Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 515: Strength level

In the end, Qin Tianzi won.

Before the rise of Yu Tianshang, Qin Tianzi was the first student of Donghuang Longwu College. Even if he was beaten by Yu Tianshang for a year, he will rise again in the coming year, and he will be able to enter Tianshu District.

However, he still did not dare to challenge Yu Tianshang this year, and the momentum has fallen, I am afraid it will be difficult to surpass Yu Tianshang in the future.

Jiang Shenwu, they are just looking at this battle today, for them, a lot of gains.

And today is the battle of Tianzhu District to challenge Tianshu District. It is not the only one.

Three people in Tianshu District, seven people in Tianzhu District.

Among the seven, in addition to Qin Tianzi's challenge to success, three others stood up and challenged once. The challenge was naturally among the three people in Tianshu District, except for Yu Tianshang and Qin Tianzi, Liu Xing.

This person's strength is naturally not weak, and he is challenged by three people in succession. He is all winning, and it is getting easier. This is because he accepts the challenge of the next person, and the left laughter will increase his strength by 20%.

After such a three-game losing streak, no one challenged him.

Wherein Yu discovered that they were satisfied with the yoshino This is totally a matter of no chance of winning, there is no need to waste time.

After four battles, today's challenge is over.

In general, for Jiang Shenwu, these four battles looked down and made him gain a lot.

After all, it is the battle of the Dragon parameter. The main reason is that the two sides are evenly matched, but there are gaps, but they are still at the same level, so the battle is quite fierce.

In the application of the original dragon martial arts, as well as the power of Nirvana and even the use of the wheel, Jiang Shenwu has gained a lot.

Every day after the battle, Jiang Shenwu went to watch, and did not miss one.

The next day was nine students from Tianzhu District. They challenged seven students in Tianzhu District. There were a total of seven battles, which was more intense than Tianzhu District’s challenge to Tianshu District.

Among them, there were even two challenges. Two students from Tianzhu District successfully entered the practice in Tianzhu District!

Although the gap between the latter areas is not large, the difference between the first three areas and the intensity of the dragon mark energy is quite large, even counted by multiples.

The first Tianshu District has a rich concentration of dragon marks, at least three times that of the Tianzhu District.

The Tianzhu District is twice as big as the Tianzhu District.

After the Tianzhu District, the gap is not so big. Each level is deeper, only two or three percent of the dragon mark energy is rich.

"You must enter the Tianzhu District as soon as possible."

Jiang Shenwu thought about it.

Tianshu, Tianzhu, Tianzhu, these three inner areas are the places where the real dragon marks are rich in energy.

It can even be said that these three areas are the core areas of the East Emperor Longwu Academy. Other peripheral areas are simply the dragon mark energy leaked from these three areas.

As you can imagine, the gap is huge.

The number of people in Tianqiao, Tianzhu and Tianzhu, which can be accommodated together, is nineteen.

Three people in Tianshu District, seven in Tianzhu District and nine in Tianzhu District.

Adding up to nineteen, that is to say, Jiang Shenwu wants to reach the top nine in the hundreds of Donghuang Longwu College students.

And this, you must ask him to reach the dragon and dragon level of the dragon.

Otherwise, it is impossible to be the opponent of those students.

Among those students, there are even the existence of a round robbery, and the dragon and blood grades are basically the second and third layers. The combat power is not comparable to Jiang Shenwu.

So, next, the Tianquan District challenged the battle in Tianzhu District, which is the top priority of Jiang Shenwu.

He wants to know the strength of the students in Tianquan District.

Then when the Tianquan District challenged the Tianzhu District, Jiang Shenwu discovered that the strength of the Tianquan District students was a little different.

The strongest in the Tianquan District can challenge the Tianzhu District, and even one person wins and enters the Tianzhu District to practice.

However, the weak in the Tianquan District is not only far from the students in the Tianzhu District, but even worried about being challenged by the students in the Yuheng District below.

There are a total of fifteen people in Tianquan District, and each one is not weak.

But the weakest of them is the strongest of the Dragon Emperor level. As for the cultivation, it also reached the peak of Nirvana.

At this level, Jiang Shenwu pondered.

Can you deal with it yourself?

The answer is no.

The gap between the Dragon King and the Dragon King is too great. It is no wonder that some students will be willing to absorb the dragon mark energy for more than ten or twenty years, in order to become the Dragon King most quickly.

If Jiang Shenwu does not become a dragon emperor, I am afraid I have to be with them to fight against them, that is, the peak of Nirvana.

Now Jiang Shenwu, who has just stepped into the fifth place of Nirvana’s robbery, is far worse than the ninth peak.

In fact, Jiang Shenwu’s combat power is now very strong.

Many of the students who have joined the Donghuang Longwu Academy for ten years are probably not as good as Jiang Shenwu’s current strength.

The fifth Yuheng District after the Tianquan District is the area where the former Luo and Xu Qin were located.

To be honest, the average combat strength of the students in Yuheng District is also relatively strong.

Among the fifteen people in Yuheng District, there are only four or five students who are likely to be defeated by Jiang Shenwu, and two of them are Luo Wei and Xu Qin.

When Luo Wei and Xu Qin were in the past, they showed that the fighting power was definitely not lost to the current Jiang Shenwu, but the perception was slightly worse.

In fact, Jiang Shenwu himself does not know why he feels stronger.

The ink beast has been hiding around him~www.novelmtl.com~ He has never felt it, and he can see that the ink scorpion is strong.

"It seems that only Yuheng District can be challenged."

Jiang Shenwu thought about it.

The students in Yuheng District, who are in the forefront, have already set foot on the ranks of the Dragon Emperor, but the repair is not too high.

These are the geniuses who have become dragon emperors at a young age, and it is normal to cultivate them to a low level.

Basically, it is the seventh and eighth heavyweight of Nirvana. It is only the inheritance of the Dragon King level, so it is much stronger than others.

Jiang Shenwu feels that he is playing against this level of opponents, but it is still a bit unsafe.

However, under the Yuheng District, some Dragon King students who focus on improving their strength are the targets that he can challenge.

These students are the ninth place of Nirvana's robbery. The dragon king's level of inheritance and blood is only cultivated to the fourth and fifth floors.

Such an opponent, Jiang Shenwu feels that he can still try it.

As for whether you can win, you can only say it again.

At least when the students in Yuheng District challenged Tianquan District, Jiang Shenwu did not feel that there were too many problems.

After all, now he is the fifth most important cultivation of Nirvana, and he has also condensed the power of Nirvana. His strength is completely stronger than that of the same-order Longwu.

The next day was a day to challenge the students in Yuheng District.

It is not necessarily the challenge of the Kaiyang District immediately. Even the students in Yaoguang District can challenge, but few students will do so.

Only the genius of Yu Tianshang, who only challenged the strong across the region, and also won.

This time, Jiang Shenwu stood up and challenged the strong man from Yuheng District from Yaoguang District!

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