The battle with Jin Yun tonight clearly created these two opportunities. Defeating Jin Yun, his strength has been shown, the only thing lacking is personal prestige.

Chapter 999 Devouring Soul Sect Chen Shark

With this kind of prestige, Long Bufan borrowed from the strategic policy of the great leaders of the previous life, that is, to defeat the landlords and give the people a share of food and land. The benefits not only won the hearts of the people, but also with this appeal, only then quickly formed a strong and powerful army.

So, now Long Bufan’s approach is somewhat similar, openly raising the banner of defeating the bullies in the city, and promising to liberate the city and remove all kinds of unreasonable fees. These benefits will definitely Those scattered and weak sects’ disciplines are drawn over and become their own power groups.

However, looking at the calm atmosphere that is now in a stalemate, Long Bufan feels that he still lacks some heat.

“Hehe, it’s quite lively.”

And when Long Bufan was thinking about how to add some heat, the sky north of the city suddenly heard an eccentric Laughter, and then dozens of silhouettes flew over and suddenly appeared in the sky above this area.

The person headed is a gray robed man with a face like bones. He smiled and looked at everyone. When he saw Jin Yun who was seriously injured, his eyes were slightly surprised, and his last look It landed on Long Bufan standing on the tip of the stone tower. While his eyes were slightly narrowed, a wisp of spirit strength also tentatively extended to Long Bufan in an instant.

At this moment, Long Bufan has returned to normal human form, his breath is naturally restrained in his normal Divine Sea 5th layer Early-Stage, and under the spirit strength of gray robed man, The cold glow all over his body suddenly stood up. This was an instinctive reaction of the body to danger. He could feel that this guy’s spirit strength, extremely cold and violent, was full of a strong danger.

Long Bufan frowned immediately shook his body slightly, and under the shock of his true essence, he directly bounced away the invading Spiritual Consciousness, and his eyes were also staring at the one revealed by the man’s clothing Skull sectarian coat of arms.

“It’s the Chen Shark of Devouring Soul Sect!”

When the crowd below saw the gray robed man, there was a little fear in their eyes.

Perceiving everyone’s reaction, Long Bufan was able to guess something in his heart. Obviously, Chen Sha is one of the Four Great Influences in Wuling City, Devouring Soul Sect.

Devouring Soul Sect belongs to the Grade 4 sect of the Western Region of the sky continent. Long Bufan has never played against the disciple of the door, and he does not know what powerful martial arts will be.

“Dragon, be careful of the guy named Chen Sha. As far as I know, Devouring Soul Sect is a sect that specializes in cultivation spirit strength. Its attack methods are strange and unpredictable. Most of them are attacking souls. “

Receiving Jiang Yu’s secret voice transmission in his mind, Long Bufan’s heart trembled suddenly. No wonder that guy has such a powerful spirit strength.

Soul attack is a terrifying attack that is more weird and difficult to prevent, and when the martial artist’s soul is eroded, it is extremely difficult to recover. The severer is brain-dead, while the lighter will drop some repercussions. If not, The repair method will not only reduce the lifespan sharply, but its Martial Dao Road will also fall to the bottom.

Long Bufan swept his dignified gaze towards the two breathless silhouettes hidden in the crowd. It was Liu Bai of the Holy Light Sect and Qin Hao of the Innate Body Sect, secretly said in one’s heart : “It seems that the top figures of Four Great Influences are all gathered.”

Of course, two half-step Divine Sea 6th-layer, this is not so much for the current Long Bufan The only strong threat that makes Long Bufan feel the most dangerous is the Chen Shark of Devouring Soul Sect. The soul attack of the latter will be unconsciously unconsciously displayed, so that you can’t guard against it.

“Jin Yun, you can’t even beat a low-level sect boy. It seems that I usually overestimate you.” Chen Sha has a cold smile on his mouth and glanced at Long Bufan. , Eyes are full of disdain and mockery.

Although he didn’t witness the battle between Long Bufan and Jin Yun with his own eyes just now, the aura of Long Bufan’s 5th layer in the Divine Sea realm fluctuates, in his opinion, there is no threat.

Chapter 1000 Three Great Influences

For Chen Sha’s undisguised ridicule and sarcasm, after Jin Yun angrily snorted, he didn’t reply and refute anything, but from storage. The bag took out a Great Revitalizing Pill and swallowed it in. Sitting cross-legged, each minding their own business healed.

Although the thousands of remaining Long Bufan’s original vibrations did not suffer fatal damage, the power is extremely strange, even though the bones, blood vessels and internal organs within the body are protected by the original energy package , Still suffered serious injuries.

Seeing that Jin Yun ignored him, Chen Sha’s thin and pale face gave a gloomy smile, and immediately looked at Liu Bai and Qin Hao in the crowd, and said jokingly: “Why, both of you are That kid was terrified?”

hearing this, Qin Hao Shen said with a smile: “I don’t have that kind of babes!”

tone barely fell, you can see his height The figure soared fiercely, and the roof tiles underneath suddenly collapsed under the strong air wave, and the dust was filled with smoke.

In the next moment, he appeared in the air, hovering near Chen Sha. Obviously, his position was already obvious.

“Since the two of you are like this, if I, Liu Bai, shrink back, it would be a bit unreasonable.” Liu Bai of the holy light sect smiled indifferently, holding a paper fan in his hand, not as Qin Hao did. As rude and violent, the figure slowly rose to mid-air, and the elegant white silhouette made the eyes of many female Wu Xiu flashed with strange light.

He is handsome, has a high cultivation base, and has a good background. Together, these three are naturally the most favored by the opposite sex.

“sou! sou! 嗖……”

After Qin Hao and Liu Bai showed their positions, immediately, one after another silhouette suddenly plundered from below. Rising, the silhouette floats densely behind them.

These people belong to the group of forces of Qin Hao and Liu Bai. All of them have good auras. The lowest strength has the cultivation base of the Divine Sea 4th layer.

“The Three Great Influences led by holy light Zong, Xuan Innate Body Sect, and Devouring Soul Sect have formed an alliance!” Looking at this scene, everyone was shocked. Look at the long Bufan alone. At that time, he shook his head secretly sighed. It seems that tonight, the Long Bufan of the Black Tortoise Mansion is a bode ill rather than well situation.

At this time, Long Bufan, standing at the top of the stone tower, silently looked at the densely packed silhouette in front of him, his eyes gradually became serious, and today’s situation was a bit dangerous.

However, it is not so easy to kill him here!

Long Bufan took a deep breath, facing the cold evening breeze, his broken clothes hunting and hunting, facing the powerful aura formed by the gathering of more than one hundred silhouettes in front of him, his silhouette But it is still straight, his face is cold and determined, without a trace of timidity, just like an arrogant soldier.

Looking at Long Bufan who was alone, Chen Sha smiled playfully, and said with a slightly hoarse voice: “Did you not just slurs, want to change the rules of Wuling City? Now, Guang With you alone, how can you be able to match so many of us.”

Both Liu Bai and Qin Hao are also very confident in their lineup. Don’t say that Long Bufan has some powerful methods. The strength skyrocketed, but now they have a combination of three and a half Divine Sea 6th-layer powerhouse, and more than 100 martial artists above the Divine Sea 4th layer, even if Long Bufan’s strength can increase to Divine Sea 6th- layer, it’s not that easy to get out.

Chapter 1001 Crowd Riot

“xiu! Hush!!”

Below, Heiyan and Jiang Yu suddenly rushed from the ground. In the blink of an eye, he appeared on both sides of Long Bufan’s side, staring solemnly at Chen Sha and the others.

“Are you blind? Three!” Heiyan carried an iron rod on his shoulder, grinning said with a smile, and a brazen fighting intent appeared in his eyes.

Faced with such a powerful lineup, although Jiang Yu and Heiyan had a heartbeat at this time, they still chose to believe in Long Bufan, because they have been here for a while in the Hundred Sects battlefield. From the beginning to the end, Long Bufan showed them all kinds of miracles, as if this guy’s hole cards are always endless.

“Since you two want to die too, I don’t mind getting two more corpses.” Chen Shak slightly narrows the eyes, staring at them darkly, and then turning to the crowd below, coldly said. with a smile: “However, just relying on the three of you, how can you have the patience, who else is not afraid of death, you can come up!”

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