Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 37 Chapter 310: Assault plan

As for Xia Yueyin, Jiang Shenwu is not worried.

For Xia's house, in this disaster, if someone might escape the past, then only one of the dragons.

There is a possibility of one in ten thousand, the North Hanlong country will send people to rescue Xia Yan, but Xia Yueyin is impossible to understand, so Xia Yueyin is basically a mortal ending.

Jiang Shenwu needs to worry, only Xia Yan.

Of course, at his current level, he is still not involved in dealing with Xia Yan, so there is no way to listen to the arrangements of the Yanlong Legion and continue to explore under the North Cold Corps.


After ten days.

Jiang Shenwu returned with the four dragons of the Yanlong Legion. This time, they extended their exploration in one direction. In seven days, they finally investigated the specific terrain and location of the camp.

Then, Jiang Shenwu returned with them.

After returning to Long Bingcheng, Jiang Shenwu won a medal: Yanlong War Medal!

Obtaining this medal represents a great contribution in the war of the Yanlong Dynasty. At the same time, there are a large number of battlefield points that can be used to exchange some dragon martial arts, dragon soldiers and the like!

"So many battlefield points?"

Jiang Shenwu was a little surprised.

Although he thought that he had made great contributions to the Yanlong Dynasty, the battle he had gained seemed to double the amount he imagined.

"Yes, this is the battlefield score that adds up to two things. One is to expose the betrayal of Xia's Mansion, and the other is to assist us to get the location of the Northern Cold Dragon Army. If you want more. There is still a choice for you."

The person in charge of the Yanlong Legion smiled and said: "Would you like to help us to launch a surprise attack on the station of the Northern Han Dynasty Dragon Army? This move is more dangerous, but if it succeeds, it is the third credit, can be in one You have received so much credit in the war, you are the only one in the last hundred years!"

Jiang Shenwu heard the words, his brows were slightly wrinkled.

If you want to help them launch a sneak attack on the Northern Han Dynasty, it is sure to let Jiang Shenwu bring a sufficient number of tyrannical dragons, cut the ice road from the ground, and secretly hide under the camp of the North Cold Army.

But the more people you bring, the more exposed you are!

"It can be ok, but in this case, you need to dig deeper ice. Otherwise, it is very likely that people will be exposed because of the crowd. Everything will be busy."

Jiang Shenwu said.

"That is nature. At that time, you are responsible for taking the twelve of us and going to the lower three places of the North Cold Army. They should not be aware of it. This time it is not for exploring information, so you don't need to hear them. The movement in the camp."

The head of the Yanlong Legion said: "As for the specific action plan, you don't have to know. Just take them over and they will protect your safety."

"I don't seem to have a reason to refuse."

Jiang Shenwu mouth corner slightly tilted, this thing for him, is also an excellent opportunity for meritorious service, as long as meritorious deeds, he will be closer to the Dragon King, closer!

Therefore, we can find out the news of the Dragon Tomb of the Yanlong Dynasty.

Now Jiang Shenwu wants to upgrade and become a dragon warrior at the level of Shenglong. He can only play the idea of ​​the Dragon Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. Otherwise, it is impossible to swallow up so many dragon bones and let his dragons inherit the essence. .

“How long is the action time?”

Jiang Shenwu asked.

"After three days, you only have one day of preparation time, because you need to bring the twelve people to the designated position after three days."

The person in charge of the Yanlong Legion solemnly said: "This thing, only the power of your swallowing can be done silently, so it will give you so many battlefield points. In addition, Yan Longhuang just handed the order in person, if You cooperated with us to successfully win the residence of the North Cold Army, you will be able to get his personal interview, he will give you something you want!"

When he said this, the head of the Yanlong Legion looked like an envious face. Even for the top of the Yanlong Army, he was able to meet Yan Longhuang, which is extremely worth celebrating. Not to mention This opportunity has actually come to a child of the martial arts.

Originally, he still had some blasphemy, so he asked him if he was willing to participate in the event.

If he chooses not to participate, he will lose the opportunity to see the Yanlong Emperor. This is a good thing for other Yanlong Legion people. Otherwise, if there is Jiang Shenwu’s words, the credit for breaking the North Cold Army’s resident will be great. Most belong to Jiang Shenwu.

However, since Jiang Shenwu is willing to participate, he can't stop it. Only after seeing the plan's success, Yan Longhuang personally met Jiang Shenwu.

"That is, we will get it tonight."

Jiang Shenwu brows slightly wrinkled: "It takes at least three days to re-dig a deeper ice path, so you can't drag it anymore. Prepare it a little and set it off."

"Just wait for you."

The person in charge smiled a little, then went out of the room and gestured to let Jiang Shenwu keep up.

Soon, Jiang Shenwu saw the twelve dragons who would follow him quietly into the location of the North Cold Army. ~www.novelmtl.com~ I just saw these twelve figures in the jungle outside Longbing City, Jiang Shenwu has a feeling of suffocation.

He feels that these twelve figures are like death, all of them are extremely murderous, **** and extremely strong, obviously have extremely terrifying strength!

"These twelve people are probably the strongest people in the Yanlong Legion. They are especially responsible for this sneak attack. As long as they are hidden below, in the vicinity of Fenglongzhiyuan, there should be other people in the Yanlong Legion to cooperate with each other. Attracting the attention of the Northern Cold Army, and then launching a surprise attack by these 12 people, killing each other's main combat power..."

Ginger Shenwu’s heart glimpsed, and there is no concept at all about the combat effectiveness of these twelve people.

He only knows that these twelve people are absolutely stronger than the Shenglong Xiayan and Shenglong Xitao that he has seen before. They are only slightly worse than the Qitian Yaolong he has seen before, but the twelve people gather. Together, I am afraid that even the Kaitian Dragon is not their opponent!

It can be seen that in order to get the dragon's edge, Yan Longhuang sent the core combat power of the Yanlong Dynasty, in order to be able to defeat the opponent and drive away.

"You act, I will go first."

When I saw these twelve people, the person in charge of the Yanlong Army led the way seemed to be a little nervous. After bringing Jiang Shenwu to him, he quickly said something and then turned and walked outside the jungle.

Only Jiang Shenwu and the twelve black robes were left in the jungle, and Jiang Shenwu had a very terrible pressure.


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