Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 37 Chapter 321: Combination

It is foreseeable that the Shi's Mansion will enter a stage of rapid development.

This made many elders in the Shi's residence feel gratified for the foresight of Shenglong Xitao. If it wasn't for the sake of Shenglong Xitao's optimism about Jiang Shenwu, it would have a good relationship with Jiang Shenwu, and it may not be the day of Xi's residence.

Jiang Shenwu made great contributions, revealing the rebellion of the Xia's house, which made the Xi's house benefit together.

However, Jiang Shenwu also got two pieces of one-piece dragon martial arts, all of which are primitive dragon martial arts. One of them is a chaotic dragon body. He has already cultivated it to the prefecture level, but another attack attacked the dragon martial arts virtual dragon, and he is now It’s just that the cultivation has been successful, and even the people have not reached it. It seems that we need to find opportunities to practice.

However, even for Jiang Shenwu, in addition to the refining class dragon martial arts, other dragon martial arts he will not practice too fast, so he is not too anxious.

After this time, the relationship between Jiang Shenwu and Xi’s residence has become increasingly close and the relationship has become more and more intimate.

At the dinner on the same day, Shenglong Xitao hosted a banquet for Jiang Shenwu and Jiang Liuxue. Of course, both Xi Yuyue and Xi Yutong were there.

Xi Yutong is now the third most important in the world of Shenwu. It was similar to Xi Yuying, but now it is a little behind compared with her sister, but she is not embarrassed, but she is happy for her sister Xi Yuying.

Many of the elders of the Shi's house have been toasting Jiang Shenwu, hoping to leave a good impression on Jiang Shenwu.

Because this time, Jiang Shenwu made great achievements, I can imagine that Jiang Shenwu’s future is boundless, and he must be able to embark on a higher position. Even if Jiang Shenwu tries hard and tries to upgrade to the holy dragon level, Yan Longhuang is likely to drop him. Fukuzawa, let him inherit the essence of the blood to the Dragon King level.

This is a young man who is likely to become a dragon king in the future!

This makes these Xi’s elders, how can they not make good friends?

Jiang Shenwu is not so enthusiastic, because he clearly remembers that before the clan was in power, the elders of these Xi’s residences were all very unhappy with him, and even several times of persuading Shenglong Xitao gave up him.

If it weren't for the insistence of Shenglong Xitao, and even give him the dragon-class dragon soldier, the **** of heaven, Jiang Shenwu would not have achieved today.

Of course, with his black dragon consciousness and the power of devouring his talents, he will one day be able to rise to the present level, but that time may extend for a long time, maybe one year, maybe two years, it is impossible.

With the support of Shenglong Xitao, Jiang Shenwu’s promotion speed is much faster.

"Ginger brothers are really young talents, and they are amazing! It’s so close to us, how can we make a kiss here?"

The elders of the Shi’s residence have been unable to stand it. Looking at Jiang Shenwu is like looking at a toon and directly wanting to pull it to his own residence. If so, Xi’s residence will be followed by ginger. Shenwu is tied to a boat.

Once Jiang Shenwu is promoted, Xi’s Mansion will be able to rise!

Although Xi Yuying has also improved very fast and has made a similar contribution, anyone can see it. If it is not Jiang Shenwu, Xi Yuying will not be able to get such a quick upgrade and gain so much merit.

When I heard what the elder said, dozens of people were all nervous.

For some people, the dinner is just a scorpion. The key is to try to tie Jiang Shenwu to his own boat!

This is the case for the elders of the Shi’s Mansion.

Suddenly there were other elders who heard the sounds and smiled and said: "It’s a good talk! Beautiful women with heroes, righteousness! Our lady is the best in the entire prison city, and now she is awakened to become a five-pole black ice. The dragon, the repair is also keeping up with it, it is a perfect match with the Jiang Xiao brother!"

"That is, if the Jiang brothers and Missy can't walk together, it is really regrettable!"

Many elders have spoken out.

As the parties, Jiang Shenwu and Xi Yuying are all somewhat surprised.

Don't look at Xi Yuying when she was with Jiang Shenwu, she was quite cheerful and sensible, but in front of others, she was an absolute glamorous beauty.

When she heard these elders say this, she frowned first: "This thing, you don't need to worry about it?"

Although she wants to be with Jiang Shenwu, she is very clear that Jiang Shenwu is now trying to save her father, and even if Jiang Shenwu wants to be with her, she does not want to have utilitarian ingredients.

The practice of these elders made Shi Yuying feel that her emotions were mixed with impurities, and it was a lot of impurities, which made her very uncomfortable.

Jiang Shenwu’s face was as usual. He glanced at Shi Yuying and also knew her thoughts.

Now Jiang Shenwu does not have this idea. What is married is too early for him.

Do not say anything else, how old is he now?

These elders of the Shi's Mansion are now considering this issue, which shows how much they want to tie Jiang Shenwu to this boat, but Jiang Shenwu obviously has his own consideration.

After all, he has a relationship with the Kaitian demon world. Once this relationship is exposed, it is definitely not a good thing for him. If he is now with the Xi’s house, it will be extremely unfavorable to the Xi’s residence. .

And Jiang Shenwu has something to do with the Kaitian demon world, as well as Shenglong Xitao and Xi Yuying.

However, their father and daughter do not know the specific ~www.novelmtl.com~ only know that Jiang Shenwu can get out of the Kaitian demon world, certainly has his own special ability, this special ability is not known to others.

"Miss, you are wrong to say this, even if you are not worried, we are worried about you."

"That is, although you are still young, you can get engaged first, and then think about it later!"

The elders were a bit uncomfortable with the words of Shi Yuying, and they immediately refuted the sound, and hoped that they would immediately get involved.

After all, this matter requires the holy dragon to be able to make a final decision.

He observed the faces of Jiang Shenwu and Xi Yuying, and naturally they knew their thoughts. They could only wave their hands: "This matter, don't talk about it first, you don't have to say much. If there is a fate, you will naturally walk in the future." Together, there is no need to be in a hurry."

Shenglong Xitao has spoken, and other people naturally dare not say anything more, but these elders are a bit uncomfortable with Xi Tao.

This is obviously an excellent opportunity to tie Jiang Shenwu to Xi’s residence. As the patriarch’s Shenglong Xitao, they are not good enough to catch it. It is really disappointing!


Some elders snorted in the dark.

Unfortunately, there is Jiang Shenwu present, their dissatisfaction can not be so obvious, on the surface can only look a little pity.



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