According to the normal cultivation state, it will take at least a year for him at this stage. Little by little has accumulated true body tempering before he has the opportunity to break through to the Divine Sea 6th-layer state. If you rely on medicine pill breakthrough, you also need 600 tablets into Divine Pill.

Every day, he relies on the market to collect admission fees and pay other people in the team. Even if he accounts for the largest proportion, but he is assigned to Divine Pill, that is, he still It will take almost two months to accumulate six hundred Divine Pills.

However, there are more than two months left to hunt the corpses. In the dangerous environment of the Hundred Sects battlefield, the plan is often unable to keep up with the changes.

In such a tight time, the only way to find a quick breakthrough is to use the powerful energy of the Star Pill, and only six Star Pills are needed to help him break through to the Divine Sea realm in one fell swoop 6th-layer!

So, the muscular man’s move to use the star pill as the admission fee gave Jin Yun the idea of ​​seeking instant benefit!

“This is our site. Regardless of whether the admission fee is reasonable or not, you have the right to choose to enter. However, the person you beat me is a challenge to our team!”

After that, Jin Yun’s gaze fell under the silhouette of Long Bufan their three people again, his eyes surged like a poisonous snake, and gradually narrowed, Sen Leng’s voice also slowly sounded: “I thought that you didn’t understand the rules when you first arrived, and each took out two Star Pills as a reward, so you wouldn’t care about disrupting the order of Fang City.”

Hearing Jin Yun’s words, Heiyan The two of them frowned slightly with Jiang Yu. It seemed that this guy had a heart to protect his shortcomings and deliberately wanted to blackmail the three newcomers of them, and immediately their eyes were solemn and guarded. They couldn’t guess what Long Bufan was thinking, so they didn’t to act blindly without thinking. They stood on the left and right sides of Long Bufan without moving.

“The one who is interested is to hand over the Star Pills obediently, so as not to ask for trouble. With your ridiculous strength, wanting to escape from our hands is really idiotic!” The muscular man stared at Long Bufan darkly. , The sneaked of frigid irony and scorching satire.

However, for the one after another sympathetic gaze and the threatening voices of Jin Yun and the others, Long Bufan is unheard of, lifts the head, looking at Jin Yun, coldly said: “Hundred Sects Battlefield The guardian city is a public place created by the temple pavilion. You take advantage of one’s position to bully people like this, taking advantage of one’s position to bully people, and you have the face to say that you are charging an entrance fee. What a shame!”

As soon as the words came out, the surrounding people were immediately moved. Yes, this is a public place, but because they and these groups of forces grabbed the site, they collected miscellaneous entrance fees and exploited their resources. Now that I think about it, the more I think about it. Angry.

However, there are so many people, and they can’t compete with them. For a while, they can only submit to humiliation.

Long Bufan noticed the subtle changes in the people around him, a weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he secretly said: “This fire has already started to ignite. Next, I will be on fire. It’s pour the oil.”

This time he arrived in Wuling City, it was not so simple as to seize the site. His ambition is to completely control the city and then dominate the entire Hundred Sects battlefield!

Chapter 988 is offended and convicted

“Hehe, really courageous. I don’t know where you come from. This confidence is because of you, the Divine Sea 5th layer. What is the strength of Long Bufan?” And the actions of Long Bufan, undoubtedly, at this moment, made Jin Yun a murderous heart. He hovered in mid-air, staring at Long Bufan condescendingly in his voice. He said slowly: “Boy, sometimes self-confidence is a good thing, but if you are too self-confident, there will be some overestimate one’s capabilities.”

while speaking, half-step Divine Sea environment 6th-layer that terrifying aura directly It exploded and opened, with the terrifying sound of wind and thunder mixed in the billowing vitality, fiercely pressed down against Long Bufan!

Feeling this strong vitality pressure, some martial artists with low cultivation base around are all shocked. They have also heard a little about Wind Thunder Sect. Its sect is just like the name. The cultivation technique of cultivation has the martial arts characteristics of the two attributes of wind and thunder.

In other words, their condensed true element not only has the attribute of wind, but also contains Thunder Strength. The combination of the two makes formidable power much stronger than the ordinary single attribute true element.

This pressure is like the pressure of a mountain, but Long Bufan’s complexion is unchanged, his body is standing in place like a straight iron gun, and there are a few sneers in his eyes. There is no real breakthrough guy in the Sea 6th-layer environment, and it is a joke that he wants to use coercion to deter him.

He doesn’t care how powerful Jin Yun is in Wuling City, how famous he is, if he really dares to blackmail the Star Pill, then Long Bufan can only let the latter understand. Yes, it is not a soft persimmon, but a hard iron plate.


Under everyone’s astonished eyes, layers of vitality and coercion with the wind Thunder Attribute were stacked, and under the control of Jin Yun, they rushed to Long Bufan like a surging sea.

“Noisy!” Long Bufan was coldly snorted, his hands were slightly clenched, and there was a faintly discernible flow of electric light under his skin. In an instant, a violent Thunder Strength surged as it spread. Out.

Crackle’s arc was flying all over the body, and the violent thunder and lightning directly destroyed the vitality and coercion with the sound of wind and thunder, making him half-step Divine Sea 6th in Jinyun. Under the powerful atmosphere of the -layer realm, there is no sense of oppression at all.

“Oh? I turned out to be a Thunder Element warrior. No wonder he was so arrogant.”

Looking at Long Bufan’s twinkling purple arc around his body, Jin Yun’s eyes were slightly open Surprisingly, because thunder and lightning is a kind of formidable power with more manic energy, the Thunder Element martial artist is slightly stronger than the martial artist of other attribute martial arts under the same cultivation base.

“However, do you think that you can beat the 6th-layer of Divine Sea in a half step with your ability, so you are really qualified to be arrogant in front of me?”

Jin Yun stared at Long Bufan with a cat-and-mouse-like joke in his eyes, coldly said with a smile: “But, since you are here for the first time, I can give you one last chance, to hold that Hundred Sects jade token And give me your storage bag, and then listen to my dispatch for three months, until the end of the hunting game on the Hundred Sects battlefield, I will leave you a way to survive, how?”

His lineup and his own strength are extremely confident. Do not say that Long Bufan is only the 5th layer Early-Stage of Divine Sea, even if he is the 5th layer Peak of Divine Sea, it is not that easy to retreat here.


Long Bufan’s words are very simple, only two words, but they made the smile on Jin Yun’s face finally fade away, a feeling of coldness. The murderous aura is also slowly emitted.

Looking at Jin Yun whose eyes were full of killing intents, Hei Yan and Jiang Yu knew in their hearts that this half-step Divine Sea 6th-layer powerhouse was offended tonight.

Chapter 989 Overestimate one’s capabilities

The simple two words’dreaming’ echoed in this street, making many people’s faces surprised, but It’s slightly exciting.

You must know that Jin Yun is also the number one person in this Wuling City. The strength of the half-step Divine Sea 6th-layer, plus the team power group led by him, is enough to make him here. In front of him, some small teams and small forces dare not impudent him.

Although Long Bufan easily resolved Jin Yun’s Origin Force coercion just now, after all, Jin Yun hasn’t really done anything yet. If they really fought, they would definitely think that Long Bufan’s Lian Jinyun’s An offensive can’t be followed.

Jiang Yu stood behind Long Bufan with a facial expression grave, staring vigilantly at the group of forces headed by Jin Yun. Although he knew that sooner or later he would conflict with some forces in Wuling City, but he did not expect , This was just a short while ago, and it was a direct match.

Heiyan holds the black iron rod in one hand, and even if the number of enemies at this moment is ten times more than them, his eyes are shining with a fanatical fighting intent.

When he came to the Hundred Sects battlefield this half a month, he had always fought against the corpses, and he had hardly fought against Heaven’s Chosen Child from various sects. Now this situation is really addictive. He was faintly excited.

“I gave you a chance, but you were not sure, since that’s the case…”

Jin Yun stared at Long Bufan, eyes slightly narrowed, with a light sigh, his eyes suddenly darkened. After coming down, the body shook slightly, and for a while, one after another ink purple wind and thunder Origin Force whizzed out from within the body, and the majestic aura surged like a violent wind, and suddenly it enveloped this area. .

At the same time, the twenty-odd sectarian geniuses attached to Jinyun also drew out their weapons one after another, surrounded Long Bufan their three people with a stern face, blocking all retreat.

Seeing this scene, the people near the Long Bufan three-person area at the gate of Fangshi, complexion changed, immediately crash-bang back, lest they will be affected by the waiting battle, only some women The martial artists, looking towards Long Bufan, their eyes have a trace of sympathy and pity.

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