Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 37 Chapter 366: Returning from the clouds

Although Jiang Liuxue is now the most promising descendant of the Jiang tribe, her current cultivation is still too low, which leads to her lack of high prestige.

The elders who forced her around, each one is a higher existence than she has cultivated as a realm. Although she is not necessarily stronger than her, but after all, she is placed there, and together they are in trouble, people are courageous, naturally The snow is so strong.

Now, Jiang Shenwu is not in the Big Ginger Dragon City. For them, there is nothing to consider.

As long as you get these dragon martial arts cheats, even if you are not happy with Jiang Liuxue, what about?

Maybe, when they get this dragon martial arts cheats, they can improve their strength. At that time, they don't need to let Jiang Liuxue become the chief of the Jiang tribe. They can take the lead and lead the whole tribe to glory.

They are all aggressive and forced the snow to the road.

At this time, Jiang Liuxue was so angry that he was trembling. How could these elders of the Jiang tribe be so shameless?

Although there are still people standing on the side of Jiang Liuxue, their voices have all been drowned out by those people.

The entire Jiang tribe, most people are so thinking, want to get those dragon martial arts cheats, and do not consider these dragon martial arts cheats to the puppy who can maximize the cultivation...

Jiang Liuxue was somewhat disappointed.

"No wonder, the Jiang tribe can only stay in this remote place for such a long time, can not step out, because there are these people!"

"If they are not so selfish, but all for the sake of the tribe, even if their talent is not high, there is no small contribution to the tribe. Once the opportunity arises, the Jiang tribe can step out of the mountain."

Jiang Liuxue thought in his heart that he was quite disappointed with the Jiang tribe. He may still feel unclear, but now, it is obvious that the selfish people and other people are distinct, even in the elders’ management, this selfish tendency More and more obvious.

Perhaps it is because they have seen more powerful people, so they want to become stronger and not satisfied with the status quo, so this is the case.

But in the face of the interests of the entire tribe, they are so selfish, it is too much.

Jiang Liuxue turned and was ready to leave. Unexpectedly, two people stopped on the road she had retired, blocking her departure route: "Jiang Liuxue, why is it so stubborn? Hand over the dragon martial arts cheats in your hands, for all of us. it is good!"

Their faces became gloomy and terrible. They were two middle-aged men, the sons of two elders of the Jiang tribe. They were cynical from childhood, and now they are repaired to the realm, just like Jiang Liuxue.

"Even if you are like this, you want to get this dragon martial arts cheat?"

Jiang Liuxue suddenly laughed. These two guys, who have been eating and drinking in Da Jiang Longcheng since childhood, have fallen into a very bad reputation. They never took care of things in cultivation. Now they appear in front of her to persuade her to put the dragon. The martial arts cheats are handed over.

"If you get this dragon martial arts cheat, don't say to what extent you can cultivate it, even if you practice it well, it is only used to sway in front of your own people. When you want to fight against other opponents, where are you? ?"

Jiang Liuxue laughed and stopped, and said coldly: "I said that the last time the mine resources, faced with the cooperation of other tribes, let you help, you are not all shrinking at home, afraid to play women in bed, such people, What is the use of this dragon martial arts?"

Ginger snow grows up in the big **** dragon city, naturally knows the faces of some guys in the big **** dragon city.

Even so, however, no one has ever been so ugly in the public, the two middle-aged men suddenly became angry.

Although they are so embarrassed, they have done this, but it does not mean that they will be happy to let people say so.

If anyone dares to say this in peacetime, they will definitely be retaliated by their storms.

Today, Jiang Liuxue even dared to say them.

This makes them almost mad.

"Ginger snow, don't toast and don't eat fine wine, this Jiang's tribe, after all, is not yours, don't be so crazy, don't force us to really shoot, let you regret it!"

One of the middle-aged men said drunk.

The elders of some other elders’ meetings next to them also stood up and surrounded the **** and snow.

"Hand over the dragon martial arts, we will remember your contribution to the tribe."

"Yes, now you are still young, don't know the value of these dragon martial arts. We have these dragon martial arts and can completely make our big **** dragon city a stronger existence!"

"If you choose it yourself, you will be tempted by the rumors of the people, so that these dragon martial arts fall into the hands of outsiders!"

They are all screaming and trying to capture the dragon martial arts cheats from Jiang Liuxue.

Even if they are arrogant, they seem to want to do the same.

Jiang Liuxue was disappointed to the extreme.

"Does these dragon martial arts cheats fall into your hands, and what is the difference between falling into the hands of outsiders?"

She smiled.

In the crowd, she saw most of the Jiang tribe elders, but she also saw a lot of support for her, support Jiang Shenwu, people who want to oppose these elders, are excluded from the encirclement.

Even if they want to help Jiang Liuxue, it is very difficult now.

"Don't give up the cheats, don't blame us!"

At this time, an elder sighed and took the lead to stand out in front of Jiang Liuxue. The power of the thunder in his body was already eager to move. It seemed that he wanted to forcibly seize the dragon martial arts cheats in her hands.

The atmosphere, the sword is arrogant, and Jiang Liuxue is being served by many elders~www.novelmtl.com~ It seems to be deeply encircled by the enemy, letting her feel the pressure of a mountain.

She never thought that she would encounter such a scene within the Big Ginger Dragon City.

But soon, above the Scorpio, a giant black dragon with a length of more than three hundred feet suddenly fell toward the big **** dragon city. When it moved, it rolled up the infinite heaven and earth aura, and the wind suddenly began to attract everyone’s attention. force.

When they looked up, they recognized the black dragon at a glance - Jiang Shenwu!

"Ginger Shenwu, is he not leaving?"

"How can it be here! It’s sinister. Is it because you want to see what’s going on inside this big **** dragon city?"

"There are such sinisters in the world, deliberately using the dragon martial arts cheats to make bait, want to eradicate dissidents!"

They all screamed. The first was that they did not expect Jiang Shenwu to suddenly appear. The second was that Jiang Shenwu appeared here. Did he premeditated, did he want to eradicate them, so Long martial arts cheats to find a reason?

They are dark inside, and naturally they feel that their hearts are dark.

Jiang Shenwu, there is no idea of ​​eradicating dissidents. For him, he just wants to see how many locusts exist in the Jiang tribe.

He fell from the clouds, cold eyes swept down, and those sly faces were all reflected in his eyes.


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