Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 37 Chapter 327: Devouring the enemy

The talent of the earth's attributes is constantly emerging from the second illusion of the Nirvana.

Jiang Shenwu did not hesitate, and the power of devouring was like a wave in an instant, covering the other side to cover it!

The strength of the other side is the second most important of Nirvana's robbery, but there is no nirvana power. It is still a good deal for Jiang Shenwu, but it is a bit of trouble for the other party to constantly display the original dragon martial arts.

This means that Jiang Shenwu has no advantage in dragon martial arts.

Even the other party's original dragon martial arts, but also have learned to practice to the dragon level, although not reaching the level, but the dragon's original dragon martial arts, that power can be too horrible, even Jiang Shenwu, cultivated the Chaos Dragon After the body, it even provoked the sacred sacred to defend, or was seriously injured by the other side.

If there is no power to swallow, can devour the power of the other side, to restore his own injuries and restore the strength of the body, he is afraid that he will be bombarded by the other side.

Of course, Jiang Shenwu has not yet implemented any powerful means.

A lot of dragon martial arts, he did not use it, there are some killer tricks, and also did not use.

But even so, we can see that the strength of the other side is strong. The test of the Dragon Tower is not at all imaginable by the general dragons.

"No wonder, only the Dragon Warrior genius who has picked up a billion in the entire Yanlong dynasty is qualified to step into it."

"And, it is said that there are still many people who simply cannot afford the third test..."

Jiang Shenwu knows a lot. He already knows where his limits are, so he has some ideas for this goal.

The fifth challenge originally set was almost the limit of Jiang Shenwu.

Before that, he would never use all the means.

"Shou, the crown of heaven!"

In this second layer of the Dragon Dragon Tower, Jiang Shenwu used the power of the Holy Spirit to defend against the other side. With that touch of Jin Mang, the other party could not directly kill Jiang Shenwu.

Although Jiang Shenwu is now using any means, he can't make a final decision to defeat the opponent, but the other party can't kill him.

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu has been relieved.

This second test, only need to use this means, is enough.

As the other party continues to use the talent of the earth's attributes to display the horrible source of dragon martial arts, Jiang Shenwu is constantly seriously injured, and then quickly recovers in the swallowing power, then injured, and then resumed...

Ups and downs, the other party is unable to completely knock down Jiang Shenwu.

It didn't take long for the other party to weaken under the power of Jiang Shenwu's devouring, and it became even more impossible to defeat Jiang Shenwu. The power of engulfing continued to hang underneath, and the power of the other land was quickly swallowed up.

"Through, then, step on the third floor!"

Jiang Shenwu flew up to the third floor, and the road was like a broken bamboo.

On the third floor, he saw that he was the third ice dragon in the Nirvana robbery. This dragon has the power of endless ice, and its strength has exceeded that of the first layer of illusion dragons. Doubled.


Jiang Shenwu did not hesitate and directly went forward.

In the face of the other side of the first source of the dragon martial arts offensive, Jiang Shenwu used the shield of Longwu Shen, with the dragon-class dragon sacred sacred sacred, under the golden light defense, successfully resisted the other party's original dragon martial arts Killing.

The other party's move, the whole Santa Tower, seems to have become ice and snow, countless ice thorns fall from the sky, fell on Jiang Shenwu, and even his Shield of Longwu God easily broken.

If there is no defense of the Chaos Dragon Body and the Heavenly Sanctuary, Jiang Shenwu is afraid that one face will die in the other's hands.

This makes Jiang Shenwu know very clearly that the third test of the Dragon Tower is indeed very difficult.

Switching to other martial arts, there is really not much to pass such a test.

Even Jiang Shenwu, relying on the dragon-class dragon soldiers, plus the original refining body class dragon martial arts, as well as the two-product defense dragon martial arts, the dragon martial shield, the three can be able to withstand each other's offensive, let alone this down He has been seriously injured all over the body.

Change to someone else, come here to take a move, almost should go out and end the test.

But Jiang Shenwu does not need it.

"Devouring... broken!"

The power of infinite devour, just in the bursts of fierce ice, suddenly broke out!

The power of the darkness spread to the third layer of the entire Dragon Tower in an instant, and then the illusion of the ice system was trapped and eroded into the other side.

"Give me up!"

Jiang Shenwu screamed, and the whole dragon's body approached the other side, and he felt that the power of the ice talent was swallowed into his body, turning into the purest power of the heavens and the earth, and blending into his own body.

The black dragon body that he had just been pierced by the ice thorns recovered at this moment with great speed, and the body scars healed at a visible speed.

However, before he was completely restored, the power of the darkness in the third layer of the entire Santa Tower was suddenly smashed by a cold ice crystal. It was like a tsunami filled with biting ice, and suddenly swallowed the **** god. .

"Fortunately, I have just swallowed up some of the power of ice, and I have increased my resistance to ice power, or else I will die."

The whole body of Jiang Shenwu was smashed and slammed into the ancient wooden wall on the third floor of the Dragon Tower. The body was filled with ice thorns, and blood continued to flow from the body~www.novelmtl. Com~ Fortunately, he is not dead.

And he just happened to be well, so that he just won't die, and he has the chance to fight back!


With the emergence of the power of Jiang Shenwu's whole body, the thorns of the ice that were filled with him were swallowed up, turned into the power of pure heaven and earth, and integrated into the body, allowing his wounds to heal quickly.

At the same time, because the other side's display is the original dragon martial arts, which contains extremely terrifying power.

After Jiang Shenwu swallowed this level of power, his resistance to the ice power suddenly increased a bit, and he rose faster than the Dragon Warrior who usually dealt with the Northern Cold Dragon.

The next move of the same strength of the original dragon martial arts, it is impossible to seriously hurt Jiang Shenwu.

As the power of swallowing flowed out, Jiang Shenwu's injury quickly recovered, and the resistance to ice power increased rapidly.

The other side’s third offensive finally came.

Numerous icicles appeared from all directions, extending in the direction of Jiang Shenwu. The temperature inside the third layer of the entire Dragon Tower was suddenly lowered to the freezing point, and the boiling dragon blood in Jiang Shenwu was solidified.

Boom! boom! boom!

Those icicles slammed down, sweeping from front to back, left and right, and all directions, and suppressing the whole body of Jiang Shenwu!


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