Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 497: Melee

Jiang Shenwu did not see it in the crowd.

Then it shows that she is not in the first batch of melee list.

Watching just a hundred young talented dragon warriors stepping into the stadium, all the 100,000 spectators around them broke out with warm applause and a variety of cheers.

Not far from Jiang Shenwu and Huohuang, there was a middle-aged man with a strong body. He stood up and shouted: "Son, come on! It’s like a broken bamboo! Rush into the college!"

This momentum is extremely amazing, because this middle-aged man turned out to be the strongest of the Dragon Emperor level, and the cultivation is extremely powerful, I am afraid that the peak of the reincarnation!

So angry and angry, to cheer for his son, the momentum is huge, the attention of a nearby spectator is concentrated on his body.

And not only that.

After the middle-aged man stood up and roared, there were hundreds of powerful dragon warriors wearing armor behind him. The irony breath of his body was from the Dragon Warrior Legion.

One hundred of them are all strong men of reincarnation. At this moment, they all stand up and scream: "Oh, Prince! Come on!"

The hundreds of people shouted together, and almost everyone in the audience moved their eyes to this side, looking at them like a fool.

If it is useful to refuel, it will not be a day before every year to pass the genius trial and join the East Emperor Longwu College.

Therefore, many people are very ridiculous when they look at this battle. After all, the strength of the father's family is no longer strong, and it is impossible to join the East Emperor Longwu College.

Even if the luck is not so good, there is no strong teammate who is evenly matched. They can't pass the genius to try and join the East Emperor Longwu College.

"It is the dragon emperor of Daliang Longguo, behind him is the Lianglong Legion. This is a huge momentum."

"The strength of Daliang Longguo is not weak. It is said that this dragon emperor is the strongest person in the reincarnation of the robbery, and the progress of the dragon and the blood has reached three tenths of the Dragon Emperor!"

"Really? So strong! That doesn't mean that the Dragon King is almost the same as the general Donghuang Longwu College graduates!"

There are many people talking.

Jiang Shenwu listened to these words, but he was a little interested in the strong middle-aged man.

It’s not the graduation of Donghuang Longwu College. It’s amazing to raise the dragon’s dragon’s blood to 30%.

As just mentioned, the students of Donghuang Longwu College can only cultivate for a hundred years.

If you can reach 50% of the Dragon King's blood in a hundred years, then you are qualified to stay as a mentor.

If you can become a super dragon in a hundred years, you can leave the Longwu mainland and go to a higher level.

However, if neither of them is reached, then it can only leave the East Emperor Longwu College, which means that the Dragon Warrior talent is not enough.

Therefore, many students of the East Emperor Longwu College, only a hundred years of anger can only helplessly leave.

At this time, those students are basically the Dragon King level, but basically only reached the stage of 10% to 30%, and there is still a long way from the Super Dragon.

When I failed to stay at Donghuang Longwu College, it means that there is almost no chance to become a super dragon in the future.

After leaving Donghuang Longwu College, the students can only return to their home country, or re-open a dragon kingdom and spend the rest of their lives.

At this time, the dragon king of Daliang Longguo, whose dragon blood has reached the top of the Dragon Emperor, has been quite powerful.

Jiang Shenwu now knows, for example, the Emperor Dragon, whose dragon blood grade has reached the Dragon King, but it is too far away from the Super Dragon, almost less than 10% of the progress.

This is the gap.

Therefore, the same as the Dragon King, the strength is different, this is the reason.

The Dragon King is moving towards the Super Dragon. The higher the progress and the stronger the strength, which is the fundamental reason why the mentor of Donghuang Longwu College is stronger than other Dragon Kings.

Chu Yuejun's Dragon King's blood progress, Jiang Shenwu does not know how much, but can stay as a mentor, at least 50%.

And because she has a lot of students, she has been a mentor for many years. Her dragon and blood progress, I am afraid that it has already been sixty-seven percent, or even seven or eight percent.

The strength of this level is much stronger than that of the outside Dragon King. It is not an exaggeration to play ten.

With the dragon emperor of the Longliang Longguo and the 100-member of the Lianglong Legion, in the middle of the performance of the battlefield, everyone also saw a strong young man waving to the side.

"Daddy, rest assured, I am your son, you will definitely join the East Emperor Longwu College!"

The sturdy young man has short hair and is wearing an iron lock armor, but it doesn't look heavy, but it is very dexterous, his eyes are extremely determined, and he has unparalleled confidence.

At this moment, the young and strong young people are a bit screaming, and they obviously have confidence in themselves.

He is Liang Shu, the prince of the dynasty of the Longliang, and this time he participated in the genius trial, but with the determination to win.

Jiang Shenwu took a closer look, this prince is not low, there is a seventh level of Nirvana robbery ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ and the dragon blood, also reached the Dragon King's progress of 20%.

You must know that the progress of Jiang Shenwu’s Dragon King has not yet reached this level.

After all, after Jiang Shenwu was promoted to the Dragon King, he did not pay much attention to absorb the energy of the dragon mark. It was just step by step, and now only the dragon king's blood progress is 10%.

Of course, if this prince wants to fight against Jiang Shenwu, it must be hanged by Jiang Shenwu.

Only in the trials of genius trials, these strengths are already quite powerful.

"Of course, if you are against him, the odds are not 100%. However, if there is a trial of this level, then you can choose to form a team to challenge them."

Jiang Shenwu thought about it.

Although the prince of the scorpion dragon country is very high-profile, there is no doubt that he has this strength.

After the first melee began, there were quite a few young geniuses who had not looked good to high-profile people, secretly formed alliances, and launched an offensive directly toward the prince.

In the field, a hundred dragon warriors have turned dragons, the scene is spectacular, and the terrorist forces began to sway on the court!

In the entire performance field, there is a protective barrier, which is divided into dozens of battlefields, and there are various battles of varying degrees of intensity.

Among them, the battlefield where the prince is located is the most intense!

In total, there are more than 20 dragon warriors who have joined forces to besieged the prince and want to blast him out.

Unfortunately, these geniuses of the siege are very talented, but their combat power is only average. Many people are focused on improving the realm, while others ignore the cultivation of dragon martial arts.

So now, more than 20 people besieged a prince, and they were resisted by the prince.

The most crucial thing is... After the prince launched a counterattack, he even took one shot and flew out the guys who besieged him!

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