Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 37 Chapter 346: Rolling down

"The two dragon martial arts, the destructive power is very strong."

Jiang Shenwu feels a bit interesting.

The cracked ancient fire burned on him, giving him the feeling that his whole body would be torn apart. The flames rushed in, and he wanted to burn into his internal organs, and even burned his entire dragon body. .

But unfortunately, Jiang Shenwu is now the inheritance of the Shenglong level!

This eternal fire burned into his blood, and was quickly swallowed up by the power of his blood, turning it into the purest heaven and earth aura, to restore his own wounds.

The strength of Nirvana of the other side is not weak, but obviously the level is not high, so Jiang Shenwu is quite disappointed.

"The shield of the Dragon God!"

Jiang Shenwu has a layer of dragon shield that is swallowed by the power of engulfing the body. The next moment, it will suddenly spread out and directly exclude the cracked ancient fire!

Originally, Jiang Shenwu was too lazy to pay attention to it, but he had to let the other side see that he was truly practicing the second martial arts skills to the peak.

Just now, the other party still does not believe that he can teach the two-product dragon martial arts.

But now, he snorted and screamed out: "Look at your eyes and see, this is the second-class dragon martial arts that has been cultivated to the heavenly level. The dragon martial shield is here, Zhao Tianji, your cracked ancient fire may Hurt me?"

This scream, let Zhao Tianji tremble the whole body!

Two-product dragon martial arts, cultivation to the heavens!

This dragon martial shield has reached the level of heaven, so that his cracked ancient fire can not be found even a gap, even if the original ancient fire that eroded into the body of Jiang Shenwu, it disappeared without a trace. Completed like air.

“It’s really the second martial arts that is cultivated to the extreme!”

"The shield of the Dragon Vulture, is this the redemption that he had received in the Northern Cold Dragon War?"

"This power, in the presence of horror, even without the power of Nirvana, can rely on the blood of the Holy Dragon to forcefully resist the powerful offensive of Zhao Tianji, the fourth most important Nirvana robbery!"

The people below, originally did not like Jiang Shenwu at all, and now have to admit the genius of Jiang Shenwu.

The shield of Longwu God has actually been cultivated to the heavenly level!

Both Xi Yuying and Xi Yutong have a touch of surprise in their eyes. They are not sure whether Jiang Shenwu really did this step, but now it seems that this step is not what Jiang Shenwu is.

The second product dragon martial arts, reaching the level of heaven, is the shield of the dragon god, Zhao Tianji can not be the opponent of Jiang Shenwu.

Xi Yuying knows that Jiang Shenwu has already cultivated the original refining body dragon martial arts.

Together with the Dragon Shield, it is obviously more like a Wannian turtle.

Although this metaphor is not very good, it is really very image, because basically the shield of Longwu Shen is opened, unless it is beyond the existence of Jiang Shenwu, it will not break his defense.

"Oh, it’s too naive, I want to let me admit defeat, you are too tender!"

That Zhao Tianji did not put Jiang Shenwu in his eyes. He fell in love with Jiang Shenwu, the shield of the dragon and the **** of war. As long as he defeated Jiang Shenwu, Jiang Shenwu would need to pass this Zhaolong martial arts to him. This is their Before agreeing!

Originally, he did not believe that Jiang Shenwu could teach the two-product dragon martial arts. Now Jiang Shenwu showed it, but it gave him a hint of joy.

It seems that this time, the harvest is not small!

To know his eternal fire, I got the power to spend a lot of time to make up for the merits, and the war of the Northern Cold Dragon Kingdom, the next time there is no such good opportunity to earn meritorious service. .

If you get a shield of the dragon and the **** of war, from then on, both offensive and defensive, isn’t it beautiful?

"The cracked ancient fire, burst!"

Then, he snorted, and the sacred yang dragon swelled in the air, and there was a ray of light that burned into flames, and suddenly covered the surface of the black dragon of Jiang Shenwu.

From the body of the Lieyang Shenlong, who has spread a hundred feet, the ancient fire that has spread out, even in a moment has shrouded the body of the entire dark dragon.

Then, this cracked ancient fire burst in an instant!

It turns out that there are two forms of this ancient fire dragon martial art. The first one is to burn the opponent in the form of the attached body, eroding into the blood of the other party, and then gradually burning the opponent into ashes. This form is relatively small, but the comparison is relatively small. This form is enough for a weak opponent.

In addition to this, there is another form, that is, the explosion of ancient fire!

At this moment, Zhao Tianji used the form of the explosion of the ancient fire. After the ancient fire was attached to the body of Jiang Shenwu Black Dragon, it burst open in a flash.

The power of the horror of the green light, the power of this nirvana is bursting, and the power of horror is surging. When the body of the black dragon of Jiang Shenwu is bursting, many deep visible bone scars are broken, and then there are The ancient fire is attached to it and burned up!

It was like a thin man, and it was the same as a fat man.

Unfortunately, Jiang Shenwu is not an ordinary "fat."

His sacred dragon blood inherits, let his black dragon body grow up to three hundred feet, and at the same time the body's power of engulfing is also three times stronger. The defense of the original refining body dragon martial art chaotic dragon body has also tripled!

The next moment, before Zhao Tianji and Quanlongwang and others were delighted to laugh out, the power of Jiang Shenwu suddenly broke out.

"Now, there is no need to keep you."

"Virtual Dragons are breaking!"

This attack originated from attacking Long Wushu. It is a very strong killer for Jiang Shenwu~www.novelmtl.com~ Even he didn’t want to use this method, but the other’s cracking ancient fire, the destructive power is indeed not Small, Jiang Shenwu is too lazy to do more entanglement with the other side, or directly and quickly decide to be more decisive!

The virtual shadow of the three dragons appeared in the field.

The three dragons exploding in the illusion of the virtual dragon, a total of twenty-four dark dragons and light cannons, slammed into the place where Zhao Tianji was located, surrounded by the eyes, looking at the purely dark dragon light cannon, twenty-four At the very speed, the Zhao Tianji is completely covered in it.


Zhao Tianji was too late to react, and he was drowned in this horrible bombing!


Feeling the horror of this dragon martial arts, Quan Long Wang Zhao Wuyi, at this moment, his face suddenly changed, instantly deifying the dragon king's body, the horrible power suddenly spread from the Shi's house!

Zhao Wuzhen realized that his son was likely to die under the slogan of Jiang Shenwu and did not hesitate to take the shot.

The power of a horrible dragon, far beyond the existence of Nirvana's power, crashed into the twenty-four black dragons and light cannons, and completely resisted the twenty-four light cannons, even though the original dragon martial arts is about to reach At the heavenly level, the power of Zhao Wuzhen is also unmoving.

Even immediately afterwards, Zhao Wuyi looked at Jiang Shenwu with a glimpse of his face.

Killing, spreading!


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