Obviously, under Long Bufan their three people’s wholeheartedly fast rush, it has a very good effect. It shortens the time a bit, until the end of the line of sight at dusk, Vaguely, a faint flash of light emerged.

Long Bufan’s complexion was overjoyed, and he looked far away. What appeared in his line of sight was the outline of a city full of ancient aura, and above the outline of the city was enveloped a huge energy mask, blocking The rich demonic energy of the surrounding earth.

Obviously, the city not far away is undoubtedly their destination this time, Wuling City.

“I finally arrived before dark…”

Flying to the front, looking at this ancient and majestic city, Long Bufan and their three people are all lightly exhaled.

Although in this Hundred Sects battlefield, everyone is a competitor, but in this cruel and dangerous environment, sometimes it is necessary to live in groups, otherwise, the singlehanded action, how did you lose your life? Do not know at all.

“The number of martial artists living in Wuling City is much more than the previous guardian city!”

Even if they have not entered the city at this moment, Long Bufan’s Spiritual Consciousness can be vaguely noticed, with one after another powerful human martial cultivator aura permeating from the city, rushing into the sky.

At the moment, Long Bufan also has a little look of shock on his face. Judging from these breaths, I am afraid that there are martial artists in the Divine Sea 4th layer.

Obviously, in this Wuling city, there are a large number of sects Heaven’s Chosen, among which the powerhouse of the crouching tiger hidden dragon is not a few!

Chapter 981 Entering the City

After a while, Long Bufan, Jiang Yu, and Heiyan their three people have already flown and landed outside Wuling City.

Standing at the foot of the city, Long Bufan lifts the head, looking at the ancient city in front of you, although it looks a bit dilapidated on the outside, every piece of bluestone rock on the city wall is transparent. A feeling of heavy and firmness.

Obviously, in those days, the humans in this area, in order to be able to resist the invasion of foreign demons, even such a small city was built extremely stable.

As Long Bufan’s gaze moved upward, he saw a huge bead like a night pearl floating in the sky above the city, emitting a hazy rays of light. On light, there is a strange energy fluctuation, covering the whole city.

In the previous guarding city, Long Bufan has already seen this huge bead, and he wants to come to any city designated as a guardian city, there will be this kind of bead guarding.

Because of the rays of light energy fluctuations that they emit, they have a certain repelling and restraining effect on the demon corpses and demonic energy, making the demon corpses afraid to approach easily, and they have also killed a whole heavenly demon. When the night falls, many contestants of the corpse have a safe place to rest.

After all, the temple pavilion organizes this kind of sectarian genius competition tournament, the main purpose of which is to cultivate young talents in the sky continent and prevent a new generation of successors in the face of another great catastrophe.

So, even if the Hundred Sects battlefield is full of unimaginable blood and cruelty, the rules will not be too ruthless, and these guardian cities have been deliberately brought out.

“whiz whiz whiz !!!”

At this time, outside the city gate, there is constantly one after another silhouette rushing from all directions. These people are male There are women, everyone exudes a vigorous breath.

Obviously, they hunted the corpses outside during the day or looked for opportunities, until the night was about to fall, they hurriedly flew back to the guard city to prevent being surrounded and suppressed by the high-level corpses coming out of the nest.

Because the energy fluctuations emitted by the Ye Mingzhu have the effect of resisting the demonic energy, and the Hundred Sects jade tokens on everyone have absorbed a large amount of demonic energy, everyone cannot fly directly into the city from the sky, only from Go in at the city gate.

As soon as the dense crowd landed on the ground, they flooded into the not-so-wide arched circular city gate. For a while, all kinds of messy sounds spread out and rushed straight into the sky.

“It seems that it is more humanitarian here, let’s go in.”

Long Bufan said calmly and calmly. He observed the city gate in Wuling City, not at All appeared similar to the previous Beizhou sect headed by Mo Ming, a family of men and horses dominates the city, and then implemented the kind of cultivation that received Divine Pill as a protection fee.

After all, this place is not at all. The prestige of super sects such as Mo Ming’s is deterred. Most of the people who come here are sectarian geniuses with similar strengths. Fish and dragons mixed in together, it is difficult to Use military force to force them to pay any protection fees obediently.

Furthermore, in Wuling City, the Quartet sect forces are organized to sit together and restrain each other. Therefore, the order in the city is not too friendly and friendly. Although small frictions occurred occasionally during this period, they were too intense. The fight, not at all, really happened.

After a while, Long Bufan, Jiang Yu and Moyan their three people, in front of the city gate, after a short wait in line, they passed the city gate unimpeded and entered Wuling City.

Chapter 982 weak are prey to the strong

Because Wuling city not at all, the behavior of collecting protection fees has attracted many sectarian disciplines floating outside, making The city is quite popular with noisy voices.

As soon as they entered the city, Long Bufan their three people’s eyes were swept around guardingly. After all, the first time they came here, the heart of the embankment was indispensable.

“There are many martial artists here, and they are very strong!”

Long Bufan walks in the street, and everyone who passes by, whether male or female, gives him a special kind of strength Aura.

It seems that in this cruel competitive environment, everyone has deliberately revealed their own strength, so that those who want to come to trouble have to weigh in.

Long Bufan, Heiyan, and Jiang Yu saw this and smiled at each other, but they didn’t have the way of going to the countryside and walking around the city in a low-key style. After observation and a little inquiries, they probably learned about Wuling. Some situations in the city are distributed.

In this small city, although not at all the forces that are fully controlled, there are also many small groups of forces. They divided this Wuling city into bits and pieces, each occupying some territory.

Therefore, after walking around, Long Bufan did not at all look for a better place to live, but in this search, he found some unique features of this city instead.

Here, there is a market similar to the outside world. If some sectarian disciplines are not useful for martial arts cheats or weapons, they will be auctioned there in exchange for medicine pill they need. and so on, it’s a bit lively.

This exchange is located in the center of the city. It is a site occupied by Wind Thunder Sect, one of the Four Great Influences in the city. Anyone who wants to enter, whether setting up a stall or strolling around, must pay They set some entrance fees.

The night is long. Due to boredom and curiosity, the three people of Long Bufan, Heiyan, and Jiang Yu did not rest and wait for the day to come. After some inquiries, they went straight to the center of Wuling City.

Generally speaking, as long as there are people, some rules are born. However, in a dangerous area like the Hundred Sects battlefield, the only rule that can be regarded as a rule is that weak are prey to the strong. If the strength is weak, there is no qualification to have a baby!

For example, this kind of trading venue in Wuling City, even if it is controlled by forces led by Wind Thunder Sect, is still not as safe as auction venues in outside cities and has fair and just guarantees. For them, they only charge the entrance fee, which cares about your life and death at the venue and the safety of your property.

Moreover, there is no so-called Auctioneer in the exchanges. If you want to sell your own things, you have to rely on yourself to recommend and shout. There is no such thing as an auction house that protects sellers.

Because of this, there are often some bad luck guys who are brutally and forcibly snatched after exposing treasure.

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