Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1594: Unexpected joy

The ancestor ghost fox and the ancestor Bai Ze, who were pulled into the barrier, watched Long Chen to interfere with other people's attack barriers and wanted to stop, but the coyotes rushed up at this time.

"Your opponent is me."

The little wolf laughed loudly, and the flames of the whole body rose up. With the death of two dead spirits, they swept away toward the ancestral ghost fox and the ancestor Bai Ze!

Both the first ancestor Bai Ze and the ancestor ghost fox were arrogant. They had not put the wolf in their eyes, but they felt the horrible destruction power contained in the blood of the two dead spirits. Time has paid attention to it, and I dare not think more about it.

"I will solve this swallowing genius first!"

The ancestor ghost fox and the ancestor Bai Ze looked at each other and then did not choose to deal with Long Chen, but planned to join hands to kill the wolf.

However, now that the strength of the little wolf has changed, is it so easy to kill the other side?

The ancestor Bai Ze's two claws were lifted, and a hegemonic whirlwind rule was born. Although it is a rule without attributes, the power contained therein is equally extraordinary. The whirlwind is moving at a rapid speed, colliding with a dead spirit, and both sides are thoroughly in midair. Dissipated, a stream of air ripples spread out around the four sides, making the entire space tremble.

The ancestor ghost fox is a mouth. The force of a dark spiral rule condenses into a sphere, which is like a cannonball. When it hits the blood of the dead spirit, the two sides burst into each other and cracked the first one of the little wolf. trick.

Longchen was stationed on the edge of the barrier, while using time chains to cast time to entangle the other side to block the barrier, while watching the battle of the wolf.

Although the strength of the wolf has been transformed, it is still the first time to deal with the life of the two ancestors, so we need to pay attention at all times.

From the level of power, the current little wolf, after swallowing so many flame attributes to swallow the celestial family, its strength can simultaneously deal with the three ancestors of the end of the fourth era.

However, the strength of the ancestor ghost fox and the ancestor Bai Ze is beyond the ancestors of the end of the fourth century, so it cannot be compared.

"The distant ancestors chaos the wind!"

The ancestors Bai Ze's eyes showed a glimpse of the fineness, and the speed of rotation, condensed a whirlwind rule born out of chaos, instantly covering the sky, rolling up everything in the surrounding space, forming a giant tornado, crashing into the direction The little wolf.

This far-off ancestors chaos the wind, as if the tornado storm hit from infinity and long distance, it is necessary to destroy everything, to sweep everything, to bring everything in the world into it, to become a part of itself!

In the face of such a giant tornado, the little wolf turned out to be the body of the demon wolf, the whole body of flames condensed, the eternal flame and the blood of the dead spirit instantly mixed together, and merged into a huge flame wolf paw!

"Eternal killing and killing claws!"

The eternal holy fire is the accompaniment of the fire of the tyrannical dragon, born out of the temperament of the time rule; and the blood of the dead spirit is the associated fire of the ancient blood dragon, which contains the rules of endless killing.

The fusion of the two kinds of life forms a huge eternal killing claw, facing the ancestors Bai Ze’s distant ancestors chaos, and the fierce claws are photographed!

Killing, time, and flames, the three rules broke out at the same time. In the center of the distant ancestors, the chaos of the gods produced a huge airflow vortex, which engulfed the giant tornado that was condensed by the distant ancestors.

The ruler of the first ancestor Bai Ze was easily cracked by the little wolf, but what followed was the dark sneak attack of the ancestor ghost fox.

The rules mastered by the ancestor ghost fox are somewhat biased towards the dark attributes, but in fact they are attributeless. This is the characteristic of the ancestors.

When the ancestor Bai Ze and the little wolf were fighting together, the ancestor ghost fox body was integrated into the shadow of the surrounding space, and it became looming, and when the eternal killing claws and the distant ancestors chaotic gods burst out, the ancestor ghost The fox suddenly launched an attack.

"Shadow Spiral Blade!"

Numerous slender blades born from the shadows of the darkness, the shape of which is extremely hidden, is condensed from all sides, and is like a raindrop in the place where the wolf is everywhere!

The torrential rainstorm hits, and every raindrop is a shadow spiral ancestor that can destroy all things. Even if it is hit by any one of the sharp edges, I am afraid it will be torn by the force of the rules!

Now, the little wolf is faced with countless dark blades that have been flying in the sky. The danger can be imagined, and the dragons on the side are nervous.

"The fire of fate!"

The little wolf looks calm and does not have the slightest fear. Instead, the whole body shows a cluster of brilliant flames. The heavenly emperor's ancestors and the floods and fires are intertwined, and they are intertwined into a fire of destiny. In the space of the film!

In the space covered by the rules of the fire of destiny, any existence seems to have encountered endless disasters. In the endless disaster, its fate has been burned out, leading to the complete extinction of its body.

Not only is the shadow spiral ancestor that has been wounded around the four, but also the huge tornado that has just exploded. The distant chaos of the gods has been completely burned in this fire of destiny. A piece of nothingness!

Even the fire of destiny has spread and spread, and soon the ancestors Bai Ze and the ancestor ghost fox were shrouded in it, let them face the rules of destiny in an instant, the power of this rule will be the two of them. Completely burned!

"Shadow Spiral Shield!"

The ancestor ghost fox subconsciously applied the rules, a dark spiral shield wall appeared around his four, blocking the endless destiny of the fire.

However, the reaction of the first ancestor Bai Ze was slower, mainly because he was closer to the little wolf, and he could not have time to push the rules to confront, so he was seized by the wolf.

"The void of nothing is swallowed!"

The little wolf took this opportunity and decisively displayed the rules of engulfing, completely hidden in the fire of the destiny, and rushed to the ancestor Bai Ze, the next moment ~www.novelmtl.com~ incomparable rules of engulfing The entire body of the ancestor Bai Ze was wrapped in it.


The little wolf screamed and swallowed the rules. With the ancestors Bai Ze screaming, his body was the rule first, and then, then the soul, all of them were swallowed by the little wolf!

Bai Ze, the ancestor of the dying of the fire of destiny, did not expect that this flame contained the rules of engulfing, and could not effectively resist it.

What surprised the little wolf was that after he swallowed the ancestor Bai Ze, he found that his power had grown, and this is no doubt an unexpected surprise.

Originally, he could only enrich the existence of the flame attribute to enhance his strength, but now, why can he devour this ancestor life?


Today, at 17:15, I will send another red envelope on WeChat. Please pay attention to WeChat.

In addition, I announced the release time and introduction of the new book in WeChat, so stay tuned!

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