Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 37 Chapter 363: Writing cheats

After Jiang Shenwu said this, the other middle-aged men and women would not dare to say anything more.

They quickly said: "Where is it. We didn't know that Jiang Yan was such a person. Now things are gone. We all know that only you can lead our Jiang tribe to a higher level."

They said that Jiang Shenwu is too lazy to pay more attention to them.

However, from this incident, Jiang Shenwu can see that there are still many people in the Jiang’s tribe who are similar to white-eyed wolves. They looked down on themselves and even publicly supported Jiang’s superior position, almost letting Jiang Shenwu fall on ginger. Hey hands.

Now that he has seen his rise, he wants to draw the most benefits from him. These people, Jiang Shenwu really do not want to let their efforts work to benefit them.

Even if he created the holy dragon house, Jiang Shenwu would not let these people follow him. After all, these people’s personalities are very problematic. They will really get up in the future and encounter some interests. Maybe they will bite him again. Not worth the candle.

Therefore, it is a more important question about the three-product dragon martial arts shadow dragon tooth change, and the two-pin dragon martial arts dragon Wushen shield, who needs to be taught to whom.

Jiang Shenwu can write ten training cheats at a time. He has now cultivated these two dragon martial arts to the heavenly level. He can write his own cheats, so he can pass these two dragon martial arts to others. .

As for the virtual dragon smashing the sky, it is a little bit to be able to reach the heavenly level, and obviously he is still unable to pass it on.

The two-product dragon martial arts and the three-pin dragon martial arts, writing cheats also take a lot of energy. For Jiang Shenwu, even if they can quickly rely on these two means in exchange for other cultivation resources, but all can train the dragon martial arts to the heavenly level. Among the people, especially the high-grade dragon martial arts, they will not be particularly greedy for the money they have obtained.

After all, the more dragon martial arts spread out, it is likely to fall into the hands of their opponents, that is to lift the stone to lick their own feet.

Therefore, the teaching of dragon martial arts is absolutely quite cautious.

At least now, Jiang Shenwu does not want to let himself work hard to cultivate the dragon martial arts of the heavens. So he is gotten by his opponent. In the Jiang tribe, it is not easy to know who is his friend and who can trust.

However, Jiang Shenwu thought of a way.

"Let's go back to the tribe first. Now I have two strokes of dragon martial arts that have been cultivated to the heavenly level. I will write the ten cheats of these two dragon martial arts separately, and then distribute them to the tribes."

This adds up to 20 pieces of dragon martial arts cheats, which is a great improvement for the Jiang tribes, and it is possible to reinvent the dragon warriors who have been cultivated among them!

This level of dragon martial arts can not be placed in the family, as a reserve, after all, this kind of thing is too precious at the level of the Jiang tribe, it is also a scourge, and may even lead to robbing and the like. .

Upon hearing Jiang Shenwu's teaching of dragon martial arts, many dragon warriors of the Jiang tribe suddenly became excited.

This is really a great opportunity for their Chiang tribes to improve!

It was the middle-aged men and women who had a bad face. They thought that they wouldn’t know if they knew them. The 20 dragon martial arts cheats, they certainly didn’t score.

However, they are not desperate.

This is an opportunity for them. Although they have not even reached the Nirvana robbery, they are only the sixth and seventh heavyweights of the martial arts. However, they are still very eager for this dragon martial arts. You must know that the dragon martial arts is the dragon. It is irrelevant that the repair of the warrior is a realm.

The dragon martial arts of any realm get high-grade dragon martial arts. After cultivation, the combat power will definitely rise a lot.

So, they are thinking, how to get this one-twentieth of the dragon martial arts cheats, even if you get one of them, it is also a great improvement for them!

"Jiang Liu Xue, I can write two cheats every day. After ten days, I will give you twenty pieces of dragon martial arts cheats."

Jiang Shenwu said something to the people at the place, and said something to Jiang Liuxue. He said with a smile: "The two dragon martial arts, the dragon martial shield, and the three dragon martial arts, the shadow dragon teeth change, are quite good. Dragon martial arts, you can cultivate yourself, the other 18 secrets will be arranged by you, distributed to other talented dragons in the tribe, or now cultivated as higher elders, who will be decided by you. ""

This made Jiang Liuxue somewhat flattered.

Although her status as a **** tribe is not low, she is still far away from the true right to speak. After all, she has not yet reached the Nirvana, and she has lost her battle with Ji Yezhen.

If these cheats are given to her, she may not be able to really keep it well. Even if it is possible, these cheats will be divided by some people in the Jiang tribe, and she will not stop it.

Why does Jiang Shenwu choose himself?

But soon, Jiang Liuxue nodded.

She vaguely wanted to understand something, and then smiled and said: "Well, then I will keep these dragon martial arts cheats, and I will give them to people who deserve to be owned, so that our Jiang tribes will be more prosperous."

She has always trusted Jiang Shenwu.

Now Jiang Shenwu said that there must be Jiang Shenwu’s plan~www.novelmtl.com~ so she can’t refuse this!

Although she had won two martial arts skills in the Northern Cold Dragon War, but the dragon martial arts can not be too much, if she cultivated the shadow dragon tooth change and the dragon martial shield, her strength is obviously stronger, if she practiced early If you are, you may be able to defeat Ji Ye.

When Jiang Shenwu proposed that Jiang Liuxue promised, many of the Jiang tribe dragon warriors behind them would all shine.

I even handed the cheats to Jiang Liuxue!

This gives them a good opportunity, perhaps it is very likely to move a little bit of thought in it, and maybe one or two dragon martial arts cheats may be made, especially the middle-aged men and women, and a smug glimpse in the eyes. And greed, but they were quickly covered up by them and did not show up.

"Let's go back."

Jiang Shenwu took everyone, and returned to the big **** dragon city where the Jiang tribe was located.

During the period, Jiang Shenwu and Minglong Wang and Xiaolong Wang both explained the situation. They needed to stay in Dajianglongcheng for ten days, then they set off for Donghuang Longwu College. If they had other things, they could go back first. There is a danger of not being able to solve it.

When I arrived here, Minglong Wang and Xiaolong Wang looked at Jiang Shenwu alone and defeated the tribal elders. They were naturally relieved, and at the same time, they felt that this is really a natural horror, so they practiced the dragon martial arts to the heavens so quickly. Even the original dragon martial arts are close to the heavens!


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