Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 536: Cold battle

In the depths of this towering ancient forest, Jiang Shenwu knew that he had reached a more dangerous place.

In the beast, the danger means harvest, but it may also mean that the work is abandoned.

At a critical juncture, Yan Huangzhen can take him out of the moment, but it also means that he has not got anything, wasting a considerable amount of experience points.

And this month, it is impossible to enter the beast again, which is equivalent to a major blow in his cultivation process.

As he continued to go deep into the towering forest, he became more and more cautious, although he walked in the shadows, there is the existence of the ink beast, so that his breath is almost imperceptible.

But when he walks, the movements that will be made are hard to cover up.

If it is a slightly more sensitive hearing, you can still detect his proximity.

Jiang Shenwu can only move forward as lightly as possible, along with no thorns, all the way forward, to the depths of the towering ancient forest, and even looking up, can not see the four ancient words in the sky.

Jiang Shenwu did not care too much. He listened to the beasts of the beasts coming from the front. At the same time, there were some warnings and faint expectations.

He felt that it seemed to be the atmosphere of a demon king, and it was a powerful demon king who had already entered the reincarnation of the reincarnation. So there is a treasure that must be guarded.

"It is said that the beasts of the beasts are individuals, not ethnic groups!"

"If there is only one demon king who has just stepped into the reincarnation, then I still have the possibility to deal with it, but I need to be prepared in advance."

The chaotic dragon body of Jiang Shenwu and the power to devour Nirvana can make him weak and strong.

The key is to find out the truth of the demon king.

Now that the distance is too far, he can't listen to it. He can only wait until he is close.

This process must not be relaxed. Once it is discovered by the other party in advance, it is very likely that Jiang Shenwu will face a more vigilant demon king, and it will certainly be more difficult to deal with.

However, as Jiang Shenwu continued to approach, he soon discovered that the demon king did not seem to be at random, but in... fighting!

The other party is in a fierce battle!

With the coming of the beast, Jiang Shenwu felt that the increasingly fierce fighting momentum in front of him came from the jungle.

This made Jiang Shenwu blink his eyes.

This situation is absolutely good news for him.

Maybe he can make a cheap one.

The demon king is in a fierce battle, whether it is fighting with other dragon warriors, or fighting with other monsters, Jiang Shenwu may take the opportunity to gain some benefits.

Jiang Shenwu speeded up the footwork while the other side was still in a fierce battle.

Anyway, with the help of the ink beast, his breath in the shadow is close to nothing, and very few exist to discover his existence.

Even if you have a strong hearing, you don't know what is close here. It is probably just a small monster, and it is not necessarily true.

Jiang Shenwu did not hesitate, quickly moved forward, and soon stopped by a shadow.

When he stopped, his heart almost stopped beating.

Because he found that in this towering ancient forest, what appeared in front of him turned out to be a deep abyss!

Below the abyss, it is a cold pool that is bottomless. The snoring of the demon king is from the cold pool.

"It’s the demon king under the water!"

Jiang Shenwu's face changed slightly.

After the Dragon Warrior has turned the dragon, but all have the ability to fight under the water, if you can fight under the water, unless it is the strength of some water attribute talents, the combat power will play some discounts.

If the demon king who was originally capable of his enemies is under the water, he is not necessarily the opponent of the opponent.

And the most important thing is that he found that the other side was fighting under the water in the cold pool, and he could not see exactly what the battle was.

If he rushes in, he is likely to be attacked by both sides of the battle!

But let him give up this opportunity, he can not be willing.

He bit his teeth and was temporarily prepared in the shadow of the giant tree by the cold pool.

He plans to take a hunt and the oriole is behind.

No matter who is under the cold pool, who is fighting against the demon king, he intends to appear after the battle is almost over, to see if he can **** something.

If the Dragon Warrior student wins, he can leave directly after he goes down.

He does not want to rob any other student of the treasures of heaven and earth. If he is enemies, he will not be good for him in the future. Anyway, he is not so lacking.

Soon, he listened and found that the situation seemed very beneficial to him.

The demon king who cares most about him at that time seems to be from a snake demon king. This demon king is extremely powerful under the water, but it is not so easy to deal with.

But the good news is that the snoring of the demon king has become weaker and weaker and seems to have suffered a serious injury.

The main reason is that Jiang Shenwu also heard the snoring of some other monsters under the cold pool, but there is no more than one type, but there is definitely more than one.

"It seems that there are quite a few other monsters ~www.novelmtl.com~ besieged the snake king!"

Jiang Shenwu squinted his eyes.

He has been waiting in the shadow of the shore above the cold pool, and both sides of the battle in the cold pool have not noticed the arrival of Jiang Shenwu.

They smothered at the bottom of the cold pool, and even the pools of the cold pool were stained with blood red.

The fierce battle below is getting smaller and smaller.

It seems that the nearby monsters have come to participate in this fierce battle. Within a few dozen miles, there are no other monsters coming over.

Otherwise, Jiang Shenwu has already noticed the breath of the other party.

In other words, now is the best time for Jiang Shenwu to be cheap!

The fierce battle at the bottom of the cold pool finally dissipated quickly.

The monsters also quickly fell silent, and a battle seemed to end.

Blood in the cold pool looks very scary.

However, Jiang Shenwu felt that under the cold pool, there seems to be a treasure that exudes a rich atmosphere of heaven and earth.

The monsters, I am afraid that they are shot because of the treasure.

"It's time to take the shot, take the thing and leave!"

Jiang Shenwu made up his mind and finally smashed the dragon at this moment and rushed to the bottom of the cold pool.

The dragon martial arts epic stream broke out, and in this instant, it was killed in the cold pool, it seems to alarm the strong presence in the cold pool.

A monster roared and roared from the bottom of the cold pool, and the blood of the entire cold pool was stirred.

But Jiang Shenwu did not hesitate.

The body of the black dragon, which is four or five hundred feet long, suddenly rushed into the cold pool, and saw a lot of monsters in the blood of the deep cold pool.

In the center of those bodies, there was an incomparably huge scale snake, which was covered with wounds. At the same time as Jiang Shenwu came down, he attacked him.

The owner of this cold pool seems to be this scale snake!

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