Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1627: World barrier

The seven heads of the swallowing sacred lord, including the swallow dragon lord and the chaotic swallow dinosaur, jointly part of their own strength through the seal barrier and condensed outside the huge hive. 【】

Then, the shadows of the seven great beasts slowly merged together and gradually become a huge monster shadow. The body shape in the ancestor world is so huge that it can reach the next level of origin if it reaches the universal world. world.

As soon as the shadow of this behemoth appeared, it opened a huge mouth and bite into a void in the ancestral world. The majestic and horrible devouring power surged out and swallowed up the space where the void was. .

This is the power of the seven great swallowing lords. They rely on a glimmer of force that can reveal the seal of the seal, and they can join hands to swallow up the space of the ancestral world!

And after swallowing up this void space, in the void, there was a picture of the dragon offering the mainland and the Wanjie. The shadow of the behemoth went down and smashed the barrier between the two worlds. !

The world of the ancestor, the dragon sacrificed the world, and the two worlds were originally connected to the Zulong nest through the origin of the dragon, but now there is another gap, which is the joint power of the seven great swallows. Get out of it.

This gap is not eternal, but it begins to shrink from the beginning.

"We are unable to use the power, so it is the limit, the gods and behemoths, return quickly!" The seven swallowing of the heavenly Lord's voice, separated by the barriers of the two worlds, passed to the Wansang God of the Lord.

The demon Lord has no hesitation at all. He has spread into the whole world through the transformation of life particles. At this moment, the first few days have gathered countless life particles in these two world gaps, and then re-displayed Out of the shape of the demon monster.

He did not stop any more, and directly slammed into the two world gaps that had been smashed by the seven swallowing sacred lords. Before the gap narrowed, the dragons from the world of Wanshang sacrificed the world. Into the world of the ancestors!

This world gap, after the passing of the gods and monsters, disappeared quickly, as if it had never appeared before. The barriers of the world, the resilience is too strong, even though the seven swallowing sacred lords can open a passage, but that The passages have only been closed for a while and have consumed all the power they can penetrate the seal barrier.

Because of this, the Holy Lord has only one chance to come to the ancestral world from Wanjie!

If you want to wait for the next time, then you have to wait for a long time. The seven swallowing sacred lords can once again accumulate enough power to smear the barriers of the two worlds.

Of course, the demon Lord, including the current seven swallowing lords, mostly decided to decide the outcome by this time. The demon Lord entered the ancestral world. Once Longchen followed, they had the opportunity to obtain the ancestral dragon. Inherit the blood, and then break the seal out!

The gods and monsters, through the gap between the two worlds, came to the ancestral world from Wanxiang.

He appeared in the vicinity of the ancestral dragon's nest, and saw the life of several ancestors who remained in the vicinity of the huge hive. Among them, there are two ancestors, Qi Peng, Peng Yi and Peng Er, Peng Yi is the head of the chaotic swallowing fire in the body. The ancestor life.

These first ancestors' lives, from the time when the seven great swallows of the sacred lord joined forces, condensed the shadow of the behemoth, and smashed the world's barriers, they already noticed that it was not right, so they turned around and began to escape.

But unfortunately, their speed is too slow compared to the gods and monsters!

"Miao! The delicious ancestor life, just the Lord's Lord is traumatized, as long as you devour all of your ancestors' lives, the Lord will be able to completely recover to the peak! At that time, Longchen's kid will follow and let him taste Taste a surprise!"

The demon monster is extremely happy inside. For him, the life of the ancestors is a very good tonic, which can help him to quickly restore his strength. Naturally, he has not let go of the reasons for the life of the first ancestors.

"Quickly contact other ancestors and work together to deal with this swallowing genius!"

Peng Yi and Peng Er, together with the other three ancestors, fled and dispersed, and they were extremely astonished in their hearts. They could feel the power of the gods and monsters. They are definitely not the opponents of the gods and monsters.

If you don’t escape now, you will definitely be swallowed up by the gods and monsters!

Only by uniting all the ancestors of the entire ancestor world, it is possible to resist this swallowing behemoth, so they began to flee without any hesitation.

Unfortunately, they were quickly chased by the gods and cats like cats and mice.

"Where do you run? Oh, you become the nourishment of the Lord!"

The demon monster has a big mouth, and the power of devouring has come down, and the body of Peng’s entire ancestor’s life has been swallowed up!

When other ancestors saw their lives, where did they dare to stay? Instantly speeding up and running, but unfortunately, after all, it is the big mouth that can't escape the magical behemoth.

"I am not strong enough to wait for the strength, the ancestor life, leave a little to us!"

The voices of the other seven swallowing sacred lords were passed to the ears of the demon monsters.

"Reassure, I won't swallow all of them. I just need to return to my full state.? Almost, it is enough to devour ten ancestors!"

The gods and monsters bite down, and once again swallowed Peng II, and said that they were extremely ferocious, and turned their eyes to other ancestors who were fleeing??


"The demon monster is gone~www.novelmtl.com~ Longchen is thinking about how to be able to go to the ancestral world and ask the ancestors to ask if they are defending the world." How the ancestor's life entered the ancestral source and merged with the ancestral source.

But very quickly, he found that the life particles of the gods and monsters that had spread to the world of Wanjie suddenly disappeared. Long Chen felt that the world of dragon sacrifices was faintly broken, and the atmosphere of the ancestral world was revealed. come out.

"God and Lord, should be in the world of the ancestors, are we going to follow the past?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"No need, the demon Lord does not have the inheritance of Zulong's inheritance, it is impossible to let other swallowing sacred lords, so since he is gone, we do not need to worry, anyway, he can not come out, this paragraph Time, I can consolidate the cultivation and reform the other rules to the realm of the ancestors of the Quaternary. As a result, my combat power will definitely surpass the magical behemoth, and then enter the ancestral world and fight with it. Longchen said his plan. The book starts from the 17k novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!


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