Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1566: Founder


At the moment of letting go of the hostage, Longchen also refused to provoke other movements, and fled at full speed!

At this time, the ancestor Kirin and the ancestor of the Phoenix family are still chasing each other and competing.

It is estimated that it is an old rival. At this time, no one is allowed. It is this kind of competition that led Longchen to have this opportunity. In the chase of their 16 strong men, they fled!

"He escaped!"

After a short period of time, they saw Longchen give up the hostage.

In this ancestral world, there is too much chaotic fog, which can block the line of sight, even the perception of the ancestors of the Fourth Age, so it is a convenience for Longchen’s escape!

He now has only one person, relaxed, and continually circumvented several bends and galloped away. The ancestors of the ancestors and the ancestor of the ancestor, Qi Lin, were gradually thrown away by him and lost his figure behind him.

Finally got out of trouble.

"It’s really thrilling. This time almost let the sixteen ruins of the ancestors take control. Once they get caught up in their fight, it must be even more dangerous."

Fortunately, this ancestor world is more suitable for escape.

Although they can't be seen around, Long Chen is still very careful, constantly shifting his position and avoiding them.

However, the blind escape will certainly not work.

"What should I do now?" Li Wei was also scared by this sneak peek. In this ancestor world, there are top strong people everywhere. Even the ancestors of the Quaternary Yuan have never encountered it. The 16th epoch of the fourth era destroyed the ancestors and chased Longchen. The scene was really scary. If it was not to escape quickly, and with their desire for the ancestors, it was estimated that Longchen was killed and killed. Let's go!

"The most crucial finding today is that we have continuously found the world of origins of the Shadow Dream Dragon and the universe. They are in the hands of Huang Yi and Yi Yi. Although I don’t know why these two world origins will return to the ancestor. Among the world, but what matters now is to seize these two world sources, and in this way, it is estimated that you must kill Huang Yi and Yi Yi!" Long Chen firmly and decisively said.

"But you only have oneself, and they are all in droves. Each has eight epochs destroying the ancestral team. How can you deal with them?" Li Wei had no way.

Long Chen was wandering around the ancestral world. He was also pondering this problem. While pondering, he said: "If you say that there is only the ancestor unicorn and the ancestor phoenix in this ancestor world, then it is troublesome. But if still If there are other existences, there may be opportunities. I have to rely on the strength of this ancestor world to break them."

This is the idea in Long Chen's heart.

"Even if there is, how to get it?" Li Wei asked.

In fact, her question is, in the end, how can we make life here and help ourselves?

This point, Long Chen does not have much answer now.

"You can only take one step and count one step. We still have too little understanding of this ancestor world."

They are moving forward in this endless darkness, wanting to see if they can find something to give them a better understanding of this ancestor world.

At least, if there are other lives, the first two battles and chases should be alarmed. This ancestral world was indeed turbulent because of the arrival of Longchen.

"The original life here should be in the deep sleep, because I am awakened." Longchen guessed.

In other words, if you don't have it, it should be extremely quiet.

After walking for a few days, Longchen stopped in the dark void, and then turned back, turning the eyes of the origin of life, and surely within his own scope, he saw life! Fortunately, it is only one end, and by feeling, it should not be the ancestor phoenix and the ancestor unicorn, and there is a third ancestor life.

He seems to be coming to Longchen, he should have found Longchen.

Long Chen also pays attention to the surroundings. For the time being, there is no other ancestor life, but he will naturally not take it lightly.

After a while, the life of the ancestors reached the front of Longchen in peace. When you look closely, it is a giant beast. It looks like a tortoise. In fact, it has a snake beast and a gray tail. The tortoise shell is engraved with ancient Traces are like an endless star map with a sense of magic.

"Wu Nai, the ancestor Shenwu."

The turtle snake sounded thick, and spit out people's words. Before and after coming to Longchen's eyes, he did not attack, but directly introduced himself. Let Long Chen know him.

"You can call me "God One."

From the way of meeting, he is different from the ancestor Qilin and the ancestor phoenix. They saw that the ancestors of Longchen had direct attacks. However, he introduced himself, apparently intending to talk with Long Chen. What Long Chen needs most now is this existence!

If there is a ancestral **** Wuwu, then God should be the leader. It is similar to Huang Yi and Yu Yi. However, because he does not have the world's origin, it may not be as strong as the two.

"Predecessor, my name is Longchen."

After knowing each other, the ancestor Shenwu directly inserted the theme and said: "In these few days, I saw the Kirin and the Phoenix, very inciting, like looking for something, I guess if there is anything in the world of the ancestors, come out and swim. Go, but I met your ancestor dragon here. It seems that you made them so inciting."

Long Chen smiled, it is the default. He wants to see, what is the ancestor of the ancestors, what is the ancestor Shenwu ~www.novelmtl.com~ God one is also a smile, said: "I did not understand before, now I see, I understand, the original You brought back the ancestors, no wonder they would be so excited, Phoenix, for them, the source is the most precious thing."

Long Chen asked: "Isn't this important for God's predecessors?"

Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that I want to know what I want to know today. Long Chen is very curious about this ancestor world, and it is also related to the top ten ancestors.

Upon hearing this, the **** shook his head and said: "Not everyone is so keen on the ancestors, they compete with each other 'the heart of the ancestor', in order to survive, they need the ancestral power to strengthen, and we compete with them. The changes that Zuyuan has brought us are not many."

It turned out to be the case.

However, Long Chen still does not quite understand.

He pondered a bit and said: "God is a predecessor, I know nothing about the world of the ancestors, can you tell me from start to finish, especially about the part of the ancestor dragon."

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