Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 37 Chapter 389: Chu Yu

East Emperor Dragon Wucheng, Central Palace.

Jiang Shenwu and the young people stepped into the entrance of the palace. In fact, Jiang Shenwu’s dress is also very embarrassing, but it is slightly better than the young man.

It seems that in the process of finding the Donghuang Longwu Academy, this young man also suffered a lot.

"My name is Chu, what about you?"

The young man’s personality was quite cheerful. After coming in, he chatted with Jiang Shenwu.

"Jiang Shenwu." Jiang Shenwu replied.

"Where are you from?"

The young man Chu Yu continued to be curious.

"Yanlong Dynasty, have you heard of it?"

After Jiang Shenwu has come out now, he always feels that the Yanlong Dynasty is relatively remote, and there are not many people who have heard of it.

However, after listening to Chu, I suddenly noticed: "I heard that I heard that. In fact, I came from the south. The result was a big circle. I went to the Yanlong Dynasty and knew that I had to walk the road and fold it back. It took three years."

When Jiang Shenwu heard it, he immediately admired the guy.

It was so powerful that it took a big circle and it took three years to get here. This is much more tortuous than Jiang Shenwu.

Jiang Shenwu was able to quickly come here through the ancient time and space of the demon animal group, and was trapped in the Qing Cang Tianlong Court for half a year, which has made Jiang Shenwu feel that it took too long.

As a result, it took me three years to go through a big circle from south to north. Even the remote Yanlong dynasty had been there...

Jiang Shenwu can only admire him.

Immediately after the relationship between the two sides got closer, he began to talk about what he saw and heard along the way. Jiang Shenwu had nothing to say. First of all, he could not say more about the ancient time and space of the monster group.

It was the thing of Qing Cang Tianlong Court. Jiang Shenwu said it casually. He didn't think it was a matter of losing face. After all, he is only a junior. In that case, he is imprisoned and imprisoned by the other party. There is no way.

"What? Qing Cang Tian Long Yuan actually made such shameless things?"

When Chu heard this, he was shocked: "No, I have seen them before, and they are so dissatisfied. I can rest assured that the gods and brothers are waiting for this report. I will accompany you to the Cang Tianlong. The garden is stirring up!"

At that time, they are disciples of the Eastern Emperor Longwu Academy. Who dares to disrespect them?

Jiang Shenwu can feel that the age of this Chu is a few years older than himself, and he is beyond the level of his own in the realm of cultivation. Of course, if you want to say combat power, Jiang Shenwu will not lose to the other side. .

Only the strength of this Chu is not weak. At present, Jiang Shenwu can't see his true depth.

Soon, the two of them marched forward and went to a front hall of the central palace group called "Zhaoxian Temple". Obviously, this is the place reported by the students of Donghuang Longwu College.

In this place, Jiang Shenwu and Chu Yu of the far distance felt a strong temperament from it.

"This breath is much more powerful than the Dragon King!"

Jiang Shenwu’s expression suddenly condensed.

The strength of the Yanlong Emperor was naturally the strongest in the Yanlong Dynasty, but it left the Yanlong Dynasty, and it was nothing to do with other Dragon Emperors. In the Dragon Emperor, the strength of the Dragon King can be said to be downstream.

However, the breath that came out of the hall in front of him gave Jiang Shenwu a feeling of oppression. It felt more violent than all the dragon emperors he had seen along the way, even making him a little difficult to breathe!

Of course, this kind of oppression will not have much impact on Jiang Shenwu, but it will make him look a lot more dignified.

The same is true of Chu, who can sit in the middle of the East Dragon Dragon Wucheng, how could it be a leisurely generation?

It must be one of the best in the East Emperor Longwu Academy.

As the two of them came to the door of the temple, an old but very spiritual voice came into their ears: "Come in."

Obviously, the other party has already noticed their existence and invited them to the hall.

"If you don't drive us out, it means that this person has found the 'Emperor's Seal' in our hands. How is this repaired?" Jiang Shenwu is more jealous of the old voice, in this case He can't resist what the other party wants to do.

Although there should be no accidents here, everything is in case, Jiang Shenwu still maintains a vigilant mentality.

Soon, he and Chu Yu entered the hall and saw an old man sitting in front of him. It looked like the suffocating pressure. Even at this moment, the oppressive atmosphere around them disappeared.

It seems that the old man who needs to be white is like an ordinary old man.

"The younger generation Jiang Shenwu, I have seen seniors."

Jiang Shenwu stepped forward and paid a respectful visit.

The same is true of Chu, but his attitude is even more awkward. The grass in his mouth has been squatting, and he is a bit sloppy. "Small Chu, meet the predecessors of the Eastern Emperor Longwu College."

"You two, hahaha."

The old man smiled directly, his eyes became a seam, and he continued to look at Jiang Shenwu and Chu Yu.

"The oldest at the East Emperor Longwu College is a janitor, you can call me 'Han Lao'. Your two people's 'Emperor's Seal', the old has been checked, and then will inform the two mentor down Choose one of you as a student."

The two mentor, two students, means that Jiang Shenwu and Chu Yu cannot be trained by a mentor.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, they just just met.

"Han Lao, tell us about the situation of this East Emperor Longwu Academy?" Chu Yu is bold, walk around in the hall, around, and a curious baby.

Han Lao began to explain some things.

First of all, ~www.novelmtl.com~The practice of Donghuang Longwu College is arranged according to the tutor. Every student who has just joined Donghuang Longwu College will arrange a tutor, in the entire East Emperor Longwu College, there are Nineteen mentor of the Dragon King.

Up to now, under the hands of each instructor, there are basically four or five students, all of whom are trained by each instructor.

Jiang Shenwu listened to the calculations made by Han Lao, and the Donghuang Longwu College added up to only one hundred students. Even if it has already achieved the realm of the Dragon King, the graduates from the college are only a few hundred. personal.

In this way, there are a total of four Longhuang colleges in the southeast and northwest, and the number of students currently in the college does not exceed 500.

This number is much less than what Jiang Shenwu thought before.

"It seems that there are not many geniuses who can pass the fifth floor of the Dragon Tower!"

Jiang Shenwu feels inside.

He relied on the ability to swallow, barely spent a year to pass the fifth floor of the Santa, the other dragons can pass the fifth floor of the Santa, it is not easy.

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