However, Long Bufan, who has the magic Shadow Clone cheat device, now has more than 4,000 medicine pill recipes, so for him this level, he has almost no battle strength at all. jade slip, even if it is burned with Spiritual Consciousness.

Shi Su on the side released a wisp of Spiritual Consciousness this time and got into the jade slip, staring carefully.

“Fast speed…”

Looking at Long Bufan’s answering speed almost verbatim, Shi Su cautiously jumped, short of breath, subconsciously watching Looking at the face of Long Bufan, this is a delicate and pretty face with a sharp outline. Although it is only 18 years old and slightly immature, there is a faint feeling of passing through the mulberry in the eyebrows. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t notice it. But when you look closely, you can feel the mature temperament that the teenager does not match the peers.

“Is he really only 18 years old?” One question after another flashed in Shi Su’s mind, and his charming face had been replaced by various curiosities.

Another hour has passed. Long Bufan has already taken back the Spiritual Consciousness. After two consecutive hours of concentration recording, his face looks a little tired.

“So fast…” Shi Su sucked in a breath of cold air, while she was at a loss, Long Bufan had already finished answering…

Shi Su’s beautiful eyes bloomed With a touch of surprise, staring at the boy in front of her, she seemed to have seen the birth of a Pill Dao genius!

Besides shock, the coldness on Shi Su’s face was replaced with an excited smile, and he looked at Long Bufan and said: “From tomorrow, your Alchemy Technique will be taught by Shi Su alone. It is also your exclusive Alchemist Fu.”

Listening to this, Long Bufan couldn’t help but think, could Shi Su Elder fire the three Alchemists who followed her to practice the pill technique? Then focus on nurturing yourself?

“It would be great without being disturbed like this, a male and a female together alone, in the same room…” Long Bufan hehe smiled and took two steps forward , The decent moved towards Shi Su performed the gift of a small sect disciple and said with a smile: “Thank you, Master, I finally have a meal tonight.”

“Smooth tone.” Shi Su chuckled and resolved the previous misunderstanding. She now looks at Long Bufan, she no longer dislikes as much as before, and her beautiful eyes are full of appreciation. The bright red lips, the corners of the mouth seem to be curved, with a slight smile.

“Well, laugh more, so that people won’t be mistaken for the aunt.” Long Bufan said with a smile in his heart, looking at the charming smile on Shi Su’s mouth , It feels somewhat pleasing to the eye.

Although Shi Su does not have the sacred beauty of Lin Shuang’er, it is because of his age experience, whether it is the figure or the gestures, it gives people a charming and mature beauty.

Chapter 572 Plain Freedom

In the evening, in the dining hall of Alchemy Pavilion 3rd floor, under the jealousy of many Pill Pavilion disciples, Long Bufan and the beautiful eldest old Shi joined together. dinner.

The meal time is not long, about ten minutes, when he walked out of the canteen door, Long Bufan suddenly stopped, and said with a faint smile to Shi Su: “Elder Shi, I may be fine tomorrow. Fa come to Alchemy Pavilion.”

“It takes time to learn Alchemy Technique well, don’t half-hearted.” Although Shi Su’s figure is tall, standing beside Long Bufan, he is also shorter than him. Half of her head, at this moment, she and Long Bufan looked at each other and needed to raise her forehead slightly.

“I understand.” Long Bufan smiled clearly and said: “But I really have something important to deal with.”

Shi Su couldn’t help but curiously asked: “You can What’s the important thing?”

Long Bufan said with a smile: “Promoted to the inner temple discipline.”

Hearing this, Shi Su’s complexion was slightly surprised, and immediately smiled charmingly Nodded and said: “This is really important. If you are promoted to the inner temple discipline, it means that you become the key personnel trained by the sect. In the future, all medicine ingredients resources for practicing the pill technique in the Pill Pavilion will be provided by the sect “

Long Bufan suddenly realized that the inner hall discipline still had such treatment, and he couldn’t help but feel a little surprised. In this way, he could save a lot of expenses.

Although the current Long Bufan is a local tyrant-level lord, his assets in the territory is one hair from nine oxen, which is one hair from nine oxen, and there is no comparability at all. Moreover, Alchemy Technique needs to cost The medicine ingredients are so huge that even the wealthy Imperial Family can only support two Alchemists.

After bidding farewell to Shi Su, Long Bufan took Xiaobai out of the Pill Pavilion and went straight back to the No. 8-8 Detached House of the outer hall dormitory.

As soon as I started, there was an unpleasant odor that drove the sky, and a very sad and desolate voice: “I will not take this kind of shit task after killing me. I will die soon. I’m…”

Long Bufan couldn’t help but take a closer look. Although the light is dim at night, it has no effect on Long Bufan. At a glance, he saw three people lying in the small courtyard. Teenager in the dirt.

These three people are Lin Yan, Lei Meng, and Long Yunfei, and Long Bufan remembered that today’s task of their three people was to control the animal’s house and dig out animal dung. At this moment, I saw them extremely embarrassed. Tired on the ground, obviously today’s life is not easy.

“Are the tasks completed?” Long Bufan walked to the stone bench in the courtyard and sat down and asked slightly.

“Boss, it’s done, Mr. Mo heard that we are your brother. Before leaving, he taught us three of us how to control the beast.” Leimen sat up hard, his honest eyes flashed With the excited rays of light, grinning said with a smile: “Tomorrow we can go to Wang Yi Palace Lord to apply for promotion to the inner temple discipline.”

hearing this, Long Bufan is also happy for them, so Four people can all enter the inner hall.

“zhi zhi ~” Foxtail Mink Xiaobai’s nose has always been sensitive. Regarding Lin Yan’s odor from their three people, his little paws pinched his nose and jumped into the courtyard wall unbearably. Up, breathing in the fresh air.

“Xiaobai, you actually dislike us stink, see if I don’t pass the smell of shit to you…” Upon seeing this, Lin Yan couldn’t help but screamed, baring fangs and brandishing claws. Xiaobai flew over.

However, Nine-tailed Fox has always been a Spirit Beast with a fast speed. The white shadow flew across the room, like a white lightning, and in the blink of an eye, it jumped to the other side of the courtyard wall and turned back proudly. He took a look at Lin Yan.

“Where to run.”

Even so, Lin Yan is still eagerly “hunting” Xiaobai, follow closely from behind, Lei Meng and Long Yunfei are the same Joined the hunt.

In this way, three people and one beast ran around in the small dormitory courtyard, laughing and cursing constantly.

Looking at this scene, Long Bufan smiled and shook the head, lit a cigarette and smoked it comfortably.

This is life. It doesn’t need to be vigorous, and the small days of plain freedom are sometimes good.

Chapter 573 Promotion to the inner hall discipline

The sky is getting brighter, and on the morning of the 2nd day, Long Bufan, Lei Meng, Lin Yan and Long Yunfei, four of them, ate at Huo Zhan Fang After breakfast, we went to the Palace Lord in the outer hall.

As the Palace Lord of the outer hall, he is not doing nothing all day. Every sect disciple promoted from the outer hall to the inner hall must be approved by him personally.

“Well, the cultivation base of the four of you is above the Profound Gate Realm, and the contribution points of the sect have reached 10,000 points. You are already eligible for promotion to the inner hall.”

In the wide hall, Wang Yi Palace Lord said with a smile in a deep voice, and then with a big wave of his hand, four golden glows suddenly shot out of his hand and flew towards the four of Long Bufan.

Long Bufan immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed the golden glow into his palm. When he lowered his head, he saw a piece of golden jade slip that represented their promotion to the disciple of the inner hall.

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