Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 550: Frost Dragon Dynasty

Chapter 550 Frost Dragon Dynasty

Jiang Shenwu immediately nodded and said: "Well, let's go together."

He is alone, and he is somewhat difficult to deal with the high-heavy opponents in the last round of robbery, even if the other party is only the Dragon King, but if it is three, it is easier to deal with.

It is worth noting that this war experience mission, if you kill the strong dragon of Shenglong, can also get the experience points, but only kill one tenth of the dragon king strong.

That is to kill ten holy dragons, in order to compare with a dragon king...

When the laughing flower invited Jiang Shenwu to join, the girl in her white dress around her only looked at Jiang Shenwu, did not speak, but from her eyes, she seemed to like Jiang Shenwu very much.

I don't know if I don't believe in the strength of Jiang Shenwu... It is reasonable to say that Jiang Shenwu had a positive discussion with the laughter. Before the strength of Jiang Shenwu, the students of the Longwu Academy should have some understanding.

Jiang Shenwu did not think too much, anyway, if he joined the team, it basically played the role of a meat shield.

His attack ability is indeed not strong. Although he can rely on various means to drag down his opponent in a single fight, it is almost impossible to kill an opponent in team battles.

On the ability to attack, the laughter is indeed much stronger than Jiang Shenwu.

Her ensignment is not full of words, and her lethality and destructive power are much stronger than Jiang Shenwu’s virtual dragon. If there is Jiang Shenwu blocking in front, she will have plenty of room to play.

"Let's set off for three people. If there are more people, although they have stronger fighting power, they are more likely to expose themselves during the war."

The laughter spent a little thought on it and said: "And if there are too many people, the scores of each person's experience will be too small. The strength of each of the three people is similar. It is appropriate to team up. When you earn points, the average of the three people is evenly distributed. Yes."

Jiang Shenwu nodded and had no opinion.

Another girl in the white skirt had no opinion. She just glanced at Jiang Shenwu, and her frown was slightly wrinkled, and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

After Jiang Shenwu agreed, the laughter flower will be the master.

Originally, the girl in the white dress seemed to be very vocal, and there was no rebuttal to the decision to laugh.

Jiang Shenwu naturally listens to laughter and flowers. In the Longwu Academy, the experience of laughing and spending flowers is always much more than that of Jiang Shenwu. Follow her actions, at least not to suffer.

The three men stepped into the hustle and bustle, and as the white light flashed, the three figures disappeared!

When Jiang Shenwu blinked again, he saw himself coming to a place where he was in the snow and ice, and reminded him of the previous floating dragon country.

But he knows that this is not a floating dragon country.

Frost Dragon Dynasty!

The name of this dragon kingdom, so that Jiang Shenwu recalled the place where he was born, the Yanlong Dynasty, only one word difference between the two.

The Frost Dragon dynasty, the vast territory is covered with frost and snow, the overall temperature is much lower than other dragon kingdoms. It is said that the dragon warriors of the Frost Dragon dynasty are very easy to get the ice and water properties of the Dragon and Dragon Blood when they wake up. It is related to the environment.

"This place is located in the eastern part of the Frost Dragon Empire."

Laughing flowers have come to the Frost Dragon dynasty before, and I have made a judgment around it: "The Thunder Dragon Kingdom is bordered by the eastern border of the Frost Dragon Empire. There is a snow mountain here. The competitive mining area is in the snowy mountains. ""

"We don't have to move, wait for us to come and meet us."

As the words of laughter fall, the two dragons appear in the distance, and the dragon's body is covered with dragon armor, which is actually the two dragon king level!

The two Dragon Kings personally came to meet the support students from the Emperor Longwu Academy. It can be seen that the Frost Dragon Dynasty attached great importance to the support of the Emperor Longwu Academy.

After all, the students of the Emperor Longwu Academy are all elites!

Although the cultivation may not be high, the level of the original dragon martial arts is much stronger than that of the Dragon King of the Dragon Kingdom.

Moreover, the students of the Emperor Longwu College, the quality of the war is the top, can play a role in the war, can not imagine.

The Frost Dragon dynasty was invaded. They immediately called for help from the Emperor Longwu Academy. They were originally within the jurisdiction of the Emperor Longwu Academy, but the Emperor Longwu Academy would not help them on the face, so it was only A quest for the task, let the students take the shot.

Some students have shot, and the strength of the Frost Dragon dynasty itself is not weak. The problem of fighting against the Thunder Dragon is no longer a problem.

Of course, unless there are other reinforcements in the Thunder Dragon Kingdom... In that case, the Emperor Longwu College can really be shot.

This is only three thousand miles away from the Emperor Longwu College. It is not the Yanlong Dynasty. It is tens of thousands of miles away from the East Emperor Longwu Academy. If the Yanlong Dynasty was invaded, there would be no channel for the Yanlong Emperor to report it. I know to the people of Donghuang Longwu College.

Therefore, the two are not the same concept.

"Welcome to the three to come to our Frost Dragon Emperor to help, thank you very much!"

The two dragon king-level powerhouses flew over, and one of them became a fierce general wearing a metal armor, and they fell in front of Jiang Shenwu. They respectfully said: "Please also ask the three to follow us to our camp. Let's briefly introduce the situation."

"It's working."

The laughter is still very polite, and after saying this, Jiang Shenwu and the white skirt girl followed up.

Until now, the laughter did not introduce the white skirt girl, so Jiang Shenwu was somewhat puzzled... He was not interested in the white skirt girl, but since it is a small team, I will act together later, I don’t know how to call it. Trouble?

Is it difficult to make a "hello" when she gets her shot?

This is too terrible.

Jiang Shenwu shook his head and did not think much. Anyway, the laughter flower should not be the first time to contact the war. It should have its own arrangements and no need to worry about him.

The three followed the two dragon king generals, flew all the way, and soon landed in a dragon warrior army camp under the snowy mountains ahead.

This camp is much more than what Jiang Shenwu saw in the floating dragon country before, including the Dragon Warrior, at least 70,000!

The floating dragon country is a group of demon people in the snow-capped mountains. On the Longwu mainland, the power of the demon is stronger, and it is impossible to compare with the dragon kingdom.

But now the Frost Dragon dynasty ~www.novelmtl.com~ is almost out of the nest, this scale is naturally not comparable to the squadron of the floating dragon country sent to destroy the wolf demon.

In the Dragon Warrior camp, Jiang Shenwu saw many dragon warriors coming and going, each face with blood and anger, it is clear that for the dragon warriors of the Frost Dragon dynasty, the invasion of the Thunder Dragon Kingdom made them all enemies. Want to repel the intruder.

Jiang Shenwu followed the road and knew that the two dragon king generals were the ninth peak of the reincarnation.

Such a presence, Jiang Shenwu is really not an opponent.

When the opponent's reincarnation power is out, he can directly crush him. Unless Jiang Shenwu can reach the level of the dragon emperor, then perhaps he can barely resist the opponent's offensive, but after a long battle, Jiang Shenwu is also difficult to win.

Because he can't break through the defense of the other side, the power of swallowing can't be done.

The two sides have been cultivated as a realm, and there are too many levels of difference. This is like a scorpio, and it can not be compensated casually.

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