Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1597: Deviation

Now, the little wolf has long been associated with the ancestors of the other eight ancestors, and this chaos swallows the fire, but I really can't find it. I can't think of it here, which really has a great appeal to him.

The life of Peng Yi’s ancestors is very accurate. Now, the most attractive thing for the little wolf is nothing more than chaos and fire.

However, Peng Yi, they have more than 20 ancestor lives together, if the little wolf and Long Chen now rush out, want to **** the chaos and swallow the fire, just think about what kind of consequences will happen.

Once you go out, you are dead.

The other party, just want to use the chaos to swallow the fire to attract Longchen and the little wolf, so that Longchen and the little wolf leave this barrier, but the possibility is too small.

Chaos swallows the fire and is precious again. Is it comparable to your own life?

The little wolf glanced at the chaos and swallowed the fire, and then to Longchen said: "Now can't go out, let alone a kind of chaotic swallowing fire, even if there are more ancestral fires, you can't be tempted by the other side."

"Not bad." Long Chen nodded.

However, since the other party has come up with such a thing, if there is only this means, it is too disappointing.

Whether it is Peng Yi or other ancestor life, it has long been expected that Longchen and the little wolf can not leave the barrier because of this chaotic fire, but they still have a move!

"Long Chen, since you don't dare to come out, let's make a deal."

Peng Yi stepped forward and said with a sneer: "I use this chaos to swallow the fire, change the two ancestors you just got, that is, the two that you got from Yu Yi and Huang Yi, how? This transaction is very fair. Anyway, the two ancestors you seem to have no way to integrate for the time being, can not enhance your strength, and chaos swallowing the fire, but can enhance the strength of your swallowing friends, how?"

This paragraph of Peng Yi makes the life of other ancestors echo.

"That is, anyway, these two ancestors are temporarily useless to you, in exchange for something useful to your friends, is it appropriate?"

"If I have to, I will change it directly. This transaction is no longer worthwhile!"

"Long Chen, if you don't want to change, don't you put your friend in your eyes? Oh, it's a pity that the swallowing wolf is selling for you!"

A group of people screamed at Longchen, and apparently wanted to use this to provoke the relationship between Longchen and the little wolf.

They dare not continue to attack the barrier, so the way to come out is to start from the internal relationship between Longchen and the little wolf, and strive to dispel the two alliances!

Unfortunately, these ancestors' lives really underestimated the relationship between Longchen and the little wolf.

Just because of the brotherhood between Longchen and the little wolf, how could it be destroyed by such a low-end divergence? The friendship between the two, but after many trials of life and death, it is impossible to be provoked!

The methods that the ancestors thought of were not too bad, but they were wrong in not knowing the specific relationship between Longchen and the little wolf. They thought that the little wolf was an ordinary swallowing genius demon wolf.

This is where they failed most!

"Don't listen to them nonsense, it seems that they are afraid to approach this barrier. If so, big brother, you should first look for the origin of the dragon soul, here I look at it." The little wolf said to Longchen.

"Yeah." Longchen nodded, it is not a way to waste time here. Since the other party does not dare to approach, just want to play some tricks, you can ignore it.

Long Chen turned and left, and continued to fly towards the huge hive.

As for the little wolf, he monitored the movements of the ancestors' lives through the barrier. Once they wanted to get close to the barrier attack, he would immediately inform Longchen to know.

Seeing that Longchen left, the group of ancestors' lives were a little dumbfounded. According to the planned script, shouldn't this dragon and the swallowing celestial wolf have contradictions with each other, and then give them organic abomination?

How could they not have a fight at all!

However, Peng Yi did not be discouraged, but said to the remaining little wolf: "I can see that you are very eager for this chaotic swallowing fire. If so, I promise you, as long as you are willing to join our camp. This chaos swallows the fire directly to you, how?"

To be honest, this chaotic swallowing fire is indeed very attractive to the little wolf, but if you want to betray the dragon, you don’t need to think about it. He will never accept it.

Therefore, the little wolf is too lazy to say anything, directly watching the cold, let Peng Yi and other ancestors life is a bit embarrassing.

They really didn't think that they had discussed the divorce strategy for a while, but they didn't even have any effect. Instead, they made their ancestral life look like an idiot.

The little wolf ignored them and they did not dare to act rashly.

As for the barriers and attack barriers, they are afraid. If Longchen suddenly appears and pulls two of them into the barrier, then the situation will once again tilt to Longchen. Now, the two sides are still in a confrontational state. If they die a little more, then Long Chen is not afraid of them, it is called real despair.

Therefore, now the strategy of Peng Yi and other ancestors' lives is of course to be stable, and they can no longer continue to take risks.

On the other hand, near the nine huge caves of the ancestral dragon's nest, Longchen began to look for the ninth cave. First he took out the psychedelic pendant and placed it near the entrance to the cave. This time, he finally felt some difference. Where.

At the entrance to this huge cave, the psychedelic pendant has a slight tremor, just as there is something in the depths of the cave that resonates with it.

"Is it the origin of the shadow dream dragon?"

Long Chen thought of it, couldn't help but some surprises~www.novelmtl.com~ After looking for such a long time, I finally found a clue, so that his not too good mood suddenly became better.

"Hey, I am going to give it a try." Long Chen said.

"Well, be careful. If you can not destroy the seal barrier, don't destroy it until you are completely sure that the cave is the origin of the Shadow Monster Dragon." Li said solemnly.

This reason Longchen certainly understands, he slowly approached the entrance of the ninth cave in front of him, and always held the psychedelic pendant in his hand, feeling the slight vibration at any time, the closer he came to the cave, the more he felt It is more intense, although the reaction is not very large due to the barrier of the seal barrier, but it is enough to be felt by Longchen.

Long Chen stretched out an arm and explored the seal barrier. He found that because he was the inheritor of Zulong, he was able to directly enter this seal.

However, if you want to completely break through this barrier, you must destroy the seal. He does not recklessly advance, but stays in the seal barrier and looks through the barrier into the cave.

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