Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1590: Wrong choice

Bai Ze, the ancestor, couldn't believe what he had heard.

"You are crazy?" The ancestor Bai Ze felt that these three guys were simply unreasonable.

The first ancestor, the first ancestor, the first ancestor, and the three ancestors' lives were scattered, and they stopped the first ancestor Bai Ze, who continued to chase.

"There is nothing unreasonable. From the beginning, I have long wanted to leave this ancestor world and experience a more exciting and rich life, but unfortunately I later got the wrong team." Shizuo said.

The same is true of the ancestor and the ancestor chaos, and this makes Longchen face a choice.

If he now believes that the ancestors blasphemed them and turned back to deal with the ancestor Bai Ze, it is likely to be able to wipe out the three ancestors Bai Ze, not only get three allies, but also weaken the overall strength of the other quarter!

Under the circumstance, the next time you meet the union of the ancestors, Longchen does not need to be so afraid...

However, if this is the first ancestor, do you really want to follow Longchen?

As a result, now that Long Chen is turning back, it is obviously once again putting himself in danger.

What's more, the main goal of Longchen is not to deal with these ancestors, but to deal with the swallowing! If possible, Long Chen hopes that these ancestors will stand on their own side...

"If I don't look back now, the first ancestor, the first ancestor, and the first ancestor are three, and certainly can't be the opponent of the ancestor Bai Ze. After all, the other ancestors' lives are coming soon, and soon."

Long Chen thought in his heart and finally made a tough decision: Go back and help!

If the first ancestors swear that the three of them really want to follow Long Chen, then now that Long Chen is turning back, it is easy to have three more allies.

The biggest reason for Long Chen to make up his mind is that even if the ancestors succumbed to their temporary remorse and let him fall into the siege of the life of the six ancestors, he still had a way to escape. In that case, he completely saw the true face of the other party.

After making up his mind, Long Chen directly turned back, killing the blood sword in his hand and waving to the place where the first ancestor Bai Ze was, and the **** sword light stunned!

"To deal with them together, after I kill, I will enter the Zulong lair."

Long Chen’s words are concise, and they say to the first ancestors.

The first ancestor, the first ancestor, and the first ancestor chaos three, and the moment when Longchen turned back, he showed a happy color.

"Haha, I don't think you really come back, it's God helping me!" The ancestors screamed out loud!

"Bai Ze, you see, although we have been negligent for a moment, let this kid run, but as long as one sentence, he is not running back? This kid is also called the Zulong Chuan, it was actually played by us!"

The first ancestor, it is actually deceiving Longchen!

At this moment, Long Chen was reunited in the encirclement of the other party because he wanted to deal with the ancestor Bai Ze.

In the moment when I heard the words of the first ancestor, Long Chen wanted to understand the other's intentions, and the eyes suddenly rose up in anger!

This ancestor 饕餮 three, just really because of Long Chen's words and negligence, let Long Chen rushed out of the encirclement... But then, they will count, even said to follow Longchen, to attract Longchen back.

For the first ancestor Bai Ze, the equivalent is to make up for it. Otherwise, the first ancestors will definitely face the blame of other ancestors.

"It seems that I made a wrong choice..."

Long Chen's left hand clasped the **** sword, and the fate necklace floated up. The time chain "咔咔" trembled, and the three rules once again condensed into one.

The **** killing red, the chaotic time of the blue, the changing fate of white, the three rules are once again merged, ninety-nine giant faucet skulls looming in the void, rushing to the ancestors who re-enclosed the six heads!

It is this rule of the three-color dragon source that has broken the powerful means of the first one, the ninety-nine catastrophe, and let Longchen take the opportunity to kill it, and get the world of the universe, the dragon, the dragon, the bones .

Now, this tyrannical rendition makes the ancestors Bai Ze their looks very dignified.

"The three of us are going to resist this trick, and the three of you will use all your strength to imprison him!"

Bai Ze, the ancestor, said, while Zhang mouth spurted a ruler with no attribute, and took the lead in welcoming the thirty-three **** killing gods.

The other two ancestors' lives next to him also spurred the power of the rules of the law, and smashed the thirty-three gods of the other two colors.

For a time, Long Chen’s tyrannical rules were countered by the scene!

The ancestor ancestors, the first ancestors and the ancestors chaos, at the same time launched a fierce rule impact toward Longchen, the rules mastered by the ancestors were mostly non-attribute, only after the integration of the ancestors can comprehend the rules with attributes.

Now, the power of the three non-attribute rules from the ancestral ancestors, the ancestors and the ancestors, and the chaos of the ancestors, have become a unity in midair, carrying the infinite violent trend toward Longchen.

The strength of the three is one, the power of this thick rule is extremely horrible, and it is feared that if he encounters Longchen, he will be completely broken!

"Time... entangled!"

The chain of time that Longchen entangled in the whole body, once again "squeaky" at this moment, the time rule of the ancient times is instantly condensed.

Before he used this trick, he set the time around the first and fourth, so that he pulled the barrier into the barrier and killed it.

Now, this trick has exerted an unparalleled effect on the force of the rules of the other three ancestors' life together.

The rules of ancient times, at this moment, let the surrounding things completely settle down, together with the power of the rules of the three!

Originally, I had to hit Longchen and block the force of the three-in-one rule that he went to the road. At this moment, the time rule was completely entangled and still. At this moment, Longchen’s body shape once again rushed out of the six ancestors. Surrounded by circles.

At this time, the first ancestors Bai Ze three finally broke the ninety-nine fascinating skulls of the three-color dragon source, but they found that Longchen had already rushed out of the encirclement and suddenly broke into the ancestral nest. Barrier!


The ancestor Bai Ze's face is black~www.novelmtl.com~ Obviously, once Longchen enters the barrier of Zulong's lair, it is difficult for their first parents to make Longchen.

Unexpectedly, the life of the six ancestors joined forces to block, and did not stop Longchen, which made the original ancestor Bai Ze very angry inside.

"I didn't expect his rules and regulations to be so powerful!"

The first ancestor chaos, sorrow and sorrow are all face to face. The rules of the three people joining forces to unite, it is reasonable to say that Long Chen will be left behind, but they did not expect their rule power to be directly entangled in time. Although it was only a moment, it was enough for Longchen to rush out.

It is.


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