Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 548: Big trouble

Jiang Shenwu has not encountered a bottleneck now, it is very smooth.

He has always been curious about his breakthrough speed, which is much faster than others. In addition to the power of swallowing to fully absorb the aura of heaven and earth, there is another reason that he has not encountered a bottleneck.

This is something that no one can imagine.

But this point, Jiang Shenwu certainly will not say it casually.

Although the Dragon King level of the blood stage, the promotion of the small class, the impact on the combat power is not particularly large, but Jiang Shenwu this time from the third floor to the sixth floor, the change is still very big.

After basically turning into a dragon, his talent has become stronger, and the overall strength is at least 30% stronger than half a month ago.

Now, if you laugh at the words, Jiang Shenwu is sure that he can more easily resist her offensive and find a chance to fight back!

However, next year's college Dawei, Jiang Shenwu can not aim at laughing flowers. After all, people have borrowed a lot of experience points for him. If he challenges her at that time, it is too inhuman.

Moreover, Jiang Shenwu's next college goal is definitely to go to Tianquan District, not the Yuheng District where the laughter flower is now.

His progress is far faster than ordinary people!

"The dragon and blood grades, to the sixth layer of the Dragon King, seems to increase the energy of the dragon mark that needs to be swallowed up. It has become a lot more. Let's stop for a while."

Jiang Shenwu has a complete thinking about his cultivation plan.

During this time, because of the blood of the dragon, he controlled his own strength to a higher level, which increased his overall strength by at least 50%.

In the case that the strength is solid enough, Jiang Shenwu does not have to worry about breaking through too quickly to bring some bad influence to himself.

"This heavenly treasure can be swallowed up."

Jiang Shenwu took out the underwater treasure from the beast, and prepared to swallow it.

Tiancai Dibao contains an incomparably rich aura of heaven and earth, and it is the fastest way to improve the realm of cultivation.

Before Jiang Shenwu used to earn points to exchange Tiancai Dibao, the water grass now obtained will not be exchanged for experience points.

This is his dependence on the breakthrough of the realm!

Like this Tiandi Dibao, Jiang Shenwu only needs to completely devour three strains, which is almost the fifth most important way from Nirvana to the Nirvana.

But this is because his power of engulfing can completely absorb the aura of heaven and earth, without any distraction and waste.

This efficiency is five times ten times stronger than the ordinary dragon warrior!

He only needs three strains to break through, and the ordinary dragon warrior's words, the talent is higher, and at least ten strains can break through, this is the gap.

The talent is higher, and the heaven and earth aura that absorbs the heavens and earth treasures will have some dissipating and wastefulness. Therefore, on the array of some dragon soldiers, the practice of the array will be attached to enhance the utilization efficiency of the dragon warriors to absorb the heavenly treasures.

This kind of cultivation of dragon soldiers is very effective for ordinary dragon warriors, but for Jiang Shenwu, there is no use at all.

During this time, Jiang Shenwu did not see it. This girl seems to go out to complete the task. She can't always follow Jiang Shenwu's ass, and she is also a very strong character.

She does not want to be a drag on Jiang Shenwu. She wants to be able to help Jiang Shenwu. The only way is to work hard and strive to make her strength stronger.

Although Jiang Shenwu did not see the little girl, but occasionally saw a laughter, the laughter said that it was seen several times in the experience stone, and the speed of the task was very fast.

However, compared with the speed at which Jiang Shenwu earned his experience points in the beast, it was still far worse.


Devouring this plant from the bottom of the beast, the Tiandi Dibao guarded by the demon king python, Jiang Shenwu's cultivation as the realm, more and more towards the Nirvana robbery sixth, close to the end, only the next step!

He didn't even need to consolidate. When he was repaired to the sixth level, his own combat power naturally increased and he was at least 20% stronger.

"Breakthrough the realm, you still have to go back to the Yanlong Dynasty."

"Unfortunately, the Emperor Huangwu of the Emperor Longwu Academy, who wants to transfer to the far away of the Yanlong Dynasty, is definitely a huge amount of experience!"

"I don't have a lot of experience now. I have to go back to the beast before I go back to the break."

Jiang Shenwu’s last trip to the beast was not a month away.

Therefore, when he is next, he is ready to go through the experience of stone tablets to complete some of the experience tasks, first earn some experience points.

You know, you want to go to the beast, you also need to spend a lot of experience points, and now Jiang Shenwu is penniless.

When he came to the vicinity of the stone monument, he saw several students who were discussing what was going on near the stone monument.

It was four young girls, and they looked like a graceful figure, a graceful look, a laughter, and Yan Yanyan was very eye-catching, so Jiang Shenwu was a little embarrassed to look at them.

The Emperor Longwu College is composed of the young dragons as the main student. It is not too strange to meet four girls at a time.

Rarely, the cultivation of these four young girls is extremely high. They are all dragons and dragons, and they have at least a reincarnation!

When Jiang Shenwu came over, they just didn't care if they looked at it.

For them, the level of Jiang Shenwu is still too low.

"It is a student in Tianzhu District."

Close to the heart, Jiang Shenwu hearted.

The strength of the four of them is absolutely horrible. With the means of Jiang Shenwu now, it is absolutely difficult to see that any one of them will die.

The four of them are talking about something, Jiang Shenwu is not interested, he just wants to see what is suitable for his experience on the stone.

But he didn't want to hear it, it didn't mean he couldn't hear it.

The four dragon emperors in Tianzhu District seem to be talking about some things about the beast. If they don’t know the beast, they can’t hear it, but Jiang Shenwu went to the beast, and naturally they know that they are talking. Beast.

"Unexpectedly, the two Longwu colleges of the Northern Wilderness and the Southern Emperor actually got up in the beast."

“It’s strange to say that the competition of the demon emperor’s snake, who won in the end?”

"It is said that it was taken away by the giant rock Tianminglong of the Southern Emperor Longwu Academy, but the guy seems to die and refuses to admit it. The Northern Wilderness does not believe."

"They play well, it's best to play when the beast is seen, so that we can get the best."

The four girls chatted at ~www.novelmtl.com~ and giggled.

Jiang Shenwu listened and was a bit shameful.

It turned out that this matter of the demon emperor has been a bit too big. This thing is that he intervened. The truth is true, only he knows it.

Of course, the Emperor of the Dragon Emperor who manages the experience points should also know that this is Jiang Shenwu. It is necessary to know that among the demons that Jiang Shenwu turned in, there is a demon of the demon emperor.

At that time, the Emperor of the Dragon Emperor was a little surprised. I don’t know how Jiang Shenwu could get the demon of such a beast.

But now, the students of the two great Longwu colleges of the Southern Emperor and the Northern Wilderness seem to have been unhappy because of this incident, and things are noisy. The Dragon Emperor, who is here at the Longwu Academy, is naturally aware.

However, the Emperor of the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Emperor Wulong Academy, of course, it is impossible to tell the truth of this matter.

Not only the students, but even the Dragon Emperor of the four Longwu Academy, they are also a competitive relationship with each other!

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