Faced with so many high-level golden armor soldiers, Long Bufan’s pressure suddenly increased a lot. He used his body skills for a long time and intensively to evade, even though he was within the body and his blood was strong, his breathing Zhong also started to gasp slightly.

“It’s almost there!”

Long Bufan cultivated a multi-hour body technique in one breath, and felt that it was enough. At this point, I saw him turned over the palm and pulled out of the storage bag The evil spirit devouring sword.

Holding the sword with one hand, Long Bufan has cold light flashed in his eyes, and the majestic Origin Force is poured into Black’s sword, and his imposing manner bursts out instantly!

Chapter 559 Golden armor soldier king

“shua~ shua~ shua~ -!!!”

In the palace of Level 9 difficulty, Long Bufan With the unusually mysterious speed and slowness of the posture, as well as the fierce sword style, the golden armor soldiers swept by the spirit devouring sword all flew upside down. After falling to the ground, they quickly climbed up again, on the solid golden armor. There was no damage, only one after another sword mark that was healing.

“So strong!”

Long Bufan slapped his lips. The golden armor soldiers of level ten difficulty are really strong, unlike the previous golden armor soldiers who are not resistant to fighting.

“Be stronger, let’s fight today!”

Officially stepping into the Divine Sea realm, coupled with the initial success of the Sky Sword Art, Long Bufan needs it A big battle to test their own strength, but also to allow the body to run into the sword intent, and adapt to the power of this advanced by leaps and bounds.

“bang bang bang!”

The evil spirit devouring sword is dancing and tossing like a cutting machine. Under the brutal sword energy, the golden armor soldiers are blown upside down one by one. !

It’s a pity that these golden armor soldiers are not at all Spirit Physiques such as Demon Spirit and Primordial Spirit, otherwise they will become food for the evil spirit sword.

Therefore, Long Bufan simply applied the dark power of the mysterious magic formula to the evil spirit sword, so as to increase the lethality of the attack.


“Haha, come again!”

Fighting intent The raging Long Bufan holds the evil spirit devouring sword, and every sword is poured in After Anjin, in a series of rumblings, the golden armor soldiers burst into pieces!


Besides Cave Mansion, the deacon Senior Brother, who has been waiting for Long Bufan’s trial, turned his head and glanced at Yuan Crystal Stone in the plate, and the result was straightforward Dumbfounded, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly to watch Yuan Crystal Stone’s energy is rapidly consuming…

You know, this is the spare Yuan Crystal Stone just replaced!

Even if Core Disciple in the inner temple comes in, there is no such consumption speed!

This…what the hell is going on?

In fact, what he didn’t know was that in the past, the outer hall of the Zongmen disciples entered the Cave Mansion trial, and most of them could not blast these golden armor soldiers to blasts, but they could just knock them down.

Even some perverted characters in the disciple of the inner hall can only slash the golden armor soldiers with one sword. They can’t stab them with one sword like Long Bufan, and the golden armor soldiers explode. Up!

Under the urging of Formation, although golden armor soldiers can repair themselves, the repair needs to consume the energy in Yuan Crystal Stone. Those golden armor soldiers who were knocked down and slightly injured hardly No matter how energy is needed, it can be repaired and perfected. Even a golden armor soldier cut open by a sword has only one wound, so it doesn’t use much energy.

It’s just that Long Bufan’s dark shock martial skill destructive power is too strong. Those golden armor soldiers who are pierced by a sword will be hard pressed. Not only does it take longer to repair, but also The Yuan Crystal Stone consumed by itself is also extremely scary!

In Cave Mansion, the sweaty Long Bufan’s figure passed through a transparent barrier, and he had already stepped into the last stone hall, which is the tenth-level golden armor formation.

However, when he came in this time, Long Bufan found that he was not greeted by hordes of golden armor soldiers as he had imagined. In the center of the hall, only a golden silhouette stood.

It is about two meters high. It is covered with scarlet gold armor on that tall body, which looks quite mighty, and the rune inscribed on the surface of the gold armor also presents a dark Red, as if stained with blood, reveals a mysterious blood glow.

This is the trial ground of Cave Mansion golden armor rune formation, the king of the last stage, golden armor soldier king!

Chapter 560 One Sword Kills the Living Spirit

“The really strong breath, I am afraid that the strength is not weaker than my advanced talisman armor.”

Long Bufan stared solemnly at the golden armored soldier king. From the terrifying aura that suddenly became violent around him, he knew that the king of the final stage of the trial seemed to be about to take action.

“Intruder, don’t want to die, get out!”

The golden armor soldier seemed to be conscious. After making a deep and deep voice, he stepped on the storm of vitality and his eyes were cold. In the middle, flashing red glow, in those eyes, there is an endless killing intent, which makes the heart palpitating.

As the cold voice came out, the golden armor soldier’s huge scarlet gold palm slammed out, and then the Gold Element’s vitality in the Formation began to scream, and it was directly condensed in midair. The Hegemon Origin Force golden palm covering the sky and the sun, and the golden giant palm shot down, directly blasting the air, and slapped Long Bufan angrily.

That fierce power, it seems that even an Iron Pagoda has to burst into powder on the spot!

“Divine Sea 2nd layer!”

Faced with such offensives, Long Bufan also saw the strength of the golden armor soldier at a glance, and his complexion was also pale , The next moment, there was a fierce lustre in his eyes. Since he has rushed here all the way, he can’t escape in a desperate way, so he can only fight hard!

“I want to see, you, the king of the trial ground, what is it capable of!”

Long Bufan gave a low growl, and immediately held the sword with his right hand, changing in the void One after another extremely mysterious Sword Art, and with the change of its Sword Art, one after another obscure dark vitality emerges from its sword body, which is also boiling at this moment, even faintly, even the richness condensed in the surrounding Formation Gold Element’s vitality is also a sign of being swallowed.

“bang bang!”

one after another Diablo Origin Force, the strange spirit devouring sword gathered in the hands of Long Bufan, Origin Force whistling, hidden, there is also Weak momentum.

“If you want to drive me away, let you try my cultivation Sword Devouring Technique!”

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