Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 37 Chapter 368: First month dragon city

When Jiang Shenwu appeared, things were solved.

After all, he appeared this time, and the things he did in the mine were so crazy that he directly defeated the three tribal elders. It was so shocking that the entire Jiang tribe circulated his deification, and those guys did not dare to come to ginger. The trouble of the gods.

When it was ensured that the dragon martial arts cheats were distributed to the people who were useful to the Jiang tribe, Jiang Shenwu decided to leave and really left.

Donghuang Longwu College is still waiting for him, but before that, he has to go to the first month of Longcheng to find Jiang Yuening.

Jiang Yuening is the most trusted person when Jiang Shenwu just awakened the dragon warrior, and gave Jiang Shenwu a lot of help.

Now Jiang Yuening is practicing in the first month of the Dragon City. Before Jiang Shenwu left to see her, it is still needed.


The first month of the Dragon City, located on the edge of the Jiang tribe.

Outside the Dragon City in the first month, it is the forest of the beasts. On weekdays, there are dragons in the distance to keep them in the distance, to ensure that there will not be too strong monsters to run in.

The forest of this monster is the experience of many Jiang tribes in the first month of the Dragon City.

Jiang Shenwu sprinted all the way, from Dajiang Longcheng to the first month of Longcheng, about a little more than a day.

Near the first month of the Dragon City, he turned into a black boy, low-key towards the first month of the Dragon City.

“The first month of Longcheng is close to the Xi’an of the Jiang’s tribe. Within this Dragon City, the number of dragons in Xifu is the highest.”

Jiang Shenwu still knows that the first month of Longcheng is relatively close to Xifu. There are more Xiwu Longwu people here, and Jiang Yuening, as a dragon warrior of the Zongwangfu, will not be too smooth after the first month of the Dragon City.

After all, the competition between the Jiang and the five tribes is still quite intense.

Jiang Liuxue is from Beifu. With the rise of Jiang Liuxue, the rise of Beifu seems to be expected, but this is still a good thing for the entire Jiang tribe. After all, the whole can be strengthened, so that the five houses can be There are opportunities for improvement.

Within the first month of the Dragon City, there are not as many dragons and dragons as the Dragon Warrior, but the number is also quite large. On the streets, it can be seen everywhere.

Jiang Shenwu did not go to whom to inquire, but along the way, he still heard that many people are talking about the competition for mine resources. The name of Jiang Shenwu has also been passed to the first month of Longcheng. Let this The dragon warriors on the side are familiar with this name.

Of course, for the Dragon Warriors of the Dragon Moon in the first month, most of them don’t know what Jiang Shenwu looks like.

After all, the distance is a bit far, they will not go to Da Jiang Long City on weekdays, not to mention, Jiang Shenwu is rarely in the Big Ginger Dragon City, and has always been practicing outside the Chiang tribe.

In the speech talks of many Longwu people in the first month of Longcheng, Jiang Shenwu knew that his name is now spread throughout the entire field of the Jiang tribe.

Many dragon warriors have expressed the name of Jiang Shenwu in a revered mood.

It is Jiang Shenwu. After repelling other tribes, he saved the mine resources of the Jiang tribe. The most important thing is that he still left 20 pieces of dragon martial arts cheats, which are the second and third dragon martial arts, and can get these dragon martial arts cheats. The dragon warriors will surely make the overall strength of the entire Jiang tribe soar.

However, there are also many dragon warriors who are full of disdain for Jiang Shenwu in their speeches.

For these dragon warriors, Jiang Shenwu is the son of Jiang. It is normal to have such ability. But the key is that Jiang Shenwu does not appear in the Jiang tribe. Even if it is strong, what help is there for the Jiang tribe?

Just like the **** is free, although it is powerful, it has completely disappeared, resulting in the overall strength of the Jiang tribe directly fell.

In the eyes of these people, Jiang has even become the main reason for the decline in the strength of the Jiang tribe.

This makes Jiang Shenwu very uncomfortable. After all, without Jiang's freedom, the Jiang clan has no possibility of rising. As a result, Jiang is trapped in the dragon's tomb. These people will also not be able to rise up. Going to the head of ginger?

However, Jiang Shenwu did not pay attention to these guys, because he knows that it is useless to say these guys.

Such people, no matter what they do for them, they will not be grateful for the pictorial, or even just ask for more, selfishness, just like the people who used to force Jiang Liuxue to hand over the dragon martial arts cheats in Da Jiang Longcheng.

If they were also in the Big Ginger Dragon City, those who forced Jiang Liuxue would have these people.

Jiang Shenwu did not pay attention to these guys, and no one recognized him. He walked straight toward the city. Before he left, he finally took a look at some of the scenery of the Jiang tribe. The scenery here is not so good. It is not too strong, but for Jiang Shenwu, after all, it is the place where he grows, not to mention his mother is still in the Jiang tribe, and one day he will return.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure on the street ahead.

"Jiang Yue Ning?"

Jiang Shenwu stood in the same place, looking far in the past, seeing Jiang Yuening is working with a small team, seems to be ready to go out of the city.

At this moment, Jiang Yuening has also reached the first place in the realm of the gods, and is now the leader of the younger generation of the Jiang tribe, the strength is very strong.

In her squad, the relationship with a handsome young man is still relatively intimate. The two are talking and laughing. With other young dragons behind them, they are trying to go out and hunt some monsters, and experience them. Demon Dan~www.novelmtl.com~ It seems that she now has her own life. ”

Jiang Shenwu was pleased, and he was afraid. Jiang Yuening would always keep him in his heart, but now it seems that he still has no need to worry about this.

From the side of many people pointing and talking, Jiang Shenwu learned that the handsome young man is the son of the first month of the Dragon City, the first month of the Dragon City is the territory of Xifu, the city owner is an elder of Xifu.

Therefore, the identity of the young talent is not bad, but also worthy of Jiang Yuening.

A group of people went up the street, Jiang Shenwu did not appear to see them, but watched them silently, and then followed behind the other side, out of the first month of the Dragon City, toward the forest of the beast outside the city Row.

"Just leave the Yanlong Dynasty from here and go to Donghuang Longwu College."

When Jiang Shenwu thought about it, he followed it up a long way. Before he left, he could protect them more.

Soon, Jiang Yue Ning, a group of seven people, flew over the forest of the beast!

Jiang Shenwu followed gently below, and was not in a hurry. The other party was dozens of miles away from him, and it was impossible to discover his existence.

"I hope they will not encounter any danger, I can leave directly."

Jiang Shenwu followed, thinking in his heart, but at this moment, there was a wave of terror power in the forest of the beasts in front, and roaring!


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