Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 489: Tianyang Village

Tianyang Village.

This is a small village with only two hundred people, and the rate belongs to a dragon warrior tribe.

Picking this village as a lure location, because the nearby area is sparsely populated, once it is hit, it will not cause too much damage and hurt the people.

When Jiang Shenwu went to the village, it was just the evening.

There is only one inn in the entire village. It is located on the side of the official road. It is not to mention anything about decoration. Naturally, it is not so particular, but Jiang Shenwu is to deal with the squid, and it is impossible to pick the environment.

They lived in the inn, the innkeeper's charm still exists, they are very enthusiastic to them, it is obvious that there are very few outsiders in this village, as for the dragons who come here are even less.

Needless to say, there are still a few young dragon warriors who come to see the momentum is extremely extraordinary, not the ordinary dragon warrior.

Which makes the boss want to be slow?

They had two rooms in total. For the sake of convenience, Jiang Shenwu and Luo Wei together, Lin Yuxi was a room with Xu Qin.

I didn't sleep at night, but I was always alert to the surrounding environment.

It is a pity that after the night passed, there was nothing unusual in Tianyang Village.

Jiang Shenwu, they stayed in the night for nothing, and there was no gain, let alone the squid beast, and even the shadow of any monster was not seen.

"Continue to live for one day."

Luo Wei made a decision: "According to the frequency of the squid beast, it should appear once every seven days. From the last time, only five days have passed, we can continue to wait for two to three days."

This speculation is very reasonable, Jiang Shenwu also recognized.

They lived in this Tianyang Village.

Fortunately, they are all repaired as a high-ranking dragon warrior, even if it does not rest for a few nights, it does not matter much, but the mental state will be a little bit worse...

The proprietress was very happy that they continued to live. They took the initiative to send them food the next day. To be honest, the taste was not bad.

Jiang Shenwu has not been idle during this time.

The squid beasts appear every night, so in the evening, the four are in the same realm.

In the daytime, Jiang Shenwu took care of himself and found a quiet corner, devour the heavens and treasures that had not been absorbed before, and continued to improve his cultivation.

"If this mission can be completed, there will be enough experience points, you can redeem more treasures, and practice the chaotic dragon body until the dragon!"

Refining dragon martial arts, even if there are enough natural treasures, it is difficult to cultivate and upgrade.

Because the refining dragon martial arts need to be constantly injured and then recovered, then injured, and then resumed...

The same is true for the Chaos Dragon!

Before the Jiang Shenwu cultivation, it was not very obvious. Because it was too long to cultivate to the prefecture level, he was injured in the cultivation of this chaotic dragon body, and he had already reached the bottleneck.

A while ago, he swallowed up so many natural treasures, and he took the opportunity to the prefecture level.

However, if you want to break through to the dragon level, it will not be so easy. In addition to the need to absorb the various attributes of the heavenly treasure, you need to be constantly injured, recovered, injured, and then restored...

I don’t know how many times this time, so that his chaotic dragon body can break through to the higher level.

This time, dealing with the squid beast is also an opportunity.

Anyway, as long as Jiang Shenwu does not die, he can rely on the power of swallowing to heal quickly. Even if he is seriously injured, it is more conducive to him to cultivate the chaotic dragon body.

in this way.

Until the third night, Jiang Shenwu and Luo Wei were guarded in a room.

Suddenly, Jiang Shenwu seemed to be aware of it, and looked at the window quietly.

"It seems, come!"

Jiang Shenwu’s mood suddenly became a little nervous.

However, he glanced at Luo Xiao next to him. He seemed to be motionless in bed, and even his eyes didn't open, as if he didn't notice anything.

"His hiding ability is better than me."

Jiang Shenwu is somewhat self-satisfied.

He felt that Luo Wei had already noticed that there was movement, but he did not show it at all. He did not look out of the window like Jiang Shenwu.


What Jiang Shenwu doesn't know is that Luo Yi is not aware of anything at all, but is still guarding!

As for why Jiang Shenwu can detect it, it is because... he has the smell of ink beasts.

The ink beast, in fact, always clings to him, in his shadow!

In terms of concealment ability, the ink beast can be much stronger than the squid beast, so when the squid beast appeared, even though it appeared very cautious, there was no movement, but it was still noticed by the ink beast.

Then, the ink beast reminded Jiang Shenwu.

Unfortunately, Jiang Shenwu did not know that the ink beast had always followed him to come here...

If this little guy is hidden, no one will know where it is, anytime, anywhere!

At this moment, the perception of the ink beast was given to half of Jiang Shenwu.

This makes Jiang Shenwu more and more strange ~www.novelmtl.com~ because he found that he can easily find the outside movement, slowly sneaked into Tianyang Village, no movement, and closer to their inn.

What makes Jiang Shenwu strange is that not only the other side has no movement, but even Luo Zhen and the two female students next door are not moving at all.

But he can detect it!

"what happened?"

He soon discovered that the movement had been coming to the inn, and immediately flew up from behind the inn, and even stuck to the wall, and sneaked into the room where the two female students were next.

"Come, be careful!"

Jiang Shenwu finally planned to act, and he instantly jumped out of the window and changed into a black dragon!

On the wall outside the window, a huge black shadow stuck to the wall. I thought about sneaking into the room quickly. I started with two female students. As a result, Jiang Shenwu appeared next to him and shocked the thing.

That thing is really a squid beast, but a flying fish with wings, the body is flat, and a pair of eyes are still alert!

When Jiang Shenwu appeared, it reacted in the first time. It turned back to the power of a shadow attribute, and together with its teeth, fell on the black dragon of Jiang Shenwu.

This squid beast has the ninth heavy force of Nirvana and is not afraid of Jiang Shenwu.

After all, both Luo and Xu Qin are using the hidden water. It feels like the Nirvana is the third most important. As for Lin Yuxi, it is even lower. Only Nirvana is the second most important.

Originally, the squid beast wanted to start from two weak female students. As a result, Jiang Shenwu was very alert and ran straight out.

Then it will not be afraid. After all, Jiang Shenwu is only the fourth most important thing in the Nirvana.

"what happened?"

Until the **** **** Wuhualong, the squid beast launched an offensive towards him, and other talents suddenly realized that something was wrong!

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