Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 519: Win

In the field, Chu Qingyun saw that he had left the dragon tail of Jiang Shenwu, and he also bowed.

He didn't think about going down to the dragon tail of Jiang Shenwu. It was when Jiang Shenwu ducked, the speed was a little slower, and the dragon tail was just squatted.

But at this time, he looked indifferent and could not sympathize with Jiang Shenwu.

For him, the battle was originally a matter of life and death, even if the college is bigger than that.

If Jiang Shenwu admits defeat earlier, how can he be taken down?

"Don't admit defeat?"

Chu Qingyun snorted, the body of the mad thunder dragon was high, overlooking the injured Jiang Shenwu!

"Ginger Shenwu, you are too ignorant, and they have forced me to display mystery. If I don't admit defeat, I will lose my life and don't blame me!"

In order to maintain the left-handed laughter, he also explained that he had just performed the secret technique and made a killer.

Otherwise, I am afraid that many people will doubt his power.

Chu Qingyun thought that it would be indifferent to be suspected, and it would be bad if it affected the left laughter.

The dean is so helpful to himself, is he optimistic about himself?

He didn't think more, but suddenly felt that his dragon's body had some weakness.

"what happened?"

"In my body, it seems that there is still his power! Is it engulfing the essence of my life?"

Chu Qingyun brows slightly wrinkled.

He felt the power to devour Nirvana in his body!

This nirvana power has been condensed once, although the left laughter is far from the injury to Chu Qingyun, but the power of Nirvana in his body can not be eliminated.

This has led to the power of swallowing Nirvana has been consuming the essence of his life flesh and blood!

Jiang Shenwu’s injury was quickly restored.

Long tail does not mention it for the time being. He did not restore the dragon tail under the public, but only focused on restoring the injuries in other places, and soon recovered at least 80% of the combat power.

Although the dragon tail was shackled, but Jiang Shenwu did not have the slightest tension, but a look of indifference. At this moment, the episodes of the episodes and the dragons were broken, and surrounded by the turbulent dragons of the Chu Qingyun.

The constant offensive has made Chu Qingyun extremely angry.

His two heavenly dragons, at this time, turned into two chains of lightning, chasing Jiang Shenwu from two different directions, and locked the **** gods.

However, now Jiang Shenwu is running out of power, how can it be so easily locked by the other side?

With the power of engulfing nirvana in Chu Qingyun, he constantly devours the essence of his life, and he obviously feels weaker and weaker.

Even though the left-handed laughter gave him 50% of the strength improvement, he could not play it out.

His vitality is escaping!

Because Jiang Shenwu's power to swallow nirvana is now more and more powerful and more and more cohesive, he swallows the essence of his life and blood, very fast.

At first, he devours the life and blood of the Dragon Warrior and causes the other party to die. It takes one or two hours.

Now it only takes less than a cup of tea.

too fast!

Wherein the business rate of gazing is reduced.

In a short while, he found that the dragon martial arts he displayed did not pose any threat to Jiang Shenwu.

This surprised him, but his mental state is getting worse and worse, his body is getting more and more empty, and he is becoming drowsy.

How is this going?

Chu Qingyun’s heart is big.

He didn't kill Jiang Shenwu when he first broke out, but just cut off his dragon tail, so that he has lost his chance. Now he wants to beat Jiang Shenwu, unless he laughs and gives him twice the power. .

But in this case, Zuo Xiaofeng’s actions are likely to be exposed.

He can't do that.

As Jiang Shenwu thought, the left laughter in the field was almost ruined by Chu Qingyun.

This guy, he has given him 50% strength, and even beat Jiang Shenwu, just smashed the dragon tail of Jiang Shenwu?

This is not the result of the left laughter!

Zuo Xiaofeng's face is a bit gloomy.

But now there is no way, he can only consider this battle to let Jiang Shenwu win, how to deal with Jiang Shenwu.


The situation in the field is increasingly unfavorable to Chu Qingyun.

Jiang Shenwu's power to swallow nirvana has swallowed most of his flesh and blood life essence.

This allowed Jiang Shenwu to have a good injury in addition to the dragon tail, and even the two blood holes on the dragon's body have re-solidified flesh and blood and completely recovered.

His combat power was weakened only because the dragon tail was shackled.

However, in contrast to Chu Qingyun, the vitality of this kid is almost swallowed up. The glare of the whole dragon is bleak, and the surface of the dragon's body is all dried blood. It is the wound that was blown out by Jiang Shenwu. Healed.

It is impossible to heal these wounds by relying on Chu Qingyun.

That was the result of the left laughter secretly treating him.

Now, Chu Qing has lost and lost completely.

Even if the left laughter gave him 50% strength, he still lost!

Chu Qingyun has no feeling, and finally one is carried to the square.

Jiang Shenwu did not kill him. When he saw that he was weak and fainted, he stopped the engulfing power in his body.

He looked up and glanced at the left laughing wind.

At this time, he can be sure that the left laughter is making a ghost, and this dean will actually target a little dragon king student~www.novelmtl.com~ It is really careful to the extreme.

This situation was not expected by Jiang Shenwu.

But he still won, and he hit the face of the left smile!

When he looked up and looked at the left laughing wind, Zuo Xiaofeng was expressionless and said a little: "Jiang Shenwu, winning, into Yuheng District."

The announcement of this news made everyone in the field stunned.

Some people feel shocked, some feel pity, and some people feel that it is unnecessary.

After all, Jiang Shenwu Longwei was smashed, and both cultivation and fighting were greatly reduced. It was too wasteful to let him enter Yuheng District...

However, if you win the challenge in the college, you can enter the deeper area. This is the rule, and no one can say anything.

Jiang Shenwu heard that Zuo Xiaofeng announced that he had won, and entered Yuheng District, and his heart was relieved.

He regained his adult form and left the Square of Argument. He only felt a moment of incomparable weakness.

Although most of the injuries have been restored, he has not re-aggregated the dragon tail. Now he is weaker than the heyday.

If it is not because of the power to swallow nirvana in the body of Chu Qingyun, devastating the essence of flesh and blood, Jiang Shenwu is really difficult to win this time.

In the next battle, Jiang Shenwu did not need to watch.

He turned and left, but he followed up nervously.

Also followed by Qin Fengyu and Liuhua, the two brothers and sisters.

Luo Wei, Xu Qin, and Lin Yuxi also want to keep up. The former two are Yuheng District students. They will be challenged today, so they can't go, and Lin Yuxi also wants to challenge Yuheng District today, so he didn't go.

Looking at the back of Jiang Shenwu's departure, a smile in the eyes of Zuo Xiaofeng flashed, no one noticed!

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