Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 37 Chapter 375: Robbery

They didn’t think of it. The young St. Dragon Black Dragon, who was just full of serious injuries and looked dying, could recover completely in a blink of an eye, and broke out with more horrible power, killing all seven of them. .

There are three Nirvana robes left.

One of the first Nirvana robes was seriously injured. The most important thing is that now Jiang Shenwu is returning to the peak of the whole body, and after consuming the other's strength, the other party is now more unlikely to hurt himself.

"Go, go!"

The Lord of the Snow Magic City suddenly saw that he could not be the opponent of Jiang Shenwu.

The difference is too far. It is not easy to seriously injured him after just besieged by more than a dozen people. As a result, all of them are all restored. How do they fight?

Without hesitation, the Snow Magic City Lord turned and ran, and did not care about the two men left behind him. For him, the two men are indifferent, only his own life, the most important!

Among them, the first heavy dragon who was seriously injured in Nirvana, watching the Snow Magic City want to run, the heart of a grief and anger.

He was abandoned, but in this case, if the remaining three are not separated, I am afraid that they will be wiped out by the dragons.

From the time they met Jiang Shenwu, they were destined to be a tragedy.

If they understand the power of Jiang Shenwu, it is still possible to erupt the strongest means from the beginning, and give Jiang Shenwu a spike. Unfortunately, Jiang Shenwu takes the lead and they have no possibility of turning over.

"Where to run?"

Jiang Shenwu bodyized more than three hundred feet of dark black dragon, at this moment, an instant flew out, the extreme shadow of the body of the dragon martial arts broke out at this time, let him suddenly catch up with the Snow Magic City.

I didn't deal with him at first, just because the Snow Lord died, it is obvious that everyone else will run away.

At that time, if more than a dozen people dispersed and fled, Jiang Shenwu did not necessarily catch up. If he lost any one, he would have a big trouble.

But now, there are still three left, one of them is still seriously injured, then there is no need to leave the Snow Magic City Master.

"The sacred god, kill!"

A burst of golden light descended from the sky, stopped in front of the Snow Magic City, and took him back.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Shenwu deceived himself and directly entangled the body of the ice-cold dragon, which was made by the Lord of the Snow Magic City, and then swallowed the body and eroded it into the body.


It was only in the three-time period that Jiang Shenwu had reached the third place. The snow magic city lord who was entangled by him, the whole power was swallowed up by Jiang Shenwu, and then it was the essence of life and flesh.

The Lord of the Snow Magic City desperately wants to resist, but Jiang Shenwu does not give him the opportunity to resist, and the power of engulfing is always on the other side.

In total time, the Snow Magic City Lord, the ice dragon, is swallowed by the power of darkness, leaving only one skeleton!

In this situation, let the other two Dragon Warriors remain timid.

What kind of horrible power does this black dragon have?

I have even provoked such a terrible existence!

The two turned and fled, and one of them seemed to have cultivated a good body dragon martial arts, and it was not injured, and now runs the fastest.

Jiang Shenwu dropped the skeleton of the Ice Dragon Dragon of the Snow Magic City and landed in the jungle, then turned and chased the guy.

The sacred dragon level of blood, so that Jiang Shenwu's black dragon body is more large, flying faster, not to mention he also cultivated the second product dragon martial arts epic streamer, after several ups and downs, Jiang Shenwu left behind all the way Shadow, and the ontology has caught up with the dragon martial who escaped faster.

The power of engulfing broke out.

There is no need to display the virtual dragon smashing the sky. The sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred scorpion

As the body of this guy's dragon fell into the jungle, Jiang Shenwu did not pay attention to it, turned around and dealt with the last serious injury Nirvana robbery first dragon warrior.

This guy also wants to run away, and he sneaked into the jungle, hoping that Jiang Shenwu would not find him.

It is a pity that Jiang Shenwu practiced the Xuanlong 觅影 this trick to track the dragon martial arts, and now clearly feel the specific position of the other side in the jungle.

"The goods on these people have no time to seize them. After they have been settled, they must first deal with the Nirvana on the top of the head..."

Jiang Shenwu did not hesitate to fall directly into the jungle, wanting to kill the last guy. After all, keep this guy, maybe he will go back to inform, in case some dragons have some powerful means, they can master Jiang Shenwu. It’s too much trouble.

But just as he fell to the jungle and wanted to deal with the last person, on the top of the sky, suddenly roared!

There seems to be a monster, tearing the clouds from the sky, followed by a huge black shadow appearing in the sky, a pair of huge pupils in the clouds, flashing endless killings, but in the eyes, only ruthless and indifferent.

"It seems that it is not a real behemoth. It should be the opponent that Nirvana needs to deal with."

Jiang Shenwu thought in his heart, his eyes staring at the behemoth above.

The first dragon warrior in Nizhny’s robbery, who fled at a faster speed in the first place, knew that this was his last chance.

He has survived the Nirvana robbery, and profoundly knows how terrible the behemoth that the Nirvana robbery needs to deal with. Only by killing this behemoth can it be a ravage of Nirvana, if not, the dragon warrior will Will be swallowed up by this monster.

"Fortunately ~www.novelmtl.com~ He wants to deal with the behemoth, it is impossible to catch up, otherwise, he will die!"

The first dragon warrior in Nizhny’s robbery fled here at the fastest speed.

Jiang Shenwu, indeed, does not have time to pay attention to this guy, he must wholeheartedly deal with the monster in the sky.

At this time, Jiang Shenwu felt that the black dragon consciousness in the body seemed to wake up at this time. After the black dragon consciousness awakened, he suddenly felt that the shadow of the behemoth that originally gave him infinite pressure, now turned out It seems that there is no threat at all.

"Don't the black dragon consciousness, is there a way to deal with this monster?"

Originally, Jiang Shenwu was ready for a deadly battle, but now it seems that it does not seem to be needed.

He was still thinking about some things in his mind. As a result, he felt that his body of dragons had automatically flew toward the clouds on the sky, and seemed to be in the momentum, but also beyond the shadow behemoth.


At the next moment, Jiang Shenwu saw the power of engulfing in his body, which was extremely horrible, showing a dark color, turning into a dark cloud, and suddenly spread to the clouds above the sky, covering a small amount of light on the sky. live.

The area near the bottom is completely dark!

Then, the rolling black cloud began to swallow up the original Nirvana cloud of the sky...


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