Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1587: Returning from the world of ancestors


The scene of the blurry and ethereal surroundings of Longchen IV gradually disappeared, and he appeared in the mysterious Zulong Grotto. Unconsciously, he had already left the ancestral world and returned to Wanjie.


Long Chen was anxious and returned to the mysterious and deep Zulong Grotto at the fastest speed. He soon saw an endless dragon offering to the mainland and brought the whole situation of Wanjie into his eyes.

At this time, he discovered that the entire Wanshang did not seem to change.

He reached out and easily grasped some life particles. It was the life particle that evolved from the Lord of the Devil. After it was crushed, it became a smaller particle of life and still has strong vitality. Endless, eternal life!

"God and Lord, did not wake up!"

"His strength has not fully recovered!"

Long Chen realized in a moment that the words of the sacred sage in the ancestral world were false and deceived him.

As for the purpose of deceiving him, perhaps let him hurry to start the ancestral dragon nest, do not kill all the sealed swallows...

Although Longchen could not deal with the swallowing sages of the nine huge caves, he could kill all the swallowing celestial beings in other caves!

If you only have a few saints left, you will become an incomplete swallowing genius. Although the saints may continue to multiply, it will take too long.

"It turned out that the thing that the voice said was actually a fake, and was cheating on us." Li Wei was also a little relieved, and a big stone fell in her heart. Before she was worried about everyone in Wanjie, now it is finally Put down your heart.

"Here, is the world outside the ancestor world, is it called 'Wanjie'?" God's first four ancestor Shenwu, at the moment of the mysterious Zulong Cave, all had excitement and excitement. .

For the four ancestors, Shen Wu, the ancestral world was the only place where they were born, and they have never been to other places outside the ancestral world.

But now, they are coming!

"Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with Longchen, we are still coming out of the ancestral world."

There are also some excitement in Shen San’s tone, and some can’t wait to come out.

The most important thing is that they found that the demon Lord did not appear, and the state of life particles is still recuperating. In this way, they still have time to experience the wonderful life!

The battle with the swallowing celestial beings did not begin so quickly. The ancestors of the ancestors could relax, and for a while, they would experience life completely different from before.

"The demon Lord in the state of life particles, although we can not kill it, but in this state, the demon Lord can not do anything, do not return to the peak strength, he will not Reappearing... In this case, let’s go back to Wanjie to see it.” Long Chen said, ready to return to Wanjie.

First of all, he has to determine how long he has passed in the ancestral world for so long.

In the time of the ancestral world, it was too ethereal to change, so that Long Chen had no concept of time at all, but when he returned to Wanjie, time began to become meaningful.

Moreover, he now has the world's origins of the universe, the ravages of the dragons and the shadows of the dreams of the dragons. They are the bones of the bones and the psychedelic pendants. They must enter the tower of time and study it to see if they can find them. The news of the origin of the Dragon Soul.

Now Longchen, still can not use the wild bone sword and psychedelic pendant, the lack of the origin of the dragon soul, if you can find the origin of the seventh ancestral dragon and the ninth ancestral dragon soul, not only the strength of Longchen will be greatly Ascension, even Li Wei can also be transformed into a shadow dream dragon, with the power of the Quaternary Yuanzu god.

Long Chen, finally returned from the ancestral world!

The demon Lord did not move, he first returned to Wanjie, and took the ancestor of the ancestors from the gods. The ancestors of the ancestors were very curious about this new world, watching constantly around the four worlds. All kinds of scenes are in the bottom of the eye, and there is a longing in the depths.

Among the Wanjie, hundreds of millions of souls and gods, their lives are wonderful, love and hate, hate, sorrow and joy, so that the four ancestors of the ancestors will linger.

"I will give my friends first, introduce you, everyone will be their own in the future. If there is anything, you can help each other."

Long Chen said to the ancestor Shenwu.

The ancestors Shenwu each nodded.

"I look forward to meeting more friends. In the world of the ancestors, there are always only the old guys of us. It is really boring..." God laughed out loud and looked at the whole world, feeling more comfortable than ever.

Long Chen returned to Wanjie, and the coffin, the little wolf, and the kitten all got the news. Together with many ancestors of the Fourth Age, they rushed over to meet Longchen and the four ancestors.

Since then, the forces of Wanjie have joined the four ancestors, Shenwu, and become much stronger than before!

And for the ancestor Shenwu, Longchen is very trustful and reassuring, because the four of them, in the ancestral world, accompanied Longchen to face all the ancestors' lives, if not really trust him, it is impossible.

Trust is mutual, the other party trusts Long Chen, and Long Chen will certainly trust each other.

Long Chen first introduced the ancestral gods to the people, and then introduced the ancestors to the ancestors and the ancestors of the fourth era.

"It seems that we have four more comrades in arms." Chaos ancestors and good smiles, and the ancestors of the martial arts.

When we learned that the ancestors of the ancestors were fighting together with Longchen in the ancestral world and fighting against all the other ancestors' lives, the ancestors were very friendly to the ancestors.

After experiencing a period of intense stress in the ancestral world ~www.novelmtl.com~, now returning to Wanjie, and discovering that the demon Lord has not recovered, Longchen has finally had a relaxing time.

When the ancestors of the ancestors knew each other, they began to swim in Wanjie. This is the life they have longed for. It is conceivable that their hearts are full of joy.

At the thought of finally betraying them and joining the six ancestors who captured the ancestral squad, the ancestors of the ancestors were especially fortunate in their hearts. Fortunately, they persisted and stood on the side of Longchen before they could see the ancestral world. Beyond, such a wonderful world of universal world...

And Longchen, taking advantage of this relaxed time, told the spirits and the wolves all of them in the original ancestors.

"It turned out that the swallowing celestial being was sealed in the nest of the ancestor of the ancestor world!" After everyone heard it, they were all amazed, which showed that they finally found the place where the swallows were now sealed.

As long as you have enough strength, you can kill the swallows!

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