Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1630: Resolve hostility

About half a month after Long Chen returned to the ancestral world, he finally found the last ancestor life left. 【】

The seven ancestor unicorns, the seven ancestor phoenixes, because they have always gathered together, fear that even the gods and the Lord are not easy to swallow them, so they survived to the end.

In the whole ancestor world, the ancestor life only left them fourteen, hiding in a corner of the ancestral world, gathered together, apparently avoiding the pursuit of the gods and monsters.

When Longchen found them, they all showed a look like an enemies, as if they wanted to work with Longchen. After all, Longchen still killed Yuyi and Huangyi, the enemy of their ethnic group.

However, due to the gods and monsters, the life of these fourteen ancestors did not immediately start, because after fear of the hands, directly lead the gods and monsters.

"The ancestors of life, will you leave you?" Long Chen saw, sighed and asked.

"Yes, but how about it, we are fourteen, and it is more than enough to deal with you." Huang said very vigilantly.

"You can rest assured that my trip to Longchen is not to be an enemy of you. On the contrary, I still want to cooperate with you to fight against the gods and monsters of the swallowing genius." Long Chen explained.

"God and monsters, his strength is not that we can compete, it is too difficult to kill him, even if we are united." The second look is very calm.

"That's just what you think."

Longchen said: "The demon behemoth, the reason why I came to the ancestral world to devour you, just because in the world of dragon sacrifice outside, I was struck by my friends and I came here to restore strength, so as long as you promised to join me. It is certainly not a problem to deal with the gods and monsters. You only need to take care of them."

It is said that the hearts of the fourteen ancestors’ lives are obviously shaken. The hostility to Longchen is not so dramatic, because they are very clear that the biggest problem they face now is not Longchen, but the gods. beast.

As long as the gods and monsters do not die, they will not rest in peace.

"And, although the demon monsters seem to have no interest in you for the time being, once I fail to fight the demon monster, he has the inheritance of the ancestral dragons on my body, and will definitely release other swallowing lords, to that At the time, whether it is the ancestral world or the outer world, it will become the world of swallowing the celestial world, and everything will be swallowed up by them!"

Long Chen continued: "This is not an alarmist. From the actions of the gods and monsters, you should know that if other sacred sacred lords come out, your ancestors' lives will bear the brunt and die."

The heart of the ancestors' lives was even more shaken.

"But, you killed Yu Yi and Huang Yi, there is hatred, let us believe that you are really difficult, unless you can prove to us that everything you said is true."

Huang Er stared at Long Chen and said.

"I can't prove it, I don't need to prove it. You believe it or don't believe it. Anyway, I will soon fight the gods and monsters."

Long Chen shook his head and calmly said: "If I am really defeated, you can't live. If you don't want to follow me to deal with the gods and monsters, I have a question to ask you, that is, your first life. What is the way to integrate with the ancestors?"

Long Chen explained the things of the ancestors of the fourth era.

"If you can save these fourth-generation ancestors, then you can deal with the gods and monsters without your help," Longchen added.

These words made the life of the fourteen ancestors look at each other and then shook their heads.

"I am afraid that only the life of the ancestors can transfer the origin of the world and the soul of the world to the source of the world. Other life cannot do this. Therefore, your friends of the Quaternary ancestors are afraid that there is no way to pass. This method is coming back to life."

Huang Er shook his head and said.

"It turned out to be."

Long Chen’s face is a little heavy. This is really good news for him. The fourth ancestor’s ancestors can’t be resurrected. It means that he has a lot less combat power in this area. The most important thing is that those The four ancestors of the ancestors, all died in the hands of Longchen himself...

This makes him feel awkward. If you can resurrect them, then everything is fine, but if you can't resurrect, it is definitely a big blow for Longchen.

Fortunately, even if the ancestors of the Fourth Age could not be resurrected by this method, there is no hope of resurrection at all. After all, their souls and world origins are still there. If you can find the inheritance of the first Zulong, there may still be opportunities. Resurrect them.

"In this case, I will say goodbye, you, sure not to follow me to fight against the demon Lord? The demon monster, there are eight devouring beasts, if you help, just help to contain the eight swallows Soul beasts, gods and monsters, I can deal with them alone."

Before Long Chen left, he continued to ask.

It seems that he is not very concerned, but in fact, he is very eager to get the help of these ancestors, of course, he also understands that he once killed the first and the ancestors of the fourteen ancestors, the other side has Scruples are justified.

"and many more."

Huang Er and others looked at each other and saw their meanings in their respective eyes.

"Longchen, we are willing to help you, against the gods and monsters of the swallowing genius, but you must promise us a condition, that is, after the end of the battle, if we win, we must take us away from the beginning of the world."

The life of the fourteen ancestors, all staring at Longchen, waiting for Long Chen's answer.

Long Chen heard the words and finally smiled: "If this battle wins, it will not be a condition to take you away from the beginning of the world. If you like, I can take you away at any time."

"If this is the case, then you can set off. The other ancestors' lives have been swallowed up by the swallowing gods, and we must avenge them and destroy the gods and behemoths."

Huang Er and the two ancestors of the ancestors said together, led the other twelve ancestor life, and followed them toward Longchen.

In the face of the common enemy, the gods and behemoths, the ancestors of life, finally resolved the hostility to Longchen, willing to fight against the gods and monsters!

"Thank you for your help. At that time, you only need to join forces in two or two, and you will be able to contain eight heads of swallowing beasts. In addition, the souls of the eight heads of the swallowing beasts are my elders. Kill it ~www.novelmtl.com~ Longchen explained it.


The ancestors lived their nod.

They have been scared for too long. Under the threat of the gods and monsters, they have been rushing everywhere. They don’t want to continue this way anymore. There is an opportunity to destroy the gods and monsters. They certainly will not give up.

Retreat 10,000 steps, even if Longchen fails, they can also withdraw and retreat. For them, the situation is no longer worse.


In the evening, "Swallowing the Heaven" is not more, Mo, etc., during the new book, the madman wants to write more refined, so the update will be 2-3 chapters. If you are not very anxious, be prepared to go this way and write a fine text. After all, I have to write dragon blood recently, and I can see that the dragon blood is fighting!

The book starts from the 17k novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!


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