Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 560: Resurrection

? A grand palace in the Emperor Longwu Academy!

This palace is an important place for the Emperor Longwu Academy, and it is the place where the injured Dragon Warriors cultivated, especially those who are seriously injured and dying.

There is a dragon emperor sitting here in the town, mainly to heal the wounded students. Basically, the students of the Emperor Longwu College, after being seriously injured, came to the palace to cultivate.

Jiang Shenwu’s black dragon “corpse” was temporarily placed in one of the apse of the palace.

Just the third day of the morning when Jiang Shenwu was sent back.

A handsome, unspoken young man received two teenage students in the front hall of the palace.

These two young girls are a laughing flower and a white skirt girl who sent Jiang Shenwu back.

"Laughter, Xiaobai, you are coming again."

The handsome young man with a sly smile, stretched out and looked at the two women, and said hello.

"Miyao tutor, Jiang Shenwu, he still didn't wake up?"

The laughter flower seems to be very concerned about Jiang Shenwu. I asked directly the first sentence.

This handsome young man is the tutor of the palace, Gong Yu, who is the superpower of the Dragon Emperor level. The most important thing is that he has a strong healing power. Even the students of the Emperor Longwu Academy are seriously injured and dying. As long as there is still a breath left, it can be saved if sent to him.

Of course, it takes a certain amount of experience points to make the instructor Gong Yu rescue.

This does not require the consent of the dying student. If he saves the student, he will be forcibly deducted from the student's experience points. As a dragon emperor, he naturally has this right.

Moreover, it is only natural that the dean of the Emperor Longwu Academy is quite supportive.

Hearing the problem of laughing flowers, the handsome tutor Miya Yu shook his head: "I didn't wake up, I think, he probably can't wake up... It was the Liang Shuo sent yesterday, although only one breath left, but after the tutor The care has been restored, and the basics are alive and kicking."

"Hey! What is not good at ageing cultivation, cultivation of nine days of Huanglong blood blasting... This source dragon martial arts hurts itself too much!"

The instructor Gong Yu shook his head with some pity: "It seems that this Liang Shu will become a frequent visitor to me. I hope that he will not suddenly be the same as Jiang Jiangwu one day, and he will never wake up again."

"We don't know that he would be so desperate at the time."

The mood of laughter is obviously a bit low. If she doesn't get good news, her face will fade.

She recalled the scene at that time, Jiang Shenwu suddenly rushed out and the Dragon King's reincarnation of the reincarnation of the fifth hard work, they can not stop even the barrier, originally thought that Jiang Shenwu can not resist, will certainly summon the mentor Help.

I did not expect Jiang Shenwu to be desperate!

Incorporating the power of the dragon's blood, I don't know how it happened. I even possessed the power of the phantom dragon, and suddenly violently killed the guy... The scene was extremely cruel.

It can be said that the phantom dragon is tortured to death, and does not know what is going on in the end, the whole dragon's body has been swallowed into a keel!

In the end, when there was only one keel left, Jiang Shenwu finally could not hold on, falling from the sky clouds, falling in the snowy mountains, caught by the laughing flowers and the white skirt girl, and sent back to the Emperor Longwu. College.

The dragon king level dynasty Meteor Dragon, must be dead can not die anymore, but Jiang Shenwu, seems to be unable to wake up again.

This turned out to be the end result of both losses!

As for the remaining three Shenglong strongmen, they laughed and spent their troubles and let go of each other.

They saw that their own Dragon King captain was swallowed up into a white bone, and they were already scared to fear, and even one of them was already unconscious.

They want to run, laughter flowers and white skirt girls can not stop, for them, it is more important to bring Jiang Shenwu back to treat.

The results were unexpected. It’s been three days. Jiang Shenwu still has no signs of waking up...

As for Liang Shu, they certainly know that it is a little guy who is active in Yaoguang District. It is a good talent and it is likely to catch up with them in the future.

Of course, it is impossible to surpass them. At most, they should eat ash behind them.

"What sigh you sigh?"

At this time, the lovely white skirt girl suddenly said a word: "Do you think that the experience points you borrowed will not come back, it is a pity, very regret?"

This made the laughter on the spot.

For a long time, she was stunned with a small face: "What do you want to say nonsense? This is a very talented person. This is what the genius of Huanglongwu College is lacking. I just think it is a pity that he died like this..."

Just at this time.

In the depths of the palace in front of them, there was a sudden sound of the roar of the dragon. This sound seemed to have a breathtaking power, and there seemed to be a wild vision that swallowed the heavens and the earth...

Those who are familiar with this dragon, laughing flowers and white skirt girls, suddenly shocked by the sound of this dragon.

"Isn't that Jiang Shenwu calling?"

Laughter spent a hateful look at the Dragon Emperor Gong Yu: "I don't think the mentor will deceive us two small students!"

She suddenly felt that she was deceived and was very wronged.

Although the girl in the white skirt did not say anything, she took a look at the Emperor of the Dragon Emperor Gong Yu, and the same meaning was revealed in the beauty.

This time it was the turn of the Dragon Emperor’s Palace.

He didn't want to run his legs and ran inside: "I don't know what's going on! This kid is not dead, can't he die anymore? How is this suddenly a scam? Is it alive?"

Jiang Shenwu’s Shenlong’s “corpse” has been in him for three days. In three days, he spent a lot of time on Jiang Shenwu and wanted to save him.

After all, the more serious the injury ~www.novelmtl.com~ After he helped to cure, the more points he can get.

But Jiang Shenwu is really not saved in his opinion!

He did not use any of the various methods to make Jiang Shenwu have a little bit to wake up.

But now... Jiang Shenwu suddenly snorted in the morning of the Qing Dynasty. How can the Dragon Emperor Gong Yu not be shocked?

At the moment when he heard the screaming of Jiang Shenwu, the instructor Gong Yu quickly turned around and pulled his legs to the apse where Jiang Shenwu’s black dragon "corpse" was placed. He is now very confused. Jiang Shenwu has died for three days. How can he still Can you live?

Gong Yu’s life in the treatment of the Longwu people is extremely deep, and he has never seen this situation, so he has a very strong interest in Jiang Shenwu.

He is curious about this boy!

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