
At the center of the Origin Force storm, the golden giant palm and three dark sword shadows, in the end, in a loud noise, the golden giant palm and two dark sword shadows burst apart!

Long Bufan was shocked to quit several feet suddenly, his face pale for a while, and he immediately stared at him.

I saw the remaining pitch black sword shadow, which fell directly on the golden armor puppet king’s body without any hindrance.

“shua ――!”

The golden armor was too short for the puppet king, and the entire left shoulder was directly cut off in half. If it is a human flesh and blood body, this degree of scar , It must be blood splattering, wailing in pain.

However, as a puppet, the golden armor puppet king, no matter what degree of trauma he has suffered, he still has no sense at all.

What’s more abnormal is that under the action of the Gold Element Formation in the palace, its shaved left shoulder is being repaired at a speed visible to naked eye.

“Is it repair function, let’s see if your repair speed is fast or mine attack is faster!”

Seeing the golden armor puppet king’s body is being repaired quickly, Long Bufan was not surprised. There was a fierce look in his eyes, and he teleported directly to the side of the golden armor puppet king. At the same time, tens of thousands of dark elements vigorously shook out from the tip of the sword, like a Flood Dragon going out to sea. Generally, it directly pierced the head of the golden armor puppet king.


The golden armor soldier’s head was hit by a heavy hammer under the impact of the high-frequency oscillating Yuanjin. Like a watermelon, he trembled violently a few times, and on his head with a golden helmet, there was a one after another crack spreading open, bursting without any suspense.

However, with this degree of damage, due to the repairing effect of Formation energy, it is still a little by little healing quickly.

“Of the Thirty-Six Stratagems, fleeing is best!”

Long Bufan’s eyes flickered, taking advantage of this gap, hurriedly shaking the four dragon wings, turning them into a black The afterimage flew in towards the open passage.

Chapter 1374 Jungle World

Compared with the 1st floor, the 2nd floor trial area of ​​the Seven-Colored Mysterious Pagoda looks a bit vibrant here.

Because of this layer, there are dense plants, all kinds of trees, vines, weeds, thorns, etc., flooding every corner of the second trial area, completely blocking It is very silent, and long Bufan’s past experience, such unusual quietness often hides the most terrifying murderous intention.

This kind of environment is like a jungle world.

“It’s not an illusion!” Long Bufan Spiritual Consciousness covered it, but discovered that these plants were not condensed from illusions, but real.

Because the Spiritual Consciousness is limited by the trial area, only several feet are radiated. It is impossible to find the passageway to the 3rd floor at once, and the line of sight is blocked by all around plants, Long In this 2nd floor trial area, Bufan could only move forward a little bit, relying solely on manually searching for the passageway.

Just this way, it is very likely that too much time will be delayed. If you can’t find the passageway to enter after an hour, then the 2nd floor trial area will release the poison mist, when the time comes, the risk factor must be greater.

“The plant belongs to wood. It seems that the trial area on the 2nd floor is the Wood Attribute. I don’t know what kind of enemy it will be.” Long Bufan fired all around, muttered in a low voice, showing vitality. It is also the defense of Yuanjin that forms high-frequency vibrations. The layered Origin Force has a much stronger defense than a pure vitality shield.

This kind of defensive skill is what Long Bufan has recently realized from the martial skill of the mysterious power of the mysterious magic formula. The vibration of the vitality can superimpose the offensive and strengthen the formidable power. The conversion of Jin into defense must also have the powerful effect of resisting enemy attacks.

However, propping up this kind of body-protecting elemental power shield consumes much more energy.

After that, Long Bufan, holding the Evil Devouring Sword, moved fast in this jungle world where dangers may be hidden everywhere.


The dead leaves on the tree fell all over the ground. Long Bufan’s rapid pace, stepping on the ground, will be natural There were bursts of broken light sound.

However, in this way, Long Bufan only covers the Spiritual Consciousness of the several feet, and did not find it at all. A dark-green snake with only finger length is curled up outside the several feet. On the leaves.

The skin of the little snake is matched with the color of the leaves. With the flying speed of Long Bufan and the limited Spiritual Consciousness, it is impossible to detect it at all. However, the eyes of this green snake were staring coldly at Long Bufan, who was walking fast.


Like a tiny green lightning, the dark-green snake with long fingers suddenly sprang out of the leaves without warning, directly He flew towards Long Bufan, and immediately grinned with his mouth full of fine sharp teeth, biting away at Long Bufan’s strength.

“puff!” Suddenly, Long Bufan’s vitality shock defense cover was bitten through 80% by the little snake, leaving only two thin layers of vitality superimposed defense. .

The attack power is fierce and fierce, really terrifying!


Long Bufan’s face changed suddenly, and he immediately reacted. If the martial artist of the star realm with weak strength encounters such an attacked green snake, I am afraid To be killed on the spot.

Seeing that the attack failed, the dark-green little snake was obviously not low in spiritual wisdom, and immediately flung its tail, turning around and fleeing without the slightest hesitation.

Chapter 1375 Piranha

Long Bufan looked cold, and the evil spirit devouring sword in his hand smashed down.

“shua ――!”

The cold black glow passed by, and the black sword glow of the evil spirit devouring sword was chased instantly amid the screams of the green snake , Fell directly on the body of the green snake.


The green little snake was cut into two pieces directly by the sword glow and landed on the ground.

However, a strange scene appeared in Long Bufan’s sight. After the snake body was broken, the two bodies suddenly became bigger, suddenly becoming two sections with ten several feet. long, as well as a green snake with the thickness of a leg, the blood of green soaks the surrounding ground.

Long Bufan took a deep breath: “The third-order Demonic beast, a leaf-green python, is good at finding sneak attacks. In the mountain range of the sky continent, this type of snake is rare.”

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