Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 37 Chapter 308: Conclusive evidence

Jiang Shenwu took the two men all the way to the bottom of the station where the North Cold Army was stationed, hidden in the ice path that was cut out, and began to snoop.

The perception of the two behind him is much stronger than he and the two women.

Even if it is a place far away from the camp, they can hear it clearly, and the most important thing is the voice of the conversation.

Jiang Shenwu could only hear the conversation from the camp above.

But now, the two people behind him can hear the sounds of the other three camps nearby. Sometimes there are even some rumbling voices coming from, obviously someone is doing men and women.

However, these things are naturally ignored by them all.

Their attention is all focused on the things related to Fenglong Zhiyuan and Shenglong Xiayan!

Of course, there are still some secret messages about the Northern Han Dynasty Dragon Legion, and they all listened.

Three hours after they arrived at the secret hidden location, they reached the dawn, and they finally heard the movement. It was Shenglong Xiayan, with three subordinates and son Xia Yueyin, who came to the North Cold Army. Camp!

This allowed Jiang Shenwu to look at each other and then nodded slowly. At this point, they can completely confirm that Shenglong Xiayan has betrayed the Yanlong Dynasty and colluded with the Dragon Warrior of the Northern Cold Dragon.

Now, when Shenglong Xiayan is carrying out his mission outside, he comes to the camp and borrows the mysterious power of the dragon to enhance his strength.

Not only did he come by himself, but he also took the important men of the three Xia's Mansions and the strongest of his sons, Xia Yueyin!

"A kid named Jiang Shenwu killed my son Xia Lie. Before letting Xia's house go all-in, we must remove this child before we can vent my hatred!"

Shenglong Xiayan’s face was indifferent, and his voice passed through the thick layer of ice, and it was passed to the three ears of Jiang Shenwu hidden underneath.

"Father, give it to me. After this promotion of the dragon's edge, I can definitely beat the kid. I don't believe it. Can he break through again in the battle? And, about his collusion with the North Hanlong The evidence, we have already forged it, and by then, this child must be able to fly, it will die!"

This is the voice of Xia Yueyin. It is actually going to return to Long Bingcheng to challenge Jiang Shenwu again after this promotion.

It is a pity that neither Xia Yan nor Xia Yueyin will know that their conversations are completely in the ears of Jiang Shenwu and in the ears of two strong dragons.

The strong of the two Yanlong Legion, now quite admired by Jiang Shenwu, did not expect that he could find such a place to listen to the other party's news, but also to find the betrayal of Shenglong Xiayan!

It is conceivable that if they do not have Jiang Shenwu, it is impossible to find Xia Yan’s betrayal. It is likely that when Xia Yan is fully fleeing, it will bring great losses to the Yanlong Legion.

It is very likely that he will lie to the military situation and lure the people of the Yanlong Legion into a trap encirclement, which will be wiped out by the people of the Northern Cold Dragon.

As for now, such a thing can't happen.

Even after waiting for Xiayan to appear in Longbing City, even in the camp of the Yanlong Legion in the extremely cold snowy mountains, it will be subdued by the strong of the Yanlong Legion, without any possibility of escape.

Unless he has been shrinking from the camp of the North Cold Legion from now on.

Even so, the Xia's Mansion, which is far away from the prisoner's domain, will be wiped out. The loss that Xia Yan alone can be sent to the North Hanlong Kingdom is very small.


After Jiang Shenwu went on, he and the two men were together in the ice below and eavesdropped on the intelligence for two days.

Then, in order to prevent night dreams, they decided to go back first, at least to pass back the news of Xia Yan’s betrayal, and let them control the Xia’s house in the prison.

Jiang Shenwu walked in the front, and continued to excavate from the ice path where there was still some traces. The power of devouring continued to engulf the ice and snow, and turned into the most pure power into the body of Jiang Shenwu.

This allowed Jiang Shenwu's recent resistance to the nature of the ice to sublimate to another higher level.

His familiarity with the strength of the ice ice has reached a level of terror!

If it is the same as before, it will be devour to swallow the five-pole ice force of Shi Yu Ying, I believe that it will not be long before Jiang Shenwu can almost immunize all the ice attribute power, unless the power level exceeds him too much. Exist, otherwise it is impossible to cause any harm to Jiang Shenwu.

Two days later!

Jiang Shenwu and the two strong dragon army regiments have already returned to Long Bingcheng, and the two Yanlong Legion strongmen returned to report the findings.

At this time, it happened to be Shenglong Xiayan, and the three men and his son Xia Yueyin, who was brought by him, were affected by the power of the dragons, and they came back after more than 10% of their strength.

Their plan is to stay in the fortune of the dragon for three days, first to upgrade the strength of the first, as for more opportunities in the future.

It is a pity that they simply do not know that their trip has been exposed.

Shenglong Xiayan took his men and returned to the station where the Yanlong Legion was in the extremely cold snowy mountains. Then they were arrested by the suddenly appearing Yanlong Legion judges. The four people were escorted back to Longbing City.

Xia Yueyin went directly back to Long Bingcheng~www.novelmtl.com~ also took a Longwu from the North Hanlong Kingdom, which he intended to identify Jiang Shenwu.

As a result, he still did not respond. He was arrested by the scouts of the Yanlong Legion when he was outside Longbing City. He was brought back to Longbing City with the Dragon Warrior of the North Hanlong Kingdom.

There is also the Xia's Mansion, which is far away from the Dragon City. After the Yanlong Legion was ordered, the Prison Dragon King sent people to seal the entire Xia's Mansion. All of them seized the detention and waited for the trial result above. !


In the cell of the Yanlong Legion, Jiang Shenwu was brought over and saw the Xia Yueyin and Shenglong Xiayan who were detained.

At this moment, Xia Yueyin was completely dejected and became a defeated cock. They knew that since the Yanlong Legion had arrested them, they must have grasped their evidence.

However, Shenglong Xiayan did not give up.

He is still striving for a glimmer of life!

"Little beast! My plan is all destroyed by you!"

Shenglong Xiayan died through the cell and stared at Jiang Shenwu who came to the cell.

"I broke your plan?"

Jiang Shenwu glanced at him curiously: "You have communicated so much with the heads of the North Cold Army. It is not going to be how to plan to harm our Dragon Warrior!"


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