Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 526: Asking flowers, falling flowers, red

Jiang Shenwu is too lazy to pay attention to Liang Shu.

He walked up to the Arima Square and smiled at the beautiful girl who came on the head. "Jiang Shenwu."

The laughing flowers are dressed in white skirts and look very pure, but there are some arrogance in a pair of scorpions. In the face of Jiang Shenwu’s greetings, there is no response.

Obviously this woman is very confident about her strength.

"let's start."

With the super **** dragon beauty, the battle in the field begins directly.

Jiang Shenwu is not a slow-moving incarnation of the Black Dragon.

After all, he is not the type that takes the initiative to attack, and it is almost the same, he is the kind of defensive counterattack type of combat style, and he has more advantages than it is.

However, I did not practice any refining body dragon martial arts. The defense is really bad. Anything that dragon martial arts attacked her can cause her serious injury.

Although there are dragons and dragons that can make her recover, it is the opponent of Liang Shu.

If you change to a level of laughter, or any other opponent in Yuheng District, if you don't have defense, you may be killed by the other party in an instant.

It’s dead, and it’s no longer useful to recover.

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu’s advantage is obvious, that is, his refining body dragon martial arts made him extremely resistant.

At this moment, the laughter flower directly became a **** of more than four hundred feet, and launched an offensive against Jiang Shenwu.

"Ask flowers are full of words!"

A mid-level source of dragon martial arts was displayed by laughter.

Then I saw the red brilliance of the sky, such as the sky, the whole scene bloomed!

But see Jiang Shenwu's all sides are red brilliance, each red brilliance, like the world's sharpest knife, strangled toward the black dragon's body of Jiang Shenwu.

"The shield of the Dragon God!"

Jiang Shenwu’s second-line defensive dragon martial arts broke out, but it only resisted the opponent’s offensive moment and could not bear it.

The endless red brilliance, like a sharp blade, came on, and only broke through the shield of his Dragon God in an instant, and then on his black dragon's body, he smashed out countless blood holes.

"This strength is good, better than Chu Qingyun!"

Jiang Shenwu could not help but think of it.

In his pair of dragons, not only did he have no painful color, but he was full of excitement.

This kind of battle in a fair environment will enable him to clearly know his own deficiencies and where he needs to improve.

Only this kind of battle is what he longs for.

However, the other students who watched the battle, including the dean of the super **** dragon, could not help but frown at the moment.

Just a trick, the laughter flower seriously injured Jiang Shenwu.

What defensive dragon martial arts does this guy use?

The second dragon's shield?

This is too bad!

I am afraid that the next move of laughter can kill Jiang Shenwu directly!

With this means, how can you defeat the students of Yuheng District of Donghuang Longwu College?

too weak!

This kid is afraid that he is not lying?

Many people are eccentric.

Lying, there is no meaning in the face of absolute strength, they are more willing to believe that what Jiang Shenwu said is true.

He did defeat the Yuheng District students of Donghuang Longwu College, and he was cheated on the other side, and the Dean strengthened his strength by 50%.

So, is the strength of the current Donglong Longwu College students too bad?

they do not know.

Super Dragon Lady is also a voice, no speech, ready to continue watching.

In fact, she is planning to stop. After all, the students in Yuheng District are not new students like Liang Shu, and their strength is much stronger.

If you don't do well, Jiang Shenwu will be killed by laughter and then it will be fun.

However, she thought of the one that had just played against Liang Shu, but it did not have any defensive means, but it had such a strong recovery ability.

"Do you have this scorpion?"

The beauty woman’s dean looked at Jiang Shenwu.

Seeing the black dragon's body of Jiang Shenwu, although he was attacked by the power of laughter and flowers, his blood was flowing, but he was very excited, and there was no timidity at all.

"Virtual Dragons are breaking!"

Jiang Shenwu began to devour the power of the other side, at the same time, launched a counterattack!

His counterattacks are the same as the virtual dragons, and the six black dragons condense from the air, and then burst out of six beams, sweeping toward their opponents.

These six black beams have a very good destructive power.

It is a pity that Jiang Shenwu is now the fifth-level level of Nirvana and the eighth-heavy laughter of the Nirvana. It is not enough to see.

Even though these six dark beams are powerful, they are directly resisted by the defensive means.

But at this moment... Jiang Shenwu has become more powerful by swallowing the power of the original dragon martial arts that has just been laughed at!

His original injury was only looking heavy. In fact, Xiaolong Yushu has already restored him.

At this time, his power of engulfing swallowed the strength of the other side.

Asking flowers is not full of Jiang Hong, but it is a trick to control the powerful dragon martial arts, that is to say, the dragon and blood attributes of the laughter flower is the flame attribute!

At this moment, Jiang Shenwu’s resistance to the fire attribute is directly doubled.

If you said that the laughter flower can cause serious injury to Jiang Shenwu, it can only cause minor injuries.

If it can only be slightly injured, it is now completely incapable of hurting Jiang Shenwu.

The power of laughter is not strong, but for Jiang Shenwu, it is not fatal.

To know that he broke through the fifth place of Nirvana and robbed a talent!

His power to devour talent ~www.novelmtl.com~ is now extremely tyrannical, when the power of the opponent is swallowed, the effect is extremely fast.

"Ask flowers are full of words!"

Another attack was directed at Jiang Shenwu, and the flames of the sky broke into red brilliance.

Laughing flowers are obviously going to solve this problem with Jiang Shenwu. According to the situation just now, Jiang Shenwu is once again subjected to this move. If he is not dead, he will be seriously injured. Then the battle will be over.


When everyone thinks that Jiang Shenwu will be seriously injured, the sky is red and the shadow of the knife falls on the black dragon's body of Jiang Shenwu, and only some shallow blood marks are found!

I don't know so.

The surrounding students immediately discovered that the **** swords had just been hit, and the deep visible bones of the knife marks have almost recovered. Now it is covered with a layer of blood, so it looks very embarrassing.

In fact... Now Jiang Shenwu’s state is extremely good!

"What happened? Just like that ability?"

"I don't know, it's too weird! Was it seriously hurt, even recovered directly?"

"This resilience is too fast! Do they cultivate what is the source of the restored dragon martial arts?"

"Can this kind of fighting... is too brainless? And, will they not feel pain when they are injured?"

"No, have you discovered that this time, this Jiang Shenwu was attacked by a laughter, and he was not hurt, and his physical defense was too strong."

"Yes, if you switch to another Nirvana robbery fifth heavy dragon warrior, a move will be solved... This is, refining body dragon martial arts?"

The people around watching the battle finally saw the power of Jiang Shenwu.

At this glance, this person seems to have been seriously injured, and there is no means.

But the reality is extremely strong!

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