Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 37 Chapter 370: Approaching the road

Kaitian demon world.

When Jiang Shenwu was received by Qi Tian Yao Long, he destroyed the door of time and space.

Because he wants to go to Donghuang Longwu College from here, it will be much closer than the Yanlong Dynasty.

"My Lord, I haven't seen you for more than a year, don't know what happened?"

When Qi Tian Yaolong took over Jiang Shenwu, he heard some doubts.

In fact, since he was close to Jiang Shenwu, he did not lose anything. At most, he spent a little time and asked Jiang Shenwu to look for Tianbaodibao. These things are not used by their monsters.

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu disappeared for more than a year. The Qitian demon dragon was not too entangled. It was just a pity that Jiang Shenwu was accidentally degraded. After all, he felt that the last place where Jiang Shenwu appeared was in Yanlong. Dynasty.

The Yanlong dynasty is the place where even he can't go. There are too many tyrannical dragons.

"I am retreating at the Dragon Tower, and now I am the Dragon Warrior of the Dragon."

Jiang Shenwu said faintly: "Now, I will go to Donghuang Longwu College."

“So amazing?”

Qi Tian Yao Long became interested in it all at once. He used to be a dragon warrior, but later combined with the blood of the monster, it turned into a dragon.

Donghuang Longwu College, he had heard of it by chance, although he is not the orthodox of the Dragon Warrior, but the good battle is also not much compared with the Yanlong Emperor, so there are some things, when communicating with other monsters Still can hear.

"I have heard of this Donghuang Longwu College."

Qitian Yaolong continued: "There was a party in the vicinity of the demon world. There was an old monster mentioned. This Donghuang Longwu Academy is said to be at least the Dragon King level when it comes out!"

Of course, if it is only the Dragon Emperor, Kai Tian Yao Long will not be too concerned about it, after all, he is also a powerful demon dragon equivalent to the strength of the Dragon King.

However, Jiang Shenwu has the black dragon consciousness that he can't see clearly. In this case, Jiang Shenwu went to the East Emperor Longwu College, shouldn't it be as simple as the Dragon King?

"It seems that the subordinates are ready to welcome my master to return to the position of the dragon emperor!"

Qi Tian Yao Long bowed his head with respect and respect.

"You have helped me a lot. If I have achieved something in the future, I will definitely not forget you."

Jiang Shenwu waved his hand: "Now don't have to say anything else. Now take me away from the Tian Yao world and go to the East Dragon Longwu College."

"no problem."

Qitian Yaolong nodded quickly: "Although I don't know where the Donghuang Longwu Academy is, but the direction is not wrong, after all, the entire Longwu mainland, the most central and the largest dragon kingdom, are in that direction, You have been going to the Qing Cang Long Country, and the East Emperor Longwu College should be near the Qing Cang Long Country."

"it is good."

Jiang Shenwu nodded.

The Qitian demon dragon turned into a demon dragon, and took Jiang Shenwu, a human form, and flew straight in a certain direction.

The reason why Jiang Shenwu does not turn dragons is because this is the demon world.

Moreover, Qi Tian Yao Long will take him across the Kaitian demon world and leave from other demon worlds, so if Jiang Shenwu shows the dragon's body, it may invite some monsters.

Now the atmosphere of Qitian Yaolong can completely cover the breath of Jiang Shenwu. After all, without Jianghua, Jiang Shenwu is very small.

This can be said to be a shortcut.

Going from the Kaitian demon world, starting with the Yanlong Dynasty, can save at least half a month.

Jiang Shenwu sat cross-legged on the body of Qitian Yaolong, watching him fly from the Kaitian demon world, and then flew all the way to the other demon world.

There are several demon circles here, and the kings of the big monsters are taking care of each other. It is impossible for a single dragon warrior country to eradicate these demon worlds. As for other powerful dragon warriors, they are too lazy to run into this remote area to deal with them. they.

So over time, this area has become a paradise for the beast.

Jiang Shenwu is a dragon warrior. If he is flying over it, I am afraid that it will be traversed in less than one day. Even if he is so powerful, he will not be able to escape.

But it doesn't matter if there is a demon dragon.

Qi Tian Yao Long, how to say is the Lord of the Demon World, to other demon world sites, other monsters will also give some face, it is impossible to do anything to him.

So Jiang Shenwu followed the Kaitian demon dragon and flew all the way to the north!

Jiang Shenwu still trusts Qi Tian Yao Long. After all, if this Qi Tian Yao Long has to deal with him, there have been countless mobile phone meetings, and it is impossible to wait until now.

As Jiang Shenwu expected, Qi Tian Yaolong carried him, and soon left the endless demon world.

Seven days later, a vast plain appeared in front of Jiang Shenwu.

Qitian Yaolong fell on the edge of the plain and turned into a human form: "My Lord, the former convenience is the first dragon warrior country in the direction of the Qing Cang Long Country. It is called the Devil Emperor Dragon Kingdom. Like the Lord, it is a black dragon, but it is certainly not as powerful as my own."

"Fucking less."

Jiang Shenwu is too lazy to listen to these things. He only cares about the most crucial thing: "How does this Demon Emperor Dragon State compare with the strength of the Yanlong Dynasty?"

"Beyond the Yanlong Dynasty, it must be stronger. After all, resources are richer."

Qi Tian Yao Long immediately answered.

"Understood, wait for me to come back."

After Jiang Shenwu finished, he waved his hand~www.novelmtl.com~ Let Qitian Yaolong leave first.

Even if the Qitian demon dragon is transformed into a human form, in front of some powerful people, it is also the identity of the demon dragon.

Therefore, he did not intend to accompany Jiang Shenwu into the Devil's Dragon Kingdom.

Jiang Shenwu alone, marching toward the plains, this time copying the road, let him save at least 20 days, after all, there are also Kaitian demon dragons flying in the middle, faster than his own forward.

Soon he saw a city on the plains!

This city, the walls of the city are all dark colors, giving people a deep and chilling atmosphere, if the entire Devil's Dragon Kingdom is this style of architecture, then the Dragon Warrior's killing in the country is definitely heavier, Jiang Shenwu reminded You must be careful.

Not long after, he approached the city and flew down a cliff.

The top of the cliff here is close to the piece of the demon world, so there are very few dragon warriors coming.

Now Jiang Shenwu flew down from the cliff, and there were no other dragon warriors around him who found him, let him breathe a sigh of relief, and changed his direction in the first place, ready to step into the city in the other direction.

At the time of the city near the dark city wall, Jiang Shenwu finally saw it. There were scattered dragon warriors, who were on the road outside, and also went to the city.

These are the dragon warriors of the Devil's Dragon Kingdom!


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