Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 37 Chapter 381: 妖影迷林

In a dense jungle, Jiang Shenwu came in and felt that the Snow Devil behind him did not continue to pursue.

He was relieved, but he could find that there were monsters in this jungle, and even other dragons did not dare to enter the jungle.

This jungle, called the demon shadow fan forest, is a comparable to the demon land.

Few people will enter this movie, because the dragons who entered are basically dead.

This film is a relatively important place for the monsters. Although I don't know what kind of secrets there are, even the Dragon Emperor does not dare to enter.

Jiang Shenwu is in the middle of the jungle and is afraid to go out for a while. After all, if he goes out now, he will definitely be caught by Snow Devil.

Not enough, he didn't dare to move, lest he get into trouble in this jungle.

Soon, in the grass in front of him, there was some movement, and soon two young snowbirds appeared in front of him, flew out of the jungle and turned around him.

A blue, a white, two snowbirds open their wings, very beautiful, if a girl sees it, it must be very like, want to be a pet.

"Sure enough, the two young snowbirds I saved before."

Jiang Shenwu breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, it was basically confirmed that the elders of these two young snowbirds were helping themselves. Fortunately, when they discovered the two snowbirds, they did not die, and they were protected by Jiang Shenwu. It’s down.

To be honest, it was just a matter of thought. It was such a coincidence that I could not save my life and my life.

Two young snowbirds flew around Jiang Shenwu for a while, and they stopped in a certain direction. It seemed to guide Jiang Shenwu to follow them.

Jiang Shenwu had some doubts, but he didn't think too much and went straight up.

The other party has just saved himself and will never harm himself.

As for the giant snowbird, Jiang Shenwu did not see his trace, but it is conceivable that he should protect himself near himself. Otherwise, he could not rest assured that the two young snowbirds would come out alone.

Jiang Shenwu followed the road and soon went deep into the demon movie fan forest.

Of course, Jiang Shenwu felt that the other party was still walking around some places. This movie of the monsters in the forest of fans and monsters set up a lot of monsters, and if they broke into them, they could not keep their lives.

"I don't know, what kind of secrets exist in this jungle, so that the monsters pay so much attention."

I heard that there are many powerful monsters in this fascinating forest, which is comparable to the Dragon King.

As for what they did in the jungle, Jiang Shenwu didn't know. Now he doesn't want to take care of it. He just wants to leave quickly and go to Donghuang Longwu College.

In the enchanting fan forest, there is silence, and occasionally the voices of other monsters come, adorned with this quiet jungle.

In a short time, there are several majestic monsters appearing in front of Jiang Shenwu. It is like a few giant bears. In the jungle, the brown body and the color of the jungle are integrated into one body. It is extremely large but difficult to be discovered.

Two snowbirds were not found, and they ran into the cold.

Then the giant bears looked back and suddenly became angry. I couldn’t think of a human dragon warrior.

However, before they made any angry snoring, a beautiful woman with perfect shape appeared directly in front of Jiang Shenwu, and protected the two young snowbirds. At the same time, she said a word. "This is the savior of my Arctic Snow Girl. You let me go. I will take him away from the demon movie."

Arctic snow?

Jiang Shenwu listened at the back and found that this beautiful woman in a snowy blue dress turned out to be the human form of the huge snow bird!

Similar to Kai Tian Yao Long, this way to reach the peak of the monster, it can be turned into a human form.

There is no doubt that the strength of this Arctic snow is also quite strong, at least as much as the Snow Devil.

Nowadays, adulthood, so beautiful, is no different from ordinary humans. She appears in front of her eyes, letting the giant bears dare not say anything more, and hurriedly let go from the road.

"You should go to Donghuang Longwu College? Come with me, our movie, the singer, is guarded by the predecessors, because there is an ancient time and space, from this time and space Can connect the entire space of Longwu mainland!"

The Arctic snow turned back and there was a smile on the face of the country.

The words she said made Jiang Shenwu completely shocked.

Can you connect the entire Longwu continent with ancient time and space?

This is something that the human dragon warrior does not know, even in the hands of the monsters!

This news is basically unbelievable. Obviously, if the Arctic Snow is true, then Jiang Shenwu can go directly to the East Emperor Longwu College without going through hardships and going to the East Emperor from here. Longwu College.

And most importantly, it seems that you can rely on these ancient times and space to quickly travel to and from the East Emperor Longwu College and this Devil's Dragon Kingdom!

Within the scope of the Devil's Dragon Kingdom, you can still summon the Qitian Demon Dragon, let the Kaitian Demon Dragon take it back, and then quickly return to the scope of the Yanlong Dynasty...

That is to say, Jiang Shenwu’s previous ideas can be realized. When the Nirvana is robbed, he can return to the Yanlong Dynasty to go through it, so that he is not afraid of Nirvana’s robbery being swallowed up by the black dragon consciousness in the body. Not very good influence.

Of course, the problem here is that the monsters certainly cannot let him use this ancient time and space without limit.

Moreover, although the Arctic snow is the strongest among the monsters, it should be eloquent, but in fact, it should not be anything in the entire group of monsters in Longwu.

For the ancient time and space, there should be no such authority, let Jiang Shenwu go every time.

Moreover, he is a human being, a dragon warrior.

This news has never been transmitted. If Jiang Shenwu said this news, it is also a threat to the monster group. For this ancient time and space, the human dragon warriors are also likely to unite to snatch.

Anyway, I don't know how the Arctic snow is arranged~www.novelmtl.com~ These follow-up plans can be considered after the situation is clear.

"So, thank you very much for your predecessors."

Thanks to Jiang Shenwu.

For him, the Arctic snow is completely a predecessor, I don't know how many years have passed.

Although he is free to command the Kaitian Dragon, even if the strength of the Arctic Snow is not as good as that of the Kaitian Dragon, he does not dare to make it too much.

Just saved the life of the other child, Jiang Shenwu can not regard this as a magic weapon to save lives.

To be honest, one life is replaced by one life.

Now that the Arctic snow rescued him from the hands of Snow Devil, it was already clear.

"Don't thank you, you saved my children, two lives, I will help you twice. The first time, save you from the Snow Devil, the second time, help you to the East Emperor Longwu College, after that You will not have much to do with us."

The Arctic snow smiled and said.

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