Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1657: Demon Lord

When the seal barrier at the entrance of the huge d cave melted in the blood of the dragon, the dragon and the wolf were waiting for each other and always maintained the most vigilant state.

As the sinister smoldering from the depths of the huge d-holes, the entire huge hive seemed to be shrouded in the atmosphere of a demon, and then a giant beast with twelve heads was slowed down from the huge d cave. Go out slowly.

"I don't think that the inheritors of the ancestral dragons would be so stupid, and they would take the initiative to release the demon Lord from the seal, oh?? The ancestral inheritors, do you think that with your two little points, you will be able to turn the demon Lord Can't you kill?"

The giant beast with twelve heads slowly walked out of the huge d cave, did not hurry, and did not rush to leave the huge d cave, but looked at Longchen and Mo Xiaolang, as if they were in him. In the eyes, it is just a prey with no resistance.

The demon Lord, even with twelve heads, Long Chen glanced at the twelve heads, the appearance of the twelve zodiac, twelve heads, staring at Longchen together, let Longchen come to life A feeling of creepy hair.

"Is it great? Is there any skill, but it is bright to see!"

Mo Xiaolang's eyes are full of war. Compared to the strange opponents who control the spiritual power, his favorite is the frontal battle. The feeling of heartyness is the battle he is most looking forward to.

"Little wolf, be careful, don't care, do it."

Long Chen reminded Mo Xiaolang that he rushed to the past, and he kept vigilant at any time. Because he did not know the details of the demon Lord, he had reservations when he rushed to the past. , did not break out all the power.

Mo Xiaolang did not hesitate, and followed Longchen to kill the demon Lord. Nine kinds of ancestors burned beside the body of the demon wolf, and almost refining the nearby space. These nine kinds of ancestors gradually became together. A blast of fire, roaring and screaming to the demon Lord.


The twelve heads of the demon Lord are laughing and laughing. Twelve pairs of differently shaped eyes, half staring at Longchen, half staring at the wolf wolf formed by Mo Xiaolang.

In the face of the momentum of the two people rushing over, the demon Lord did not retreat completely!

"Anceer fire storm? This level of flame, I am the third Lord of the swallowing genius, how could it hurt me!"

The demon Lord's twelve mouths simultaneously made a loud laughter, followed by one of the skulls, but the tiger's head in the twelve zodiac, even opened a huge mouth directly toward the ancestral fire storm!

"The flames are swallowed!"

The tiger's head roared, and the rules of horror engulfing broke out from its mouth, and instantly surrounded the nine kinds of ancestral storms that devastated the Japanese wolf wolf!

The rules of engulfing from the tiger's mouth suddenly swallowed up the ancestral storms that condensed the nine kinds of ancestors, and the power of the ancestral storm turned out to be part of the demon Lord.

"My demon Lord, anything can be swallowed, even if it is a spiritual soul, blood essence, water and fire?? All kinds of power can be swallowed up, how can you deal with this Lord?"

The demon Lord is laughing, and in twelve different eyes, the reflection of Long Chen and the demon of the Japanese demon wolf, only a burst of ancestral fire, not only did not hurt him, but let his tiger head get the body The addition of the flame rule has further fueled his fierceness.

"Yuan Shiyi!"

Of course, Longchen will not stop attacking. As soon as he bites his teeth, the Yuanshi Copper Tower is dragged in his hands. He is condensed with the three rules of Hongmeng, Chaos and Chenghua. From the Yuanshi Copper Tower, there is a dazzling light!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Longchen merged with the powerful means of the rule of the Yuan, and fell to the head of the demon Lord. The terrorist forces even completely annihilated all the way!

"The devouring of the dragon!"

Among the twelve heads of the demon lord, the faucet of the **** stalked out at this moment, opened his mouth, and suddenly the rules of engulfing swept out again.

"The devouring of the dragon, this rule is learned by the Lord of the Dragon, specially used to devour the rule power of the nine great dragons. The power of your dragon will not escape its devouring!"

The demon Lord Sinran smiled, and the phagocytic rule that was ejected from the faucet of the god's faucet completely shrouded the light of the first strike of the Yuan, and then burst open, and was swallowed directly by the faucet of the god!

"Hey, big make up! If you only have such strength, then the Lord can be rude, and Wanjie will become a thing in my belly!"

The demon Lord is laughing wildly, and the twelve heads are swaying at the same time. The rules of engulfing are like volcanic eruptions, and they are rushing toward Longchen and the Japanese wolf.

"The demon mad!"

Twelve heads broke out different rules of engulfing, like waves of waves, and instantly drowned Longchen and the demon wolf.

The horrible rules of engulfing trapped both of them, and they could not support each other. They could only rely on their own power to break through the engulfing rules.

"The beginning of the Yuan tears the sky!"

Long Chen did not hesitate, directly invaded the Yuan Dynasty to worship the dragon, and then condensed a huge dragon claw with the Yuanshi Copper Tower, which gathered the powerful dragon claws of chaos, creation and Hongmeng, and instantly tore the rules of engulfing this sky. Let Long Chen get out of trouble!

I was worried about Mo Xiaolang, but I saw that the Mo Xiaolang had swallowed the light column and broke the rules of the demon madness. It turned out to be the means of the Sirius.

Almost no slower than Long Chen, Mo Xiaolang also broke the other party's demon madness rule ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ once again merged with Long Chen.

"I’m a little underestimated, oh, but it’s fun to play!”

The demon Lord had some accidents. He did not expect his demon madness to be so easily cracked. However, this rule is only a common means for him, and there are many ways to display it.

He has time to play with Long Chen. After all, he has been sealed here for countless years. Just coming out, you really need to move your muscles.

"Come on, fight, let me completely find the strong feeling before being sealed. Now, the Lord has felt a little scattered all over the body. After all, it has been sealed for too long?"

The demon lord looked satisfied, and the twelve heads roared at the same time. The rules of engulfing broke out again in the sky, and the rushing dragons and Mo Xiaolang rushed over.

"Hundreds of demon roars!"

From the twelve heads, suddenly there was a horrible horror that shook the world, and this roaring sound directly turned into a horrible shock wave, suddenly slamming into the body of Longchen and Mo Xiaolang!

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