are a lot of points needed for redemption. It is the laughter flower that I have been planning to redeem recently.

In order to redeem the Dragon Emperor Grass, she has already prepared nearly half a year of experience points. After the exchange, she will be able to take it to the next level and break through to the ninth place of Nirvana!

Originally she was the eighth place in the Nirvana robbery. If she can break through to the ninth weight, then the combat power will increase a lot.

The ninth place of Nirvana’s robbery is the peak of Nirvana. It is the most powerful stage of talent in the cycle of reincarnation.

At this stage, you can begin to spy on the mystery of reincarnation.

Of course, even if it is a level of laughter, it is impossible to challenge the second nirvana beast and the power of nirvana like Jiang Shenwu... because for her, to kill the second Nirvana behemoth, almost all Impossible.

Only by reaching the level of Jiang Shenwu, you can cross over so many realms and defeat your opponents, so that you can condense a stronger nirvana.

"It turned out to be the dragon emperor grass."

Jiang Shenwu knows what the laughter flower is for.

Soon the Emperor of the Dragon Emperor took a dragon and fairy grass to the laughter.

Jiang Shenwu felt the aura contained in it, and felt that the aura of heaven and earth contained in this dragon and emperor grass was not as good as the one that he had obtained in the python pool.

Although I don't know what the water plants are, there is no doubt that Jiang Shenwu still earned it.

He is now sixth in the Nirvana robbery, but he has the threat of black dragon consciousness, so it is impossible to break through the realm at will, and he must wait until he returns to the dragon of the Yanlong Dynasty to consider the breakthrough.

"This time, I have to go back."

Jiang Shenwu sighed.

The most inconvenient thing to come to the Emperor Longwu College is to go back to the Yanlong Dynasty, the distance is too far.

Due to the principle of non-interference between the four Longwu colleges, the Emperor Huangwu of the Emperor Longwu Academy can only pass Jiang Shenwu to the edge of the demarcation, and he will have to go on his own.

According to Jiang Shenwu's current understanding of Longwu mainland... Even if he wants to fly back to the Yanlong Dynasty from the speed of decomposition, he will have to spend half a year.

So he is going to find a monster to help.

Before he first went to the East Emperor Longwu College, there was a beast to help, from the time and space, directly to the vicinity of the East Huangwuwucheng.

If there is a monster to help this time, it will be a lot faster.

But the key is that between the Dragon Warrior and the Wicked Beast, it is basically a hostile relationship. If you want to help the monsters, the difficulty can be too great, unless there is a chance to help the monsters as before.

"Hey, I can only talk about it later... I don’t think the monsters need me to help?"

"Every place where the monsters gather, there should be the existence of the demon, or the town can not live."

"There are demons, what do I need to do for them?"

Jiang Shenwu feels very troublesome, but no matter what, he can't break through the realm outside the dragon's edge, or it is too dangerous. Once the black dragon consciousness recovers, it will have a fatal blow to him.

Even if it takes half a year to fly back, he must do the same.

Coming to the place where the experience points were exchanged, Jiang Shenwu checked and found that his experience points were still a lot left. After all, this war experience, he not only killed a dragon king, but also killed it with two girls. A nightmare dragon.

Killing the experience points that the Dragon King gave him, and after giving the laughter flowers, there are still a lot of ~www.novelmtl.com~ plus the part of the Nightmare Demon Dragon, Jiang Shenwu went out for a few days and got someone else. The experience points that can be obtained in more than three months.

This is already quite efficient. The key point is that Jiang Shenwu has lost the debts. If it is full, the students in the Yuheng District will not get so much in half a year.

However, these experience points are still too few for Jiang Shenwu.

He does not intend to use this time, because there is no need, or a lot of points, directly to a high-end source dragon martial arts, that is the most important way to improve the strength of Jiang Shenwu.

After everything was done, Jiang Shenwu first bid farewell to them.

He wants to go back and consolidate this harvest.

For the first time, he joined the dragon's blood and joined the war. Jiang Shenwu had a problem. He must be familiar with the power of the dragon's blood.

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