Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 37 Chapter 302: Xia Yue's plan

Jiang Shenwu took the two daughters, Shi Yuying and Jiang Liuxue, and the news of leaving Long Bingcheng soon spread to Xia Yueyin’s ear.

He listened to what Meng Tianxing said to himself, and suddenly he wanted to jump from the hospital bed.

"This kid, even taking this opportunity to slip, must not let him feel good... yes, so, like this..."

Xia Yue’s eyes turned, and he immediately thought of a “trick”, then let Meng Tianxing come over and said something to his ear.

Soon, Meng Tianxing’s face showed a sudden realization and insidious color: “Do not worry, Xia Da Ge, I must do this thing properly!”

Then he turned and walked out of the room.

Xia Yue Yin looked at the back of his departure, his face showed a haze, and a hate of Jiang Shenwu: "Bad boy, I was seriously injured in the Yanlong Legion resident, I will not easily spare you in the summer months! My brother's Vengeance, one day will be reported!"


Jiang Shenwu and others naturally do not know the tricks that Xia Yue conceived.

The three of them quickly entered the battlefield, entered the extremely cold mountains, began to hide themselves while looking for their opponents, and kept an eye on not exposing themselves in front of the too strong North Han Longwu.

"The taste of the two scouts in front of the dragons should be the first major repair of Nirvana, and we quietly passed."

Jiang Shenwu quickly penetrated into the extremely cold mountains and felt a movement.

At this moment, all three of them were covered with thick layers of ice and snow, blocking the breath of their bodies. Even Jiang Shenwu could not smell the breath of the other two women, not to mention the distance of more than ten. The two scouts who were outside the robbers.

This method is thought out by Jiang Liuxue. It not only can block the smell of the three people, but also can disguise in the ice and snow, so that the opponent can not find himself, and can achieve the maximum effect when launching a sneak attack.

The three of them sneaked into the past, and soon heard the voices of two North Dragon Dragons.

"Well, let's rest here tonight. There are no traces of the actions of the Yanlong Emperor's nephews nearby."

"You can be sure? Don't be attacked in the middle of the night."

"When did my mythical dragonfly make a mistake?"

"Good, just you. But recently there was a news coming, saying that there was an important person on the side of the Yanlong dynasty. Although it was just a kid of the martial arts, it killed dozens of our Nirvana. People in the world! It seems that the kid has once again set foot on the battlefield. As before, with two women, we can be careful."

The two talked as they seemed to be drilling holes and trying to create a place to rest and rest at night.

For Jiang Shenwu, they don’t need to rest at night. As long as there are enough monsters and demons, Jiang Shenwu can devour the power of the monsters and pass them on to Xi Yuyue and Jiang Liuxue.

As a result, the three of them do not need to rest, just need to consume a lot of monsters.

Fortunately, before the Dragon Ice Canyon line, Jiang Shenwu hunted enough Tian Yao, there are still a lot of demon dan, there is no shortage of demon.

Hearing the conversations of the two scouts, the two men, Jiang Shenwu, who were hidden in the snow and ice, looked at each other and saw the dignified color from the other side's eyes.

"They actually know our existence!"

"This news, how can the Northern Cold Dragon Country know? And we also know that we have killed dozens of Nirvana Dragons in the Nirvana."

Xi Yuying and Jiang Liuxue each changed their face, and they were surprised at the chat contents of the two North Dragon Kingdom Scouts.

Jiang Shenwu blinked his eyes and lowered his voice: "It must have been revealed by the people of the Yanlong Dynasty. After all, we know that we have hunted dozens of Nirvana robbers. Only our own people, the North Cold Dragon Kingdom cannot. I know, and I know clearly that the three of us are on the battlefield together. Such a detailed message is definitely someone leaking us."

"The Yanlong Legion can't do this. So, is it other people who have hatred against us?"

Xi Yuying took a small head and thought hard about it. She soon thought of a possibility: "Is it true that this is the news of Xia Yue’s disappearance?"

Jiang Shenwu frowned slightly, then shook his head: "Xia Yueyin has not had such ability, and can convey this news to the North Hanlong Kingdom so many dragons in one day. If it is what he did, then this person is absolutely north. Hanlongguo has collusion!"

"Or, it is not him who is colluding with the North Han Dynasty, but... the entire Xia's Mansion?"

Ginger snow and cold eyes reveal a suspicion of color: "If you want to go to the northern cold dragon country, even if you want to go to the northern cold dragon country, unless the entire Xia's house is together, It may be like this!"

"It makes sense, but I don't know if the news is passed down by Xia Yueyin. Anyway, let's be careful."

Jiang Shenwu said: "In the 20-mile radius, there are no other people. These two scouts must be killed."

When the voice fell, he covered his body with ice and snow and slowly moved forward.

Originally, he had his nose and eyes exposed to observe the probe, but now, knowing where the other person is located ~www.novelmtl.com~ I don’t even have to look at it, the other party is already cutting the ice, so directly Just go in that direction.

The three were covered in layers of ice and snow, just like three moving snowmen, moving quietly in the direction of the other two North Dragon Kingdom Scouts.

Although they couldn't see it, they couldn't smell each other, but after they got close, they could still hear each other's sounds of opening the ice, and occasionally mixed conversations.

When they got close, they were more careful, and when they were a distance from the other side, the three of them lurked.

"You can act, find a chance."

Jiang Shenwu, the three of them are all lurking, listening to the movement in front of them, once the other side has any signs of lax, they will launch a surprise attack.

"I am going to pee in the urine."

Soon, one of the people in front of it sent an eager voice, and then there was a sound of footsteps coming to this side, let Jiang Shenwu know that the opportunity came.


As the other party approached a little, Jiang Shenwu and the three of them each turned into a dragon, suddenly bursting out from the ice and snow, at the same time, the three dragon dragons instantly turned into three different colors of streamer, Falling toward each other!

The guy who came out to pee, has not responded, the whole person has been swallowed up by the power of three violent, completely torn into a crush.


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