Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1612: Time 9 Robbery Sword

With the sound of the ancestors of the past, the five ancestors of the fourth epoch were completely shot, and they were surrounded by Longchen.

No matter what direction Longchen wants to escape, the five of them can block him at the fastest speed. In this case, Longchen is basically impossible to escape.

At this moment, there is only one way left for Longchen, and that is death!

Behind him is the chaotic **** world, and even the whole world is in the hands of Longchen. Under such circumstances, even if there is no hope of death, Longchen will not back down, let alone the current battle, not without hope. .

In the process of cultivation in the previous period, Longchen did not get a big breakthrough, but it still consolidated its own strength. The seven ancestral ancestors passed together and became more perfect, and the new means of understanding some rules.

Although this is the case, it is still very difficult to defeat the five great Quaternary Yuanzu gods, but there is still a glimmer of hope. What's more, Longchen is best at breaking through in the battle. Such a high-intensity battle can definitely bring the dragon. Chen forced to the limit, so that he might be able to break through.

Another hope is that the other six people, especially the coffin and the wolf, will definitely have a big turn if the two can quickly resolve their opponents.

Moreover, the Chaos ancestors are the ancestors of the fourth epoch, and the opponents on the opposite are the ancestors of the end of the fourth era. The odds are also great. In general, Longchen will not lose in this respect!

"The storm of the past."

The ancestors of the past, surrounded by Longchen, are staggering but exudes a sense of killing, giving people a sense of terror that is not exhaustive.

The rules of the past and the future have blossomed from her hands, forming a regular storm of rapid rotation. In this storm of rules, the past and the future are intertwined, and the past and the present are intertwined.

This storm of rules and pasts in the past has surged from the hands of the ancestors of the past, and has come to the place where Longchen is everywhere. Even where the void is involved, it is involved in the past and the future. Constantly twisted and broken!

Before, Long Chen’s impression of the ancestors of the past is that the escape kung fu is really first-class. If he had figured out the means before he could restrain the other side, I am afraid that it would not happen before killing the cave witch, forcing the demon Lord. The battle for life particles.

Now, the ancestors of the past have merged the past and future time rules, intertwined and complement each other, forming a storm of time and space, and its destructive power is so terrible.

Longchen's face is dignified, and the other's past storms come too fast. He has no time to react. He can only subconsciously wave his left hand to kill the blood sword and gather the rules of killing.

The power of the scarlet-blooded killing rule, condensed into a Tongtian Jianguang, broke through the **** sword, and greeted the past and future storms of the past future ancestors!

The **** killing of the sword light, smashing the sky, shattering the void, igniting the long-lasting killing atmosphere, and piercing the rule storm of the past and the future!

The combination of past and future double rules stirs up the situation, trying to turn the **** sword into a emptiness in the long river of time. However, the rule of killing the blood sword is equally good, especially the current Longchen. The experience is understood.

Scarlet sword light, suddenly smashed the storm of the past and the future, so that these two raging time rule forces completely broke away, bursting in the middle of Longchen and the ancestors of the past, and then gradually dissipated.

"Look at my ban!"

At this time, the fate of the ancestors manifested the body on the side, the destiny star beast with a starlight, such as an endless vast expanse of stars, almost covering the audience, the entire starry sky is full of countless twinkling stars, with its Their fate, the power of the rules is rolling toward the dragon.

The fateful star tower descended from the sky, and the dragons who were confronting the ancestors of the past were suppressed on the spot.

"The same means, it has no use for me."

Longchen is determined to be self-defeating, and the psychedelic pendant floats up, igniting the rules of ancient dreams, and letting himself become a destiny star beast, the same palm of the destiny star tower, with the ban on life.

The two sides banned each other, the same rule of power roared and trembled, and disappeared in a moment after nothing. For Longchen, since it has already cracked the other party's means once, it is very easy to crack the second time, without any suspense. At all, and the time to crack the second time is much shorter and easier than the first one.

The fate of the ancestors, this did not think about how to put Longchen, he just wants to delay the time, and slightly restrained Longchen.

After all, the five great ancestors of the fourth epoch are now being manipulated by the gods and lords, and their degree of cooperation is definitely more than the joint of their five own.

The fate of the ancestor has just been broken by Longchen, and a sea of ​​blood will fall from the sky. The blood-devil ancestors will attack directly at this time, and the endless **** demon rules will fall down like a downpour, and the whole body will be Longchen. The void is covered in it, and there is no escape from it.

"Abandoned blood sea!"

The **** ancestors came down, and the whole space turned into a **** sea in the ancient times. The inexhaustible power of the Gorefiend rule in the **** sea seemed to be drinking the blood of the world, like a savage beast. Long Chen.

The endless wild blood sea, the whole body of Longchen, and Longchen did not hesitate, the time chain and the wild bones and swords combined with each other, under the sway of time, the rules of time and the catastrophe of the floods condensed, and instantly burst into nine ridiculous Jianguang!

"Time is nine swords!"

Long Chen Shen Sheng, the wild bones of the sword in hand, with the power of time condensed in Jianguang, merged into the time of the nine robbery sword, bursting toward the endless wild blood, let the time in the ancient **** sea stagnate, then Under the smashing of the Nine Robbery Jianguang, the endless blood was dragged into the time reincarnation and turned into nothingness!

Long Chen can feel the ~www.novelmtl.com~ the other three shots of the other party, but also a kind of temptation for him, and did not use all the power, I am afraid that when the other party uses all efforts, it is sure to kill him. time.

Therefore, Long Chen has never been impulsive, and he has displayed a brand new killer that is too strong, in order to guard against the killings prepared by the other party.

"Not bad, the strength is beyond my imagination, but fortunately this Holy Lord is prepared, or it will really turn over the gutter, hehe!"

The voice of the blood-stained ancestors is incomprehensible and bloody. It is even more disgusting with the cooperation of the demon and the Lord. Although the means of the ancient **** sea was broken by Longchen, he was not in a hurry.

Obviously, as Long Chen thought, the other party is still only in the trial stage.


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