Although the seven formations are located in seven different places, this valley is the center of the seven formations, and there is a total Transmission Array in it. Which Formation cultivation the sect disciple wants depends on The management deacon arrangement of Valley Transmission Array.

“Junior Brother Long, long time no see you have come to the cultivation site, what a rare visitor!” The man who was talking was a male deacon who was in charge of managing the transmission of Formation. After he saw Long Bufan in the crowd, he immediately laughed and welcomed Up here.

Since the law enforcement tower broke through and successfully exited the tower, Long Bufan is almost known to everyone in the sect disciple of their younger generation.

Chapter 548 Kuangfeng Cave

Long Bufan apologized to say with a smile: “Senior Brother, sorry, I decided to come to the cultivation camp temporarily. I didn’t make an appointment in advance. I don’t know where the Kuangfeng Cave is. No?”

The seven Formations are divided into seven Great Attributes: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, Thunder, and Gale Cave is one of the wind arrays. Long Bufan only went to This is the first time I have passed the Frost Ice Waterfall and Lava Valley.

“Of course there is a place, as long as it is Junior Brother Long you will have a place whenever you come.” Formation deacon said with a smile. Compared with the rest of the sect disciple, he is particularly enthusiastic about Long Bufan. .

He has heard of Long Bufan’s legendary deeds and amazing martial arts talents. No one can tell. Long Bufan is likely to become the Palace Lord of the Black Tortoise Mansion in ten years’ time, so At this time, it is natural to fudge well in advance.

“Okay, there is Senior Brother Lao.” After Long Bufan thanked him, he could go through related procedures without queuing under the back door of the male deacon.

Because these seven Killing Formations operate all the year round, the energy consumed is also a considerable expense. If you want to enter the cultivation inside, the condition is 100 Zongmen contribution point, or 500 Primordial Yang stone.

Long Bufan, who didn’t want to continue doing the task, naturally chose to pay the Primordial Yang stone.

Such expenses can only be sighed for Long Bufan, who was poor in the past, but for Long Bufan, who is now rich in wealth.

Wealth is just something outside the body, what he really values ​​is his own strength. No matter how much wealth, there is no absolute strength, it is a vain appearance, and it is very likely that it will be slaughtered by others as a fat sheep and robbed of all the wealth.

It can be seen that one’s own strength is the most important.

“Junior Brother Long, this is your jade token for entering the battlefield. Before entering Gale Cave, you can ask the deacon in charge of Formation to help you choose the difficulty.” The male deacon collected 500 Primordial Yang from Long Bufan After Shi, he quickly went through the relevant procedures, and then took out a palm-sized azure jade token and gave it to Long Bufan.

Then, Long Bufan, under the transmission of the central Formation, came to a deep and shallow cave with a hundred zhang, extending inward and getting narrower and narrower, the stronger the wind pressure, the faster the wind speed!

It was originally a grotto with gusts of wind, and with the Wind Element array set in it, not only can the level be set to increase the wind speed to faster, but the wind direction can also become elusive, undercurrent Everywhere, even at the highest difficulty level, there can be waves of wounding wind blowing in the Formation.

This is the wind array, one of the seven great cultivator refining arrays.

After stepping out of the Transmission Array, a twenty-something deacon disciple walked towards him. His young face looked a bit old-fashioned. It was not like the deacon just now. Indifferently collected Long Bufan’s jade token, and then said coldly: “Junior Brother Long, you are entering the Gale Cave for the first time. The difficulty is limited to level 6. If there is no problem, you can go in.”

“Okay, trouble deacon Senior Brother!”

Long Bufan nodded and said, since the first time I came, I didn’t know the level of the sixth level of Kuangfeng Cave, so I also Without support, the cultivation is based on the basics, and it is more difficult to wait for the adaptation and then challenge.

“Well, if you can’t stand the wind in the Gale Cave, come out, no one will laugh at you.” The old-fashioned young deacon reminded Long Bufan lightly as usual.

Long Bufan smiled politely, “I understand, thank Senior Brother for reminding.”

“Well, you can go in.” After the young deacon was indifferent and nodded, he turned and left. To the stone platform not far away, Formation was turned on.

Long Bufan also immediately turned around and stepped into the squally windy cave…

Chapter 549 Difficulty level 6

The gusty wind cave array level 6 difficulty After opening, Long Bufan also moved towards the entrance.

“Boss, I’ll be waiting for you outside.” Foxtail Mink grinned, took out a big apple from Long Bufan’s storage bag, and then jumped on the rock on the side. Naturally, he didn’t want to go. Kuangfeng Cave suffers.

“xiu! 咻! 咻——!!!”

As soon as he stepped into the Kuangfeng Cavern, Long Bufan immediately heard the roar of wind in the cave, bursts of sound It was like a violent storm, blowing from all directions without warning.

Seven great cultivator The gale cave of the refining array, because the wind is howling fiercely, it can blow people messy with the wind and become unstable. Therefore, Kuangfeng Caves are generally used to sect disciple cultivation for the parts below the waist, especially the legs. For martial artists, the waist and legs are strong and support the stature to be more powerful.

Therefore, the 1st stage of the martial artist cultivation system is the pure body stage, and it is often necessary to train the horse first, even if Long Bufan, who was a handyman at the beginning, is also in the pure body stage training. Start with Zama and practice the next game.

But this time, Long Bufan entered the Kuangfeng Cavern not to practice Zha Ma stance, but to cultivation the body.

Because he learned from Wu Kuang’s cultivation experience that body style is the key to good sword style. sword and body unify, sword and paradox, this is the sword-style essentials of the’Sky Sword Sword Art’, and emphasizes the use of body to carry the sword, body method, artistic conception, Sword Art fuse together, body walking like a dragon, sword walking like electricity, Aware, sword!

Therefore, before Long Bufan practice sword, he must first stabilize his figure, and this Kuangfeng Cave is the best Practice Field site.

Although the sixth-level wind of Kuangfeng Cave is a bit swift, but for Long Bufan’s current cultivation base, these wind speeds do not have much effect on him. He just starts to walk, and his steps are a little floating.

The further you go in, the higher the wind speed, Long Bufan’s hair is blown messy, and he stopped after walking for a few minutes. This position is the formation eye of the wind gust, so the wind speed is more Strong, Long Bufan needs to run within the body vitality to barely stand up.

He transported the Origin Force to the soles of his feet and nailed them firmly on the ground like a nail. No matter what the gusts of all directions were raging, he could not blow it.

Long Bufan is not busy with cultivation, but Spiritual Consciousness sinks into his mind, flipping through the cultivation technique inheritance left by Wu Kuang, and gradually, his mind is involuntarily immersed in it, carefully experiencing With every sentence in it, and every time he sees something amazing, Long Bufan will feel a sense of sudden enlightenment.

After one hour, Long Bufan discovered that Wu Kuang’s cultivation technique had been read by himself, and he felt quite unfulfilled in his heart.

After that, Long Bufan closed his eyes and moved slightly with his thoughts, and the image of azure robe silhouette demonstrating Heavenly Art appeared in his mind.

“Wu Kuang Senior’s body method seems to contain a trace of Law in it…”

“Dark Law?” Long Bufan guessed in his heart, but immediately it was hooked the head, muttered to himself: “No, Dark Law is only available in Sword Art, and it is impossible to have such a fast speed.”

Long Bufan simply ignores the powerful sword style of formidable power. Instead, he pays his attention to the azure robe silhouette mysterious and unfathomable body method. His Spiritual Consciousness follows every step of the azure robe silhouette and gradually enters the state. With the Spiritual Consciousness, it is separated into the cultivation technique. , As if he is azure robe silhouette, and azure robe silhouette is him.

Chapter 550 The Law of Artistic Conception

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